Secrets Of The Apollo 11 Program - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Apollo 11 Program - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Apollo 11 Program - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Apollo 11 Program - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Apollo 11 Program - Alternative View
Video: 14 Secrets About The Apollo 11 Moon Landing 2024, October

The unknown, the dangerous has always attracted a person who, overcoming the natural instinct for self-preservation, tried to reach the heavens, as if the legendary Icarus was trying to reach the sun. Throughout the history of mankind, the sky has aroused extraordinary interest and admiration. Almost all world religions associate various aspirations and hopes with the sky, legends, epics, myths of various peoples are full of stories about creatures who descended from heaven and settled between tribes of people, it is enough to recall the wall images of the Indians of South America or the images in the Egyptian pyramids.

However, with the development of technology, mankind was able to first get off the ground, then overcome gravity and go into outer space, and even the culmination of all progress was the landing on the moon. What awaits humanity next, you can only imagine in your fantasies, but already now scientists are developing programs for the conquest of the depths of space by man. The opportunity to meet representatives of other civilizations and races is not rejected by the scientific world, but suddenly this meeting has already taken place, or there is evidence that we are not alone in the Universe, or, at least, we were once not alone.

In 1988, a conference was held in New York, during which the professor of astrophysics, Mao Kahn, offered the public a photograph of the surface of the moon, where a bare foot print was clearly visible. The professor admitted that he received this photo from NASA, but not officially and he did not disclose his source. Of course, this photo caused a lot of controversy, public opinion was divided. But nevertheless, after some time, the controversy subsided and, probably, would have been completely forgotten, if not a new extraordinary discovery.

In 1989, The New York Times published a photograph of a human skull clearly visible on the surface of the moon. The newspaper's publisher insists that this photograph is from renowned professor Mao Kang.

Secrets of Space?

There is no doubt that space is a sphere of interest for various countries and it is not particularly difficult to take clear photographs from satellites of the lunar surface. Another question arises, if this image was real and was taken by a NASA satellite, then why did the Americans not tell the rest of the world about such strange images. Most likely, the country's special services considered that only they had the right to have such interesting information.

According to Mao Kang's sources, these photographs were taken in the early 1970s, and only a complete declassification of all data will make it possible to draw an accurate conclusion. However, already now the famous Chinese astrophysicist claims that he has evidence that it is the human skull in the photograph. Interestingly, a NASA official did not comment on this event in any way. In turn, Mao Kan has at his disposal copies of documents marked "Top Secret", which confirm the authenticity of the photographs. It turns out that the pictures were taken by Armstrong or the Aldrins during the 1969 lunar landing.

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Among the documents there are photographs in which the remains of a person are clearly visible, or rather a skeleton, a little sprinkled with stardust. Professor Mao Kang suggests that the person died on earth or in an atmosphere where decomposition processes can take place. There is no atmosphere on the moon, so natural biological processes could not begin. Therefore, these remains were brought here by unknown creatures, but the question arises, why was this done? As for the remains, it can be assumed that the person died a violent death. The skeleton and bare foot print were made no more than 100 years before the appearance of astronauts on the surface of the satellite. Stardust only slightly covered them with a small layer.

Secrets of the Apollo 11 program

Already after the return from space of the crew of the spacecraft, various strange reservations of the crew members began. Thus, Armstrong, during an interview with an American newspaper, said that throughout the flight they were accompanied by strange luminous balls, but after realizing that he had made a reservation and quickly added that, most likely, these were natural phenomena that were not yet understood by science.

A huge number of shortcomings can be found in the record of the landing of the American team on the surface of the satellite (the flag should not wobble, the movements of astronauts due to gravity, and some other little things). A natural question arises, why forge this recording and if it was originally planned to make a fake, then why is it so crudely executed, as if someone was in such a hurry to give at least something to the audience that he simply closed his eyes to mistakes.

Assuming that the landing did not work out, then there was time to prepare a decent version of the landing, but when watching this video it seems that everything was filmed literally within an hour. In addition, the samples of the lunar soil that the Soviet lunar rover had taken before, and the American samples were absolutely identical. The American astronauts installed special reflectors that still work properly. Installing such complex equipment is possible only manually, so the landing was definitely there. It can be assumed that the astronauts landed on the surface of the planet and saw something that greatly amazed not only the astronaut, but also the staff of NASA.

There are no instructions

All data on the Apollo 11 program become known to the public only thanks to various leaks. In the early 1990s, copies of recordings of conversations between NASA and the Apollo 11 crew appeared. During his mission on the moon, Armstrong reported to earth that he saw spaceships, a total of more than 20 pieces.

After disembarking, the captain of the ship reported that the tracks of the tracks were clearly visible on the ground, and the tracks were huge, which suggested the large size of the transport that had left them. Soon after returning to the module of the ship, Armstrong hysterically reported that they were not alone here, and even said moreover that the Americans were not the first people on the moon. What did the astronaut mean? Firstly, that the Apollo 11 team faced representatives of a different race, and secondly, they found Wehrmacht equipment on the surface of the moon, which crashed during an attempt to land. German astronauts were also found there.

The leaks were not limited to the Americans. So, in the 1970s, the Soviet Union sent an autonomous lunar rover to the moon, which was supposed to work autonomously for 1 year. The amazing thing is that the device worked for 5 years, but after a short pause, when scientists assumed that the device had broken down, it started working again and the signals became much clearer and "louder". As if someone replaced its batteries and slightly upgraded the device itself.

A similar situation happened with American equipment. Special devices were placed on the planet's surface to send signals about the fluctuation of the satellite's magnetic field. The batteries were supposed to last about 1 year, but they worked for 10 years, like someone was charging the batteries.

So, is there really someone or something on the moon?