The Writing Of The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

The Writing Of The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View
The Writing Of The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

Video: The Writing Of The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

Video: The Writing Of The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View
Video: Кирилл и Мефодий - Cyril and Methodius 2024, October

By decision of UNESCO, 863, the first year of Cyril and Methodius' stay in Moravia, is recognized as the year of the creation of the Slavic alphabet. At the same time, it is considered well-known that the Slavs had no other letter before.

Although this opinion was not substantiated by anyone in any way, it long ago turned into an indisputable dogma. Scientific journals did not accept for publication articles in which the existence of letters before Cyril and Methodius among the Slavs was proved. The authors of such works were regarded as charlatans in science, like the inventors of the perpetual motion machine.

But after all, the idea of a perpetual motion machine contradicts the law of conservation of energy and matter, which is valid for all mechanisms and machines without exception. And the hypothesis about the existence of Proto-Slavic writing does not contradict anything at all, perhaps, it does not agree with the idea of the alleged general backwardness of the Slavs in comparison with other peoples. But this is more politics than science. Science must operate with objective facts and documents.

While working on the book "Language in the natural sciences and higher education" (Minsk, 1999), I quite unexpectedly discovered that the question of pre-Cyrillic writing was raised already at the time of the invention of the Slavic alphabet. Who, if not the students of Cyril, know better than others how the Cyrillic (or Glagolitic) alphabet was created. So, in the "Pannonian Life" (Cyril), they argue that Cyril, long before he created the alphabet, visited the Crimea, in Karsun (Chersonesos), and brought from there the Gospel and the Psalter, written in Russian letters.

Information about the books from Karsun is contained in all 23 copies of the "Life", both East and South Slavic.

Now it has become known from Arab sources that already in the 40s of the IX century. among the eastern Slavs there were baptized people, it was for them that the sacred books were written in Russian letters. A well-known diploma of Pope Leo IV (Pope from 847 to 855), written in Cyrillic before her "invention". Catherine II in her "Notes on Russian history" wrote: "… the Slavs older than Nestor had a written language, but these have been lost and have not yet been found, and therefore have not reached us. The Slavs had a letter long before the birth of Christ."

Pavlenko N. A. in the fundamental monograph "History of Writing" (Minsk, 1987) discusses six hypotheses of the origin of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic, and argues that both Glagolitic and Cyrillic were among the Slavs in pre-Christian times.

Russian historian of the XIX century, Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Fine Sciences Klassen E. I. noted that “the Slavic Russians, as a people, educated earlier by the Romans and Greeks, left behind in all parts of the Old World many monuments that testify to their presence there and to the most ancient writing, arts and education. Monuments will remain forever incontrovertible evidence ….

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The numerous names of the Slavic tribes and their settlement in large territories are mentioned in the book of the Archbishop of Belarus Georgy Koninsky "History of the Russians or Little Russia", published at the beginning of the 19th century.

Soviet historians had very limited access to foreign repositories of rare books, museums and other sources of information. Many valuable monuments of writing were unknown to them. The poor awareness of Soviet historians and linguists in matters of Proto-Slavic writing is convincingly shown in the book of S. Lesnoy "Where are you from, Russia?" (Rostov-on-Don, 1995).

Information about the presence of some kind of letter among the Slavs in the pre-Cyrillic era is contained in the works of Arab authors Ibn Fodlan and El Massoudi, the Persian historian Fakhr ad Din and other scholars and travelers. In the "Legend of the Writings" of the Bulgarian monk Khrabra, a monk of the monk, who lived at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries, it is mentioned that the Slavic-runic writing had: “Before the Slovenian did not have a name for books, but with features and cuts chtyakhu and gadakhu, trash creature”.

Indeed, there are no books or large works written in runes. These are mainly inscriptions on gravestones, on road signs, on weapons, ceramics and other household items, on jewelry, coins, rock inscriptions. They are scattered throughout Scandinavia, Denmark, England, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Greenland and even on the Atlantic coast of America.

In the science of runes (runology), Scandinavian, Germanic and some other runes are distinguished. It is believed that the Slavs did not have runic writing. Perhaps because of this, the achievements of runology are very modest. Many inscriptions are declared incomprehensible, unreadable, mysterious, mysterious, magical. On them it is possible to read only supposedly some ancient names of people, the names of genera, about which nothing is known now, meaningless spells.

Therefore, a real discovery in the history of the language was the results of many years of work by the senior researcher of the Department of World History of the Russian Physical Society Grinevich G. S., who showed that already 7 thousand years ago the Slavs had an original letter, which was filled with Terterian inscriptions (V millennium BC.), Proto-Indian inscriptions (XXV-XVIII centuries BC), Cretan inscriptions (XX-XIII centuries BC), Etruscan inscriptions (VIII-II centuries BC), the so-called Germanic runes and ancient inscriptions of Siberia and Mongolia.

For decades, venerable runologists did not allow G. S. Grinevich's article to be published, which cannot be explained by concern for the development of modern historical science. Now there is an opportunity to get acquainted in full with the discovery of Grinevich G. S. based on his two-volume monograph “Proto-Slavic Writing. Results of decryption "(vol. I, M., 1993, vol. II, M., 1999) and a large review" How many millennia of Slavic writing (On the results of decoding of Proto-Slavic runes) "(M, 1993).

The first years of his scientific activity Grinevich G. S. devoted to collecting inscriptions, executed in writing such as "lines and cuts", published in various, sometimes difficult to access publications. A total of 150 inscriptions on objects found on the territory of the settlement of the Eastern and Western Slavs and dating from the 4th-10th centuries were accepted for consideration. AD At this time, the Slavic languages still differed little from each other …

The greatest achievement of Grinevich G. S. was the reading of the letter of the Phaistos disc (Crete, XVII century BC), which had previously been the subject of unsuccessful study of scientists around the world. From the inscription (241 characters in total) it follows that the tribe of lynxes (ie Slavs) had to leave their land "lynx", where they suffered a lot of suffering and grief. Lynx found a new land in Crete. The author of the text calls for the preservation and protection of this land. This corresponds to the historical data on the exodus of the Trypillians from the Dnieper region at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC.

Some of the 2nd thousand known Etruscan texts were also deciphered and it is shown that they were written in Proto-Slavic syllabic writing. The Etruscans once inhabited the Apennine Peninsula and created the most ancient civilization on it, many of whose achievements were inherited by the Romans and other peoples of Europe.

The so-called "Germanic" runic inscriptions were read, the ancient writing of Siberia and Mongolia was deciphered.

With the advent of Cyrillic writing among the Slavs, syllabic writing fell out of wide use, but did not disappear completely, but began to be used as a secret writing.

Grinevich G. S. cites and deciphers several examples of cryptography, namely the cryptography of the princes Baryatinsky (1675), in which uncle Osip Fedorovich, betraying the king, calls on his nephew Mikhail Petrovich to support the struggle of Ukraine for its independence.

Cast-iron signs in the fence of the Slobodskoy Palace in Moscow (the building of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after NE Bauman), meaning that "the Hasid Domenico Gilardi has a chef Nicholas I in his power"; an inscription on the wall of the room where Emperor Nicholas II and his family were killed. It stands for “You are neti slaves,” that is, you are the slaves (servants) of Satan.

The text on the tag attached to the main relic of the Knights Templar - two cranial bones stored in a large head made of gilded silver …

The discovery of Proto-Slavic syllabic writing and the decoding of a large number of texts can not only significantly enrich the history of Indo-European languages, but also have a huge impact on the development of the history of the ancient peoples of the world.

According to Grinevich, the Proto-Slavs were involved in the creation of the most ancient cultures: Vinca-Turdash, Tripolians, on Crete, on the Apennine Peninsula (Etruscans), in Siberia, Mongolia and other places.

While this is an extraordinary finding, it is not entirely new. The very fact of the existence of numerous Proto-Slavic tribes was known and talked about long before Grinevich.

The names of EI Klassen, Georgy Koninsky, Arab and Persian authors were mentioned above. Let's refer to another very authoritative and reliable source.

Archimandrite of Ragusa Mavro Orbini (MR Orbini) in 1606 in Italy published a book translated into Russian by decree of Peter I in 1722 entitled “The Book of History of the Name, Glory and Expansion of the Slavic People and Their Kings and Rulers under many names and with many Kingdoms, Kingdoms and Provinces."

Based on the study of numerous historical sources M. Orbini asserts that the Slavic “people embittered almost all peoples in the Universe with their weapons; ruined Pereiida, ruled Asia and Africa, fought with the Egyptians and the great Alexander; conquered Greece, Macedonia. Ilerical land; took possession of Moravia, the land of Slaska, Czech, Polish and the shores of the Baltic Sea, went to Italy, where he fought against the Romans for a long time. This book, in particular, accurately describes the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380.

Many unusual statements can be found in more ancient sources. Everyone knows The Lay of Igor's Host. But not everyone knows that another monument of the early Christian period has survived. The pagan (more correct to say: "Vedic") poet Slavomysl wrote the poem "The Song of the Beating of the Jewish Khazaria by Svetoslav Khorobra". The poet, in particular, claims that such outstanding Greeks as Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Democritus, Herodotus and others were of Slavic origin.

"Great is the list of names of the Greek Slavs, which hides, among others, Aristar, who lived in Samos at one time, and Archimedes of Syracuse, Svarozh, who read the tablets and the bodies of Svarog, who knew movement," (Svarog among the Slavs is a single heavenly god, the grandfather of the gods, he is also Triglav, Trinity, the Universe). Ancient Greeks of all these worthy and wisest Slavs (or half-Slavs) “They erected godlike Greeks and recreated their faces in stone sculptures. Not embarrassed that the guise of the godlike - the Scythians-barbarians "…

In short, the traditional history of the ancient peoples of the world needs to be revised, since it does not agree with large amounts of old and new information …
