The Mystery Of The Sealed Door Of The Indian Temple Of Padmanabhaswamy - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Sealed Door Of The Indian Temple Of Padmanabhaswamy - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Sealed Door Of The Indian Temple Of Padmanabhaswamy - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Sealed Door Of The Indian Temple Of Padmanabhaswamy - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Sealed Door Of The Indian Temple Of Padmanabhaswamy - Alternative View
Video: The Mysterious SEALED Temple Door NO ONE Can Open: Last Door of Padmanabhaswamy 2024, October

There are many ancient buildings in India, shrouded in mystery, but the mystery of the temple in the Indian state of Kerala confuses even scientists - one of the doors of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple is hermetically sealed.


Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple is located in the city of Trivandrum, India. It is considered the richest Hindu sanctuary on earth, and its vaults contain over $ 1 trillion in gold and jewelry.


Its gilded exterior shows only a small fraction of its true wealth. There are 8 underground chambers in the temple, six of which have already been opened and explored. They found treasures in the amount of $ 22 billion in the form of diamonds, jewelry, gold dishes, weapons, idols, diamond necklaces with an approximate weight of about 500 kilograms.


But the most impressive and enigmatic feature of the temple is a hidden chamber called "Vault B". The entrance to it is sealed with an iron door guarded by two massive metal cobras. Legends say that anyone who dares to open it will face disastrous consequences.


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It is said that the entrance hides an inner chamber with walls of solid gold, where priceless treasures are kept. The door itself does not have any locks or locks - it is simply sealed. It is believed that it was "covered" with sound waves of mystical chants, lost forever. According to the priests, a person with such a vocal has not yet been born.


Today the Padmanabhaswamy Temple is one of the most protected places on the planet. It is protected by metal detectors, security cameras and armed guards.