The Mystery Of The Ancient Megalith Puma Punku - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Ancient Megalith Puma Punku - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Ancient Megalith Puma Punku - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Ancient Megalith Puma Punku - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Ancient Megalith Puma Punku - Alternative View
Video: Cusco: Coricancha & Sachsayhuaman 2024, October

Despite the fact that modern science has made great strides forward, however, many mysteries of antiquity still excite our imagination, offering to solve previously unknown mysteries. The ancient megalith Puma Punku in Bolivia is one of the most mysterious buildings on our planet. Many historians, as well as specialists in the field of archeology, tried to unravel its mystery, but they did not succeed. So the Puma Punku rebus remained unsolved, although hypotheses related to it were put forward about ancient advanced civilizations or traces of aliens visiting the Earth.

The mysterious megalith is located in the Andean mountains southeast of Lake Titicaca. It occupies a significant part of one of the large ancient cities of Tiwanaka. Scientists have previously found traces of the Incas in this city. The riddle of Puma Punku lies in the extraordinary complexity and precision of the construction of these ruins. As the researchers note, the elaborately carved stone blocks and doorways fit together with incredible precision, although they show no trace of minting.

As one scientist engaged in the study of ancient buildings, professor of anthropology Jason Yager, said, when the Incas came to these lands in 1470, the city was already abandoned. Later, Puma Punku, as well as the entire city of Tiwanaku, was incorporated into the empire, and then the culture of the Incas. They believed that the ancient city was the place where their deity Viracocha created people who later became the ancestors of all nationalities.

Later, Professor Jager wrote in his article in one of the scientific publications that the Incas adapted the ancient ruins they discovered for their own rituals. They made their memorials, revered as a sanctuary and believing that here Viracocha created the first people on earth, and then sent them around the world.

Also, according to the professor, the Incas considered the collapsed stone figures near Puma Punku, according to the myth of the creation of the world as models of ancient people created by a deity. However, modern scientists consider them to be monuments to the rulers of this ancient city.

Meanwhile, the age of the megalith and its true origin still remains a mystery to the representatives of the scientific world … Earlier, anthropologist William Isbell of the University of Illinois made a radiocarbon analysis of some rock fragments in Puma Punku. According to this study, the megalith was built between 500 and 600 AD. However, other experts believe that this analysis gives inaccurate information, so the structure could have been built many thousands of years earlier.

According to one of the first modern researchers of Puma Punku, scientist Arthur Poznanski, the megalith was created about 15 thousand years BC. It is known that Poznanski used his astronomical devices to determine the age of the structure.

According to the scientist, representatives of the ancient civilization created a temple, which, according to its idea, was a kind of giant clock. On the first day of spring, the sun was over the center of the temple, and its rays scattered through the stone arch. During the year, the sunrise point moved precisely along the horizon.

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Poznanski assumed that on the days of the summer and winter solstices, this point would be exactly above the corner stones on the other side of the temple, but they turned out to be much farther than expected. Then the scientist calculated the location of the points of sunrise 17 thousand years ago on the days of the solstice and found their complete coincidence with the corners of the temple.

Another scholar from Bolivia, the architect Oswald Rivera, agrees with Poznansky's hypothesis that the temple was created on the basis of astronomical constructions. In his opinion, the structures were actually oriented to the cardinal points, but later the builders made a mistake during the construction. Thus, on the days of the solstice, it turned out that the luminary did not quite exactly rise above the corner stones.

However, not all experts agree with Rivera's assertion that the ancient builders could have made such a mistake. The rest of the stones fit each other so tightly, with such precision that modern builders can only be surprised. Later, modern engineers confirmed that the calculations of Arthur Poznanski.

Other features of Puma Punku include a sophisticated irrigation system, as well as carefully drilled holes and drainage channels in some stone blocks. They are notable for the fact that they surpass the skill of manufacturing the capabilities of the ancient Incas, as well as other famous peoples who lived in the area before the advent of the Inca civilization.

According to Professor Jager, the monumental structures, together with the landscape, form a harmonious structure that embodies the experience and knowledge of ancient civilizations. These stunning sites are true symbols of the great human mind.