Scientists Have Proven The Existence Of A Written Language Among The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

Scientists Have Proven The Existence Of A Written Language Among The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View
Scientists Have Proven The Existence Of A Written Language Among The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Proven The Existence Of A Written Language Among The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Proven The Existence Of A Written Language Among The Slavs Before Cyril And Methodius - Alternative View
Video: Slavs and Germanic runes. Elder Futhark in a Slavic context 2024, October

As noted by many scientists, such as E. Klassen, F. Volansky, V. Georgiev, P. Chernykh, V. Istrin, V. Chudinov, G. Belyakova, S. Lesnoy, A. Asov, G. Rinevich, M. Bor, A. Ivanchenko, N. Tarasov and others, Slavic tribes and ancient Rus had their own writing in the form of "devil and cut" or "Slavic runitsa" long before the arrival of the "creators of Slavic writing" to Russia, the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius.

And it is not by chance that the famous Bulgarian monk Chernorirets the Brave wrote in his "Legend of the Writings":


Thus, even Christian monks recognize the existence of a written language among the Slavs before the baptism of Rus - "runits". But the "runica" was not the only ancient Russian writing system. There was also the Glagolitic alphabet, in which the Gospels and the Psalter were found in the Crimea in 869 by Cyril and Methodius. It is this "verb" that they reformed, transforming it into "Cyrillic". The essence of this reform has already been written several times earlier, and therefore we will dwell this time in more detail on the Slavic (Old Russian) runic.


Here is what O. Miroshnichenko writes about her in her book "Secrets of the Russian Alphabet":


So, not only the Slavs, but also the ancient Rus, long before the arrival of Christianity in Russia, had "runitsa" and "gragolitsa" as a letter. Thus, the Christian myth that it was allegedly Byzantine monks who taught the “dark” and “wild” Vedic Rus to write writing is one of the many falsifications that make up the entire official version of history.

The main goal of this falsification is to conceal the great past and present sources of the ancient Russian Vedic tradition, the origin of which comes from the legendary Arctida-Hyperborea - one of the most highly developed antediluvian civilizations of distant antiquity, as well as the implantation of slave psychology and an inferiority complex to the Russian and other related peoples, and the introduction of discord between them, for the successful implementation of the world parasitic "elite" of the plan to establish a "new world order".

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