Great Sweden North Of The Black Sea - Alternative View

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Great Sweden North Of The Black Sea - Alternative View
Great Sweden North Of The Black Sea - Alternative View

Video: Great Sweden North Of The Black Sea - Alternative View

Video: Great Sweden North Of The Black Sea - Alternative View
Video: What if Sweden won the Great Northern War? 2024, October

The circle of the earth: the Ynglinga saga

The circle of the Earth, where people live, is very indented by bays. From the ocean that surrounds the earth, great seas crash into it. It is known that the sea stretches from Nørvasund to Yorsaland itself. From this sea, a long bay, which is called the Black Sea, departs to the north. It divides one-third of the world. The one to the east is called Asia, and the one to the west is called by some Europe, and some are called Aeneas. To the north of the Black Sea lies Great, or Cold Sweden. <Some believe that Great Sweden is no less The Great Country of the Saracens, and some equate it with the Great Country of Black People. The northern part of Sweden is deserted due to frost and cold, as the southern part of the Country of Black People is deserted due to the heat of the sun. There are many large areas in Sweden. There are also many different peoples and languages. There are giants and dwarfs, and black people, and many different amazing peoples. There are also huge beasts and dragons there. From the north, from the mountains outside the inhabited areas, a river flows through Sweden, the correct name of which is Tanais. It used to be called Tanakwisl, or Vanakwisl. It flows into the Black Sea. The area at its mouth was then called the Land of the Vanov, or the Dwelling of the Vanov. This river shares a third of the world. The one to the east is called Asia, and the one to the west is called Europe.

The country in Asia to the east of Tanakvisl is called the Land of the Ases, or the Dwelling of the Ases, and the capital of the country was called Asgard. The ruler there was one who was called Odin. There was a large temple there. According to ancient custom, there were twelve high priests in it. They were to make sacrifices and judge the people. They were called diy, [14] or lords. All people were to serve and honor them. One was a great warrior, and he traveled a lot, and took possession of many powers. He was so lucky in battles that he prevailed in every battle, and therefore his people believed that victory should always be with him. When he sent his men out into battle or on other errands, he usually put his hands on their heads first and gave them a blessing. People believed that then they would be successful. When his people were in trouble at sea or on land, they called him,and it was believed that it helped them. He was considered the most reliable support. Often he traveled so far that he was absent for a very long time."

Official history writes - The Yngling Saga”- one of the most important sources on the early history of Scandinavia. Written in Old Icelandic, presumably in the 12th century. The author of the saga is the largest historian of medieval Scandinavia, Icelander Snorri Sturluson. The saga belongs to the so-called "royal sagas" and is the first part of Snorri's collection "The Circle of the Earth".

According to the respected founders of the new chronology, Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, academician, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, the Epic of God Odin was considered until the 18th century a quite serious and reliable chronicle, it was quoted, referred to, but later, in the 18th century. In the 19th century, in connection with the massive transition to the version of the story of Scaliger's creature, the epic was hidden - IN THE MOST SEEKING PLACE - declared a historical fiction, a novel. lines. We have put in the basis of works of art, thereby LOWERING ITS historical authenticity. Such soft substitutions are carried out constantly. So, the population knows Galatea as a revived stone beauty,although Galatea was one of the victims of the mass abduction of the Hellenes by the Romans, the laws of the mountains, you know. Michelangelo became a ninja turtle for a generation. Well, some of today's film adaptations from Russian history with wandering mowing nomads are written in the same genre - substitutions, changes in the vector of events.

Let's analyze the passage.

Name. The Earth's circle is cut by bays. Why - a circle? Our planet is not a perfect ball. The globe is just a conventional form on which the maps are placed. The ancestors played with the form without losing the essence.


Promotional video:

The image of the Map of Europe, Assia and Africa is known - in the form of a three-petalled flower surrounded by oceans - with the center in Jerusalem. Jer - means the highest, chief, hierarch in a certain hierarchy, that is, a passing concept, simply Constantinople. The presence of such names as New Jerusalem testifies to the fact of the transfer of the capital, the title “city of the highest hierarchy”. The petal map is not even a map, it is a schematic representation of lands and continents - for initial, perhaps, enlightenment. Arabia, Syria, Chaldea, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Meden, Persia, India are listed in Assia. For further, more in-depth study of geography, the shape of a circle is convenient, when the lands of the hemisphere were depicted surrounded by waters. The World Ocean was considered ONE WHOLE, AND THE SEA IS BAYS. Therefore, the Black Sea is called the Gulf of the World Ocean, and the Azov Sea is considered part of the Black, based on the text. It is the Black Sea, according to the description of the Earth's Circle, that unites the three parts of our hemisphere, or our Light.

If you go from the north, from Great Sweden, then it will be - you will go to the right - you will lose your horse - in Europe, you will go to the left - you will lose yourself, in Assia, you will go straight, and you will lose yourself and your horse, in Africa. Oh, and the storytellers were cunning, and Indeed, the Europeans lost their horse, stopped, lost their roots, but wherever you go, there are Slavic Russian geoglyphs and place names and artifacts.

In Icelandic Sweden sounds consonant with "Light", in the Vologda dialect. In English - "sweet", we hear - Light. And by WHITE LIGHT we go to seek the truth. And my beloved poet Nikolai Rubtsov wrote yesterday

Before this old village council, before this herd by the bridge, Before all the old White Light, may the soul remain pure !!

Until the end, until the death cross, let the soul remain pure.

When and why the Light began to sound like "Shvet", it is difficult to say for sure, but we were raised already in the concept of a Swede as an enemy,

The moment of victory is near

Hurray, we are breaking, the Swedes are bending!

And the Swedes today are asking - figure out your history, we have never fought with you.

This is the Earthly circle and defines - geographically unambiguously - the Great Light of the Great Light or Light Russia.

Let there be Light! And there was Light. The Bible told.

The Vedas define more broadly.

At the beginning of the world, the true light was Brahmo, the ether that gives birth - sound.

The second stage was the Wind - its property is touch and sound.

The third stage of creation is Light, it has three properties - sound, touch and - Image, the World of the Manifest.

The Creation of the First Substance itself took place through the introduction of the movement of Light, and according to the thought and Word of the Creator, of course.

Three stages of creation, three properties - isn't this the true Light Trinity of ancestors?

In a word, Somewhere in the White World, namely, to the north of the Black Sea, lies the great Svetiya, Russia of Light. -Comparable size to the African continent.

Don Tanais flows from the north, flowing into the Black Sea. Today - Azov, it is obvious that with the Black - it was one mirror. The mouth of the Don is the junction point of Assia and Aenea / Europe. To the east of the Don is the country of the Ases or the home of the Ases with the capital Asgard.


Asov dwelling or Azov. Kazzov - Kazzaks.

Cossacks - it seems, Gauls - a verb, Slavs - catch. One principle of the formation of self-names of peoples, on the basis of speech, in contrast to the Germans - dumb.

Is it coincidental that the borders of Assia coincide with Scythia? No, not by chance. Everything completely coincides with the conclusions made earlier. Warriors of the Scythians, otherwise Sakifs or Saki, cutting. Military base - Sich. Horse Saki - Kai Saki. The destroyed to ashes Kaysaria in Mediterranean Assia is the city of Kaysaks - Cossacks, which is written on the cuvukliya in Jerusalem. Iemon is the one who has power. Diy - activist, diyach, it was discussed in the text about 12 priests, rulers - to act / do - we say to this day.

Aesir dwelling, Asgard.

At the mouth of the Don is the city of Azov. As Asia is a distorted Assia, so the city of Azov is a distorted city of Ases. River transportation, crossings, the Volga-Don Canal, and smaller canals - these are river routes, this is a well-equipped land and well-groomed river arteries, a wonderful film was released on YouTube, "Clues to History", thanks, like, I watched without stopping. The Volga-Donskoy canal is depicted, it turns out, even on the maps of the 17th century. From all over Russia, along waterways, passages and canals, ships went to the port of Azov, then to the Black Sea, the Bosphorus to the Mediterranean …


Another observation - we translate the inscription on the English map Sea of Azof literally as "the sea belonging to the Ases", and, accordingly, the Black Sea, without a possessive particle, is named on another basis. therefore, there is more material for analysis than mine, although dear Ekaterina Matvevna threw me too far from home.

The name of Europe is Aeneas, writes Snori, I am no longer surprised that I find new confirmation of the fact that Europe is the land of Aeneas. More precisely, lined with mosaics in Israel - Egen, with a soft "G" and the Aegean Sea - it. In the film "Bosphorus Russian Land" on my YouTube channel - more data is collected. Aeneas was Rus, Yegor Klassen proved. Ellin = Hellin = Gall, it was revealed to me. Consequently, Aeneas - here it is, the Russian name of Europe. The expulsion of the Gauls, dated back centuries - is the expulsion of the Slavs Rus from Europe.

A deplorable speech according to Karl 11, 1697 is the Russian language recorded in Latin, And the son of the deceased was Karl - the enemy of Peter Romanov in the Battle of Poltava. The Swede, as we were told, Karl Sveta Karlovich, therefore, spoke Russian. So Karl or is it Yaroslav?

Further in the text. Don or Tanais? Don is the bottom. Living on the sea, we do not say - we are going to the Black Sea, but we say - to the sea. That is how they called the bottom, Don - the river, each his own. The name Tanais was lost later, when new maps were drawn up and the history was reflashed.

Vans lived, the author writes, well, it's clear Ivans. Young languages bear in themselves the fragments of the Russian that lies at their core. So, in Hebrew, Greece is called YAVAN, And the Greeks - Yavani, Ivan. Once again, we are convinced that the ancient Hellenes were Rus.

But Odin - how do you interpret the name of the great Odin in Russian? The critic squinted. Yes, I'll just go to the village and listen to my grandfather - how do you live? Index finger up. One means I don’t need anyone, One is my own master!

It became curious to look into Azov.

They write that Azov entered the Tmutarakan principality. Ivan the Terrible, remember, took Astrakhan? Astra is a star, a fortress. Han is the khanate of the Unified Horde. Today we hear Tmutarakan as a synonym for wilderness, province. What kind of wilderness was this we will see from the descriptions of Azov.

“By 1637, the citadel of the fortress consisted of three lines of stone walls (up to 6 m thick), 11 towers and a stone-paved moat (depth - 4 meters, width - 8 meters). Directly at the mouth of the Don there are "special" towers-watchtowers on both banks of the river. Chains were stretched between them, which the ships could not overcome. The exit to the sea was shot through by cannons from these towers. In the fortress itself, by 1637, there were more than two hundred guns."

Reminds of a chain across the Bosphorus, which Svetoslav did not overcome. the main bay of Sevastopol is also barred by booms, and is under the cross of the Konstantinovsky Ravelin - a fortress. In this narrow place, Pal Stepanich flooded the ships, perhaps there was a chain here. In Israel Caesarea - the same remnants of naval fortifications, and there is nothing to say about Akko … Conclusion one - locking the entrance to the harbor with a chain - this is the practice of the United World Order - the Horde.

Heroic Azov Siege Seat - Five Years Old! defense of the Azov fortress by the Cossacks in the 17th century, from 1637 to 1642.

Official version

“In the spring of 1637, the five-thousandth army of the Cossacks captured the fortress. They acted independently and after the capture of the fortress they asked Mikhail Romanov to include Azov in Russia. This was not done, since such a step led to a war with the Ottoman Empire. As a result, after 5 years of defense, known as the Azov seat, the fortress returned to the Ottoman Empire."

RETURNED - OR STAYED ??? The question asked itself, after the discovery of the true name of the city. to say that the city of Asov was captured by the Cossacks-Kaisaks ASY is illogical. They drove it back - it is possible. WHOM, the Turks? But Constantinople / IstanBul remained the center of Assia UNTIL 1917, BEFORE being captured by the British. The Cossacks, on the other hand, are in correspondence with the Sultan and resort to his refuge.

The seat - the siege lasted 5 years. The destruction of the Fortress - the stars are huge, 3 of the 11 towers survived. And the grandiose explosion of a land mine planted underground, under the Serpent Val, "filled with cut shot" destroyed up to 3 thousand in Toprakov town. One explosion - in 17 century, 3 thousand victims, pinch me, am I sleeping? Somehow you begin to look in a new way at the ancient ruins all over the White World, at the filled-in buildings - are they not traces of powerful bombing and shelling of the very recent times, 18-19 centuries, is it a colosseum or a stadium where a couple of hundred years back football practice? …

Mikhail did not accept the alleged Azov, presented to him on a silver platter, but 60 years later, Petrusha's grandson again and again besieges Azov. Interestingly, all the towers and forteses are intact on the maps. Shift and repeat events? Or the inevitable fate of a strategically important facility?

It is impossible to investigate seriously within the framework of a film or article, but let us name at least the obvious so far - three sides are mentioned in hostilities, Tsar Romanov, the Ottoman Sultan and the Cossack army.

The tragedy of Azov awaits a serious study, this is our story and we call for the discovery of the true documents. And in the bottom line - Azov was almost destroyed to the ground, 100 thousand people are mentioned in the losses.


In the exposition of the fortress-stars are now - wretched wooden booths, what is this, a disguise or squalor? We are being told that the ancestors were only capable of such construction? Allegedly, the City uniting Aenea / Europe, Assia and Great Light Russia - only on wooden booths and kept, there is not enough heart on the doors. But something has survived from Russian antiquity, these are red-brick masterpieces of the times of the World Order of the United, Horde-Rusi. A gymnasium building in Azov. Magnificent Temples Luminary, gaping with destroyed vaults, and - underground passages, vaulted corridors, tunnels, multi-tiered passages.


What was united under the name of the Great Light - the Great Light of Russia.

East of the Danube, exactly along the border, the border of SovSoz. West of the Don, as described in the Earth Circle. South of the Cold Sea.

Ukraine - Belarus - the Baltics. The Black Sea region, the Volga region and the Moscow region, the Central Russian Upland, the Vologda region, Karelia and Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, and Finland, which seceded in 1917. What's with Sweden? Sweden could have retained the name of Light when Charles 12, a secular prince, Peter's opponent near Poltava, led the resistance to the offensive of the new Roman Empire, because if Tsar Peter - after the Grand Embassy - calls himself a Roman tsar, it is obvious that he is part of the new system, Rome.

Here, to the north, the secular, non-religious population, pressed by the Empire, retreated, but after the assassination of Charles 12, the Demo Cratic changes took place in Sweden. Including linguistic ones.

To clarify, I do not give estimates, dialectics - movement and changes in the forms of government are not evaluated here, here we restore together the picture of past events.

Conclusion - Great Light is Great Light Russia, part of WHITE LIGHT. The destruction of our United world order can be considered the end of the World, but the end of Darkness will also inevitably come.

Author: Ta Mara Tamara