So Who Borrowed The Writing From Whom? - Alternative View

So Who Borrowed The Writing From Whom? - Alternative View
So Who Borrowed The Writing From Whom? - Alternative View

Video: So Who Borrowed The Writing From Whom? - Alternative View

Video: So Who Borrowed The Writing From Whom? - Alternative View
Video: Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream (1998) 2024, October

The discrepancy between the official version of history and real historical events was noted by some scientists in past centuries. This was especially noticeable in relation to various historical myths, the falsification of which is becoming more and more noticeable. One of these myths, concocted by falsifiers under the leadership of the Vatican, is the assertion that the ancient Rus did not have their own written language before the arrival of Christianity and the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius in Russia.

However, already in the past centuries there were honest scientists who noted the complete absurdity of such statements and argued that in real history everything was exactly the opposite. Here, for example, what EI Klassen wrote in his work "New materials on the ancient history of the Slavs in general and the Slav-Russians of the Rurik's time in particular with a light sketch of the history of the Rus BC":

There are other authors who testify to the presence of ancient pre-Cyrillic writing among the Slavs already at that time. One of these authors is Thaddeus Wolandsky, who for his book "Monuments of the Writing of the Slavs before the Nativity of Christ" was even sentenced by the Jesuits to be burned at the stake, as for an essay "extremely heretical." The "hereticism" of this work was in obvious contradiction with the official version of history, which for several centuries was diligently falsified by the same Jesuits at the request of the Vatican.

And now it becomes clear that the Vatican-inspired Inquisition was directed against such "heretics", during which pre-Christian written sources were seized and destroyed, and authors like Wolandsky were brought to the stake on false accusations. Naturally, no global falsification of history could have been successful without such a “clean-up” of historical sources.

A similar tactic of "cleansing" ancient artifacts is also used by the current falsifiers of history with the help of hired radical and terrorist groups and even entire terrorist states. This is exactly what happened in the coming years, and it continues to happen on the territory of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, where either storehouses of museums were plundered, or the monuments and structures of ancient civilizations were deliberately destroyed.

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But let us return to the book by F. Volansky, which was published in Warsaw in 1846, and in 1854 was translated from Polish into Russian. In this work, claiming that writing existed among the Slavs not only before the birth of Christ, but also much earlier than it appeared among the Phoenicians, Jews, Greeks and even Egyptians, F. Volandsky writes:

Here, for example, looks like one of such stone inscriptions discovered by this Polish scientist in the Azov region, which dates back to the 16th century BC.


It is no coincidence that the most authoritative Russian historian VN Tatishchev wrote in his "History of Russia":

This statement is also supported by the runic writing discovered by archaeologists on the fragments of ceramics of the "Chernyakhov" Proto-Slayan culture of the early to mid-1st millennium AD, as well as the monuments of runic writing of the 11th-14th centuries found in the Vitebsk region at the Maskovichi settlement (I pay attention to this is the name). Also in scientific circles, Velesturskie (South Slovakia) and Schuttgard runic inscriptions are known.


For example, in this figure, under the number "1" is shown a runic inscription found on the territory of Belarus. The inscriptions under the numbers "2" and "3" were found on the territory of Russia, and under the numbers "4" and "5" - on the territory of Poland.

In addition to E. Klassen and F. Wolandsky in the XIX century A. Chertkov, and in the XX century P. Oreshkin, G. Grinevich, V. Chudinov, V. Georgiev, P. Chernykh, V. Istrin, G. Belyakova, S. Lesnoy A. Asov, in the course of studying the Old Russian runic inscriptions, came to the unequivocal conclusion that the Rus and Slavs had their own written language long before the arrival of Christian "civilizers" in Russia. In addition, some of these authors unequivocally state that the Greek and Latin alphabets have their roots in the Pelasgian and Etruscan "proto-Slavic" soil. And this very well explains why the Vatican is involved in the global project of falsifying history.

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