The Common Ancestors Of The Slavs Lived 4900 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Common Ancestors Of The Slavs Lived 4900 Years Ago - Alternative View
The Common Ancestors Of The Slavs Lived 4900 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: The Common Ancestors Of The Slavs Lived 4900 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: The Common Ancestors Of The Slavs Lived 4900 Years Ago - Alternative View
Video: Are the Europeans 1 Race? The Genetic Evidence 2024, October

The use of truly scientific methods against the pseudo-historical myths of forgers allows us to get an idea of how all this "official history" was written, which we are stuffed in textbooks, offering to blindly believe in the fantasies of forgers as "the truth of the last resort." One of these scientific methods is the method of DNA genealogy, developed by Professor A. Klesov, which allows tracing the genetic line of peoples and clans, not even centuries, but millennia ago.

So the data obtained by the scientist about the ancestors of the Slavic peoples unambiguously indicate that they lived already about 4.9 thousand years ago, and therefore the Slavs themselves did not appear as if "out of nowhere" in the 6th century AD, but were known before this time under different names. For example, the Veneti-Venets mentioned in the chronicles of various peoples are directly related to the Slavs. Here is what he writes about this in his book "History of the Aryans and Erbins":

As you can see, modern Slavic peoples, and especially Russians, Poles, Belarusians and Ukrainians did not appear out of nowhere in the 6th century, but had a rather long genetic and cultural tradition. Their common ancestors lived already about 5 thousand years ago and were known in historical annals under various names. Some of these ancestors were the Wends and the Veneti.

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