The Incredible Artifacts Of Gunung Padang - Alternative View

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The Incredible Artifacts Of Gunung Padang - Alternative View
The Incredible Artifacts Of Gunung Padang - Alternative View

Video: The Incredible Artifacts Of Gunung Padang - Alternative View

Video: The Incredible Artifacts Of Gunung Padang - Alternative View
Video: Gunung Padang: Ancient Lost Pyramid or Modern Hoax? | Ancient Architects 2024, October

Fans of mystery and adventure have known the town of Gunung Padang on the island of Java, Indonesia since at least 1914. As soon as the First World War began, colonists from the Old World poured in here, fleeing the European hardships. Of all the colonists, the Dutch were the most curious. It was they who found out from the local residents that "Gunung Padang" means "bright mountain". The sacred man-made site, created by the mythical king Silavanga, has been used for centuries for meditation and stargazing.

The world's first pyramid

Of course, the Dutch colonists, who recorded the legends of the hoary Javanese antiquity and transmitted them to the Netherlands Scientific Society for the Study of Ancient Heritage, could not have imagined that exactly 60 years later - in 1974 - "Indonesian folk tales" would serve as the first clue to the unraveling of Gunung Padang. Excavations will begin in the indicated places. The "bright mountain" itself, which was considered the result of volcanic activity at the beginning of the 20th century, will be recognized today as the oldest pyramid in the world.

View of Gunung Padang on Java island
View of Gunung Padang on Java island

View of Gunung Padang on Java island.

However, even this is not enough: in 2015, the wreckage of either an alien spacecraft, or … However, now let's talk about everything in order, and let the reader conclude whether it is possible to agree with Dr. Danny Nathavijaya, who claims that “Gunung artifacts Padanga overturn all our ideas about the ancient history of mankind.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. Scientists

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In 1974, enthusiasts at the Geotechnical Research Center at the Indonesian Science Institute unearthed records of Dutch colonists in dusty archives. They spoke, among other things, of King Silavanga, who - we will quote - "knew how with one wave of his hand to carry giant blocks of basalt, turn a tiger, and after the creation of the pyramid Gunung Padang did not die, but turned into a spirit in order to one day resurrect."

Not that geologists, archaeologists and technologists led by Danny Nathavijay believed the tales of the aborigines as presented by the Dutch, but they decided to study the historical archives of their native country. It was here that it turned out that the king of Silavanga is a historical figure. The ruler who reigned here in about 1500 BC.

Image of King Silavanga in the palace of the Sultan of Indonesia
Image of King Silavanga in the palace of the Sultan of Indonesia

Image of King Silavanga in the palace of the Sultan of Indonesia.

Scientists from the aforementioned scientific center literally dug deeper. It seemed that the first radiocarbon dating of the surface megaliths of Gunung Padang confirmed the version of the creation of this pyramid during the reign of Silavanga. However, when at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, scientists managed to use the most powerful drilling rigs and get samples from deeper layers, their surprise knew no bounds. Suffice it to say that organic materials in the samples obtained showed more and more ancient dates as we moved deeper into the pyramid: up to 22 thousand years or more …

Gunung Padang - older than the Giza pyramid complex? But that's not all: the latest research has shown that here, at depths of 30 meters and more, there are numerous passages, as well as unknown (so far) artifacts from metal alloys.

Thus, until 2015, the semi-mythical version of King Silavanga's involvement in the creation of Gunung Padang seemed completely exposed. Apparently, the giant megalithic structures of the complex were created by the labor of many generations - including long before his reign. As for the actual period around 1500 BC, here the scientists still awaited a mystery. The cement composition that holds the pyramid lumps dating back to this period consisted of 45% silicate minerals and 45% iron ore minerals …

Metallurgy in ancient Indonesia, impossible without the use of electrical energy? Is it possible?

A spaceship or a power generating device?

In early 2015 - possible! - The mystery of the use of electricity by the ancient builders of the pyramid was solved thanks to the same Danny Natavijaya. The scientist, together with his colleagues, discovered during the excavation of Gunung Padang, metal devices of an unusual shape, reminiscent of … power plants.

Javanese scientists are studying megaliths
Javanese scientists are studying megaliths

Javanese scientists are studying megaliths.

Noting that the President of Indonesia himself showed interest in this discovery, congratulating the newly-minted Indiana Jones on his sensational find, we will not go further on the lead of boundless optimism and emphasize: the mysterious artifacts revealed to the world by the researcher of antiquities are now causing a lot of controversy in the scientific world.

On the one hand, there is nothing strange in this, because we are talking about a sensational discovery "in the heat of the heat": too little time has passed to draw any unambiguous conclusions. On the other hand, the data on these artifacts found in the latest scientific periodicals, which are too different from each other, are alarming. For example, Natavijaya himself claims that ancient power plants were found by them in a layer of rocks, the age of which dates back to 25,000 (!) BC, and these artifacts were made of gold and copper. The scientist is refuted by numerous ufologists, claiming that the find dates back to the reign of King Silavanga and in it - in addition to gold and copper - there are large quantities of metals of extraterrestrial origin.

In other words, from the point of view of ufologists, we are talking about the remains of the wreck of a huge alien ship. It is clear that from here - a stone's throw to the hypothesis, according to which Silavangi, "who could carry huge blocks of basalt with one wave of his hand," was nothing more than a surviving member of the UFO crew. An alien entity, at least at the last stage of the construction of the pyramid, who "had a hand" in its creation and, in gratitude for this, immortalized - unlike many other local rulers - in Javanese legends.

Gunung Padang as … Plato's Atlantis

Now the artifacts discovered by Dr. Danny Nathavijaya are under the protection of the Indonesian government and are being studied in secrecy in local government laboratories - including with the involvement of military experts. Apparently, they will not be revealed to the public soon. Local scientists would like to leave the secrets of Gunung Padang exclusively in Indonesia. Suffice it to say that back in 2013 - long before the discovery of either an ancient power plant or UFO wreckage - 34 Indonesian archaeologists signed a petition to the government. In any case, even if we limit the age of this find to a period of up to 1500 BC and, being a skeptic, imagine that this is not a "Silavanga spaceship", but a primitive power plant,The sensationalism of Gunung Padang's artifacts is unlikely to suffer.

Megaliths at the top of the pyramid
Megaliths at the top of the pyramid

Megaliths at the top of the pyramid.

Meanwhile, the restless scientist offers us all the new sensations. For example, now he claims that the Gunung Padang region ideally fits the descriptions of Atlantis found in Plato. Remembering that it was Natavidzhaya who meticulously proved that the local megaliths are man-made, and forgive the scientist for some of his exaltation. What if he will show us evidence that Atlantis and Gunung Padang are one and the same? In the end, the version about the volcanic origin of the local complex also remained the only correct one until the 1970s. And today only a few adhere to it. For example, the volcanologist Zutikno Bronto.

In addition, the excavation of the Javanese pyramid is still ahead, using the most advanced and expensive technology. And who knows what new artifacts are hidden in its bowels? In any case, Andi Arif, special adviser to the President of Indonesia, is already convinced today:

- Conclusions about the location of Gunung Padang will still shake the whole world!

Didn't they already shake it today?

"Sister Earth" from myth

Let's finish the story about the artifacts and secrets of Gunung Padang with the same thing we started with - with the Javanese myth about the creation of a pyramid for the sake of meditation and stargazing. Of course, you can irony for as long as you like about the version of the "alien builder Silavanga", but here's the fact: the legends of local residents mention "the sister of the Earth, 500 steps of light, inhabited by brothers."

What is it - the remains of an ancient power plant or the wreckage of an alien spaceship?
What is it - the remains of an ancient power plant or the wreckage of an alien spaceship?

What is it - the remains of an ancient power plant or the wreckage of an alien spaceship?

Recall: only in 2014, astronomers discovered "500 steps of light from the Earth" (500 light years) the unique planet Kepler-186 f, whose size is only 10% larger than Earth's, which is included in the so-called habitat zone (its orbit is also removed from stars, like the Earth from the Sun). Now scientists suggest that the "native sister of the Earth" may have liquid water and, therefore, life. But where did the ancient astronomers Gunung Padang have similar information passed down from generation to generation, it is still impossible to guess.

Source: "Secrets of the XX century"