The Ecology Of Communication: What Is It And What Is It Eaten With? - Alternative View

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The Ecology Of Communication: What Is It And What Is It Eaten With? - Alternative View
The Ecology Of Communication: What Is It And What Is It Eaten With? - Alternative View

Video: The Ecology Of Communication: What Is It And What Is It Eaten With? - Alternative View

Video: The Ecology Of Communication: What Is It And What Is It Eaten With? - Alternative View
Video: Cognitive Dissonance Theory: A Crash Course 2024, October

Due to the fact that there are various social networks, the boundaries in communication are blurred. What are these borders and why are they being erased?

Instagram allows us to observe people and their lives. We see what and how they are doing, where they are moving, what problems they are solving … But if people start doing something in their own way, not as the crowd expects, then everyone considers it their duty to write to the person and express their opinion.


Imagine that Putin decides to do something for the country, and then all people start to write to him: “you are doing bullshit,” “it’s wrong to do this,” “do better this way,” “but I do this, this is more correct”. Will Putin listen to you? Not. But you gave your precious personal opinion, didn't you?

Where are we leading

1. If you are subscribed to a person, then this does not give you the right to tell him how to live, what is right to do and what is not. You are just an observer, if you do not like something, then you can always unsubscribe from the person.

2. Giving advice when not asked is bad form. It's the same as getting into a family showdown, that is, where you are not expected.

Promotional video:

3. “But I just expressed my opinion, what's the big deal? We have a free country!”, And you were asked for this opinion? If a person does not ask you to evaluate his work, deeds and other actions, then you need to keep your opinion to yourself.

We don't notice how the boundaries of politeness are falling. We do not say hello when we write to someone. We do not address the person politely, we think that everyone owes us. And some come up with the idea of sending voice messages in business correspondence.


The ecology of communication is as acute as the ecology of nature. People have forgotten how to see the boundaries of decency, observance of etiquette and rules of conduct for many an empty phrase.

We hope that after reading our article, you will reconsider your attitude towards other people, put yourself in someone else's place and analyze what can and should not be done, or even taboo.


1. You can not send voice messages in business correspondence, as well as to a person with whom you do not know or a person you know without warning.

2. You cannot address strangers to you, use the imperative mood and expect that you will be treated well.


Ladies and gentlemen, don't forget to be polite, use magic words, respect others and you will be respected in return.
