The Secret Of The City Of Arkaim - Alternative View

The Secret Of The City Of Arkaim - Alternative View
The Secret Of The City Of Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The City Of Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The City Of Arkaim - Alternative View
Video: Arkaim ancient city Chelyabinsk region 2024, October

Of those who are interested in history, almost everyone has heard of the epochal discovery of archaeologists in the Ural steppes. The find, in its significance and resonance, is not inferior to the discovery of the legendary Troy. The city was found - the progenitors of the legendary Aryan race - the cradle of all Indo-European peoples - Arkaim.


Here is a quote from the Alternative History Laboratory website:

Southern Urals. A steppe with variegated green islets of a birch forest, and rocky mountains, which, under the pressure of millions of years, turned into low, sloping hills.

So it was, and so it will continue for centuries.

Beginning in 1952, unique aerial photography data were obtained, and later satellites transmitted photographs of several unusual circles clearly visible on the steppe surface to Earth. No one doubted the artificial origin of these circles. Then no one could say exactly what it is. The circles were still a mystery.

By that time, in scientific and occult circles, a dispute was flaring up with might and main about where to look for the homeland of the Indo-Europeans, where is the source from which many peoples of Eurasia originated. After all, it became clear long ago that many European peoples, as well as the peoples of India, Persia and most of Asia, once had a single source - a mysterious people - the "Proto-Indo-Europeans". Ancient sources, legends, legends were studied, expeditions to the Urals, Tibet, Altai, etc. were equipped. Many dreamed of finding the remains of the country where the legendary white Aryan race lived. The souls and minds of people strove for a true, deep awareness of their origins. To that partially lost ancient secret knowledge, which was possessed by the ancient Aryans.

As always, all great things come unexpectedly, and, as a rule, from where you don't expect. In 1987, the Arkaim valley in the southern Urals was to be flooded in order to create a reservoir for irrigation of the arid steppe. Here, in the very heart of the valley, there were those same mysterious circles.

Promotional video:

Archaeologists were given a year to scout the area for fossils. Soon after the archaeologist's scapula uncovered several details of the incomprehensible circles, it became clear that this was a real sensation! The struggle to save Arkaim immediately began - this is the name of the remains of the majestic city, which turned out to be these mysterious circles. And - neither more nor less - these were the remains of the city, where the legendary Aryan race once lived. It turned out that the age of Arkaim is almost 40 centuries.

The entire community rose to save Arkaim. Head of the Ural archaeological expedition, candidate of historical sciences, head of the department of history and ethnography of the Chelyabinsk state. University, Gennady Borisovich Zdanovich goes to Moscow. Risking his career and his academic name, he seeks to stop the construction of an almost completed dam on the Bolshaya Karaganka River. As Gennady Borisovich himself says - an almost unreal thing happened - the multimillion-dollar construction stopped for the sake of an archaeological find! It was a real intervention of fate. So it was necessary.

And here is the opinion of people from the Forum of New Chronology, who actually visited this place.

"City" with a diameter of 60 m, surrounded by a palisade of logs. On the first floors there was an economic infrastructure similar to a modern city / wells, stoves, incl. smelters, kitchens, weaving, metalworking, sewerage /. Too lazy to list what the "guides" said. Every month, something is discovered, found, published. For example: clay pots were made there / which means this is the ancestral home of the Greeks /, but on the walls of some pots, an abnormally high content of noble metals / bronze, copper and even iron was found / - this means there is the ancestral home of the Jews. Near the "City" Arkaim of the rivers Utyaganka and Karaganka, sparrows cross knee-deep. But near the rivers, scientists find double-use fishing hooks: you can catch a beluga weighing 1000 kg on it or hang a criminal by the rib. The whole city was built of logs, but the gates did not close:"The inhabitants did not yet know how to make doors and gates." Through the eyes of a tourist you look at the “city of Arkaim” and you see a fragment-remake of a wall 10 meters long / on which you are allowed to sit with your legs dangling /. On an area of 100 sq. sod removed to a depth of 20cm. and wells and furnaces are painted on the bare ground with ashes. Burnt hemp marks the partitions of residential and utility rooms. They even show a place-garden 20 m long, where supposedly our great-great-great … were engaged in agriculture. How old is this "city"? The guides say 2000-4000 years old. + - 100,000 years by radiocarbon methods. Burnt hemp marks the partitions of residential and utility rooms. They even show a place-garden 20 m long, where supposedly our great-great-great … were engaged in agriculture. How old is this "city"? The guides say 2000-4000 years old. + - 100,000 years by radiocarbon methods. Burnt hemp marks the partitions of residential and utility rooms. They even show a place-garden 20 m long, where supposedly our great-great-great … were engaged in agriculture. How old is this "city"? The guides say 2000-4000 years old. + - 100,000 years by radiocarbon methods.

What happened to this "city"? The logs dried up and the "city" burned down like dry chips. Why? "Scientists" are working on this issue: they collect money from tourists.

You won't see anything, but if you hear enough, your ears will fade. So that tourists could shake off their ears, they built a "labyrinth" of stones; organized a route to the "mountain of love", from where screams are heard at night: "I want sex!"

They show with their hand / and even take them for money / to Mount Shamanka and talk, talk, talk … They built a museum with exhibits that you can see in any local history museum. We have built guest houses, a paid parking lot, a canteen, and run routes. But the main!!! This "city" stands on a tectonic fault. Cosmic energy is radiated from this rift and flows into it from space. And tourists who have visited the outskirts of the "city", as it were in space, have been, as it were, gained space energy. Therefore, on every stone, behind every bush you see meditating psychics and others. And for everything they take money, money.

Arkaim is not a settlement, the settlement implies at least some kind of civil life, and certainly not the Bronze Age, although it is precisely the Bronze and "Scythian" kurgans, only of their present date.

But by design, Arkaim is a banal fort, and it is clearly a gunshot era. A very familiar structure of the fortress with casemates under the walls. And the number of casemates fits very well with the structure of the battalion of the early 18th century. I would be surprised if in reality there were no 2-4 guns in Arkaim. There are even sites for reconstruction there, obviously for them.


And now we look at the map and find out that this is an advanced fort in the triangle of the Orenburg (1736-1739) and Uisk (1739) fortified lines.


Instead of either Slavs, or Türks, with bronze swords, we get soldiers in camisoles, called up no earlier than 1700.

Compare with the same arrangement of American forts of the early 19th century. And we understand everything. Even the dwellings of the soldiers, by the way with the stoves, were built as in Arkaim.


By the way, pay attention, there was simply nothing to saw with such a quantity of wood in the Bronze Age, and only a regular army of the 18th century could afford such an amount of it in the steppe.