The Fire In The Church Miraculously Did Not Touch The Bible And Wooden Crosses - Alternative View

The Fire In The Church Miraculously Did Not Touch The Bible And Wooden Crosses - Alternative View
The Fire In The Church Miraculously Did Not Touch The Bible And Wooden Crosses - Alternative View

Video: The Fire In The Church Miraculously Did Not Touch The Bible And Wooden Crosses - Alternative View

Video: The Fire In The Church Miraculously Did Not Touch The Bible And Wooden Crosses - Alternative View
Video: Bibles and Crosses Found Miraculously Undamaged in Fire-Ravaged Church 2024, October

A mysterious incident happened recently in West Virginia, USA, where a fire broke out in one of the churches.

Fortunately, during the fire, no one was inside, and there were no casualties. However, the firefighters who extinguished the fire made one unusual find in the burnt religious building - they practically discovered a miracle.

About a dozen bibles and several wooden crosses were left untouched by the flames, while the rest of the church utensils were destroyed. Surprised fire brigade workers photographed the surviving items and published the resulting images on the Facebook social network.


It is reported that the fire was so severe that the church will have to be rebuilt. Many metal things inside were melted. Nevertheless, the Bibles and wood crosses survived, although, according to the logic of things, they should have been among the first to burn.

Of course, this news aroused enthusiasm among believers. Many Christians believed that a real religious miracle happened. The Reverend Phil Farrington, who served as a clergyman in the burnt church, told reporters:

Note in this regard that such miracles often occur in religious temples in the United States. For example, late last year, a Baptist church in Wakefield, Massachusetts burned down, leaving a painting of Jesus Christ intact.

The only thing that remains unclear is why the Christian churches in America are burning, for what such human sins?..

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Victoria Prime
