Aircraft Of Ancient India - Vimana - Alternative View

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Aircraft Of Ancient India - Vimana - Alternative View
Aircraft Of Ancient India - Vimana - Alternative View

Video: Aircraft Of Ancient India - Vimana - Alternative View

Video: Aircraft Of Ancient India - Vimana - Alternative View
Video: Ancient India had planes: Controversial claim at Science Congress 2024, October

The ancient Indian manuscript "Vaimanika Shastra" is kept in the central archive of India in the city of Delhi. It was written by Maharshi Bharadwaja, in the 4th century BC. The manuscript is based on more ancient manuscripts of the first and second millennia BC.

This manuscript describes 32 secrets. The actions of the air chariots (Viman). They are mentioned in sources about the ancient Indian epic. Vimanas are described as the most reliable air chariots of the time, they could not be burned or broken. The Vimanas deserved great respect. Numerous advantages consisted of the following: speed of movement, rotation around its own axis, dive under water and find as much as needed. The qualities of maneuverability and advantage over the enemy: movement by jerks, zigzags, jumps, decrease or increase in size, change in shape, disguise by clouds, absorption of sunlight, as a result of which it becomes invisible. Thanks to the additional light, it was possible to see objects that were previously invisible, to paralyze with the help of force, people and animals,easy flight from one groan to another or to another city and much more.


What is written in this manuscript?

Attached, to the manuscript, is an instruction manual for Vimana pilots. Which are able to fly to any point on the earth or to other worlds. Also, pilots must follow a diet and wear an appropriate head start, this is described in a separate chapter.

The manuscript contains chapters on the very construction of the viman and its devices. Devices at that time performed a wide variety of functions - radars, searchlights, cameras, huge and destructive weapons. All this was in only one air chariot.

Vimanas are divided into 12 tops, but only three are described, the simplest models. The author explains this by the fact that if people are provided with this information, they can destroy themselves and all living things.

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Not only manuscript describes air chariots

In the epic "Ramayana" this instruction is also written and all constructions of vimanas are described. For example, this epic tells about the Pushpak staircase. It was decorated with columns and various arches, which was equipped with tracks. And the staircase itself could easily overcome obstacles and dive into the world of aquatic inhabitants.

"Roars like a lion" - so they said in the oldest Sanskrit books, when the chariot took off.

“A metal box that gives strength is in the middle of the ship. This "force" goes into the pipes installed on the karma and the bow of the ship. Before the journey, the pipes, to which the same "force" was received, but there were eight of them, and they looked down at the ground, opened with latches. When it rose high above the ground, the pipes that looked down were covered. This allowed the air chariot to hang in the air. Then the remaining "current" is directed into the pipe, which was on the karma of the vimana, thereby allowing to fly forward "- a description of the preparation and launch of an air chariot.

“The body is made light, strong and durable. Inside this structure is a device with iron mercury heaters. Thanks to this mercury, a human pilot in an air chariot can overcome long flights over it, “feeding on the power of mercury”. Mercury is heated by fire, which is controlled by iron heaters. After that the chariot accelerates and becomes one of the "pearls in the sky" - a general description of an air chariot.