Rothschilds And Rockefellers Have Teamed Up To Rule The World - Alternative View

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Rothschilds And Rockefellers Have Teamed Up To Rule The World - Alternative View
Rothschilds And Rockefellers Have Teamed Up To Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds And Rockefellers Have Teamed Up To Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Rothschilds And Rockefellers Have Teamed Up To Rule The World - Alternative View
Video: Who Are The Rockefellers & How Much Power Do They Have? 2024, October

Rothschilds and Rockefellers have teamed up to rule the world together? Last week, two of the world's most legendary families of financiers officially merged their capital together.

Conspiracy theorists have long demonized these names. Believing that it is they who secretly rule the world, organize wars and conflicts. They say that even the global financial crisis of 2008 is their work.

They're Hidden Behind A Thousand Names

The elders in the new alliance are the Rothschilds. Some conspiracy theorists call them the descendants of the "unreasonable Khazars" whom the prophetic Oleg took revenge on. They say they fled to Europe in the 10th century after the defeat of the powerful Khazar Kaganate by Prince Svyatoslav. The official founder of the dynasty is Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Born in Germany in 1744. In the family of a Jewish money changer. I created my own bank. He sent his sons to open branches of the family business in London, Paris, Vienna, Naples. The Rothschilds became the largest lenders to European governments. Later, their interests moved overseas. In fact, the wise Mayer Amschel created a global, as they would say today, financial system that does not depend on the rulers of specific states. No wonder he said: “Give me the right to issue and control the country's money, and I will absolutely not care who makes the laws!"(This covenant was fulfilled by his heirs.) In the 19th century, the Rothschilds were considered the richest family on the planet. To prevent money from going to the side, the patriarch organized marriages between cousins and second cousins. Which later prompted accusations of incest. At the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds had a new feature - a marriage of convenience. So they intermarried with other big bankers, effectively putting them under the control of the Family. Strengthening positions in the global financial system. Another important point of the Family is not to boast of wealth. Big money loves silence. This gives rise to some analysts to declare that the influence of the Rothschilds in the modern world has long been lost, their branches have degenerated. No matter how it is! “The Rothschilds spent a hundred years to hide the true scope of their network of global control,” says Jerusalem rabbi Aron Cohen.researcher of the history of the famous Jewish dynasty. - When I say "Rothschilds", I mean not only directly members of this family, or even people who bear this surname. The Rothschild family includes many people, it has many ramifications that do not even suggest a hierarchy. And there are plenty of Rothschilds who don't call themselves that. As I have described in my books, they have long had breeding programs that produce offspring under different names. When these people come to power, they carry the Rothschild genes and obey their system, but they are not officially Rothschilds. This is the whole difficulty of assessing their penetration into governments, the financial sphere - they are hidden behind thousands of different names. The House of the Rothschilds and their agents in leading positions in Government, banking, business, pharmacology, biotechnology,The media, etc., act as a single whole to make the world control over the population, including over the Jews, described by Orwell as a reality."

The Rockefeller dynasty against this background is completely "green". Founder - John Rockefeller - was born in the USA in 1839. He became a successful banker and tycoon. Controlled all US oil production. The world's first official dollar billionaire. And the richest man on earth. Forbes magazine estimated his then fortune at $ 318 billion at the end of 2007 dollar exchange rate. Slim, Gates and other leaders of the 21st Century Forbes lists are beggars compared to John! The patriarch lived for 97 years. His grandson, the current head of the clan, David, will also turn 97 on June 12!

In addition to assets in the world's largest banks, oil production, and other sectors of the economy, the Rockefellers have large political capital. Nelson was the vice president of the United States under Nixon. David is one of the founders and honorary leader of the famous Bilderberg Club of the Western Upper Elite. Bilderberg is stubbornly considered a branch of a secret world government. The meetings are held once a year. If in Europe - exclusively in the Rothschild hotels, in the USA - in the Rockefeller hotels. David founded the Trilateral Commission, an authoritative in world politics, and sits in other influential international organizations. He is called the main globalist of the planet. In his memoir, the veteran admits that for more than a century, ideological extremists “have attacked the Rockefeller family for extraordinary influence, which they claimwe have on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret group of conspirators who work against the interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" conspiring to build a more integrated political and economic structure - one world if you will. If this is an accusation, then I admit my guilt, and I am proud of it."

A hundred years ago, the famous dynasties already united to fulfill the behest of Meyer Rothschild - to issue and control the country's money. And not just any, but the United States of America. A group of bankers (the Rothschilds and their relatives, as well as American financiers led by Rockefeller) then developed a secret plan for a private organization to print US money. Federal Reserve System - FRS. In fact, the dollar printing press was privatized in 1913. At the state level, Senator Aldrich, father-in-law … John Rockefeller Jr., by hook or by crook, managed to push through the unpopular FRS project. This is where the legs of the undivided domination (for now!) Of the dollar in the world grow.

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Later, the interests of the powerful clans seemed to diverge. In particular, because of Russia. The Rothschilds were the first, back in the tsarist era, to come to us. But under the communists, they were wiped out by the Rockefellers. David met with Khrushchev, Kosygin, Gorbachev. In post-Soviet times, according to Western researchers, Rockefeller allegedly wanted to take control of Yukos. But Khodorkovsky seems to have chosen the Rothschilds. And he even wrote off most of the shares to them. Well, he got burned.

But if there was a chill between the financiers, then the past grew. The leader of the younger generation of the dynasty, Baron Nathaniel, returned the Rothschilds to Russia. A friend of the oligarch Deripaska, a member of the board of directors of RUSAL.

And now - a new official union of powerful dynasties. Unexpected. What is it?

Just an attempt to survive together in the impending second wave of the global crisis, as the official financial analysts interpret it? But these families alone will have enough resources, money, influence to survive the new wave. The Rothschilds alone are unofficially credited with 10-20 trillion dollars of capital. Rather, we can talk about the desire of the two dynasties to ride this wave and continue to dominate the new, post-crisis world. After all, the world economy is indeed on the verge of new major shocks. The only question is whether it itself is shaking, or someone unknown organizes the shaking. It is also important that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are not just big players in the world economy, but also politics. They are trusted by other super-rich to manage their capital. This is the unification of a whole group of influential financiers of the planet. The official announcement of the alliance,initiated by heads of families David Rockefeller and 76-year-old Jacob Rothschild - a sign? Who? However, this is more and more a strategy. In tactical terms, the alliance can be directed against Germany. She managed to peacefully do what Hitler tried to do with weapons and great blood. Become the leader of Europe. This confuses England, Germany's eternal adversary. The Rothschilds settled in London. Let's not forget that although England belongs to Europe geographically, it is not the common European currency - the euro - that is used there, but the good old pound sterling! The rise of Germany and the Rockefellers don't like it. The euro is a competitor to the dollar. So the guys came together to strike together on Mrs. Merkel, who is desperately trying to save the eurozone and the leadership of her native country on the is more and more a strategy. In tactical terms, the alliance can be directed against Germany. She managed to peacefully do what Hitler tried to do with weapons and great blood. Become the leader of Europe. This confuses England, Germany's eternal adversary. The Rothschilds settled in London. Let's not forget that although England belongs to Europe geographically, it is not the common European currency - the euro - that is used there, but the good old pound sterling! The rise of Germany and the Rockefellers don't like it. The euro is a competitor to the dollar. So the guys came together to strike together on Mrs. Merkel, who is desperately trying to save the eurozone and the leadership of her native country on the is more and more a strategy. In tactical terms, the alliance can be directed against Germany. She managed to peacefully do what Hitler tried to do with weapons and great blood. Become the leader of Europe. This confuses England, Germany's eternal adversary. The Rothschilds settled in London. Let's not forget that although England belongs to Europe geographically, it is not the common European currency - the euro - that is used there, but the good old pound sterling! The rise of Germany and the Rockefellers don't like it. The euro is a competitor to the dollar. So the guys came together to hit together on Mrs. Merkel, who is desperately trying to save the eurozone and the leadership of her native country on the continent.the eternal enemy of Germany. The Rothschilds settled in London. Let's not forget that although England belongs to Europe geographically, it is not the common European currency - the euro - that is used there, but the good old pound sterling! The rise of Germany and the Rockefellers don't like it. The euro is a competitor to the dollar. So the guys came together to hit together on Mrs. Merkel, who is desperately trying to save the eurozone and the leadership of her native country on the continent.the eternal enemy of Germany. The Rothschilds settled in London. Let's not forget that although England belongs to Europe geographically, it is not the common European currency - the euro - that is used there, but the good old pound sterling! The rise of Germany and the Rockefellers don't like it. The euro is a competitor to the dollar. So the guys came together to strike together on Mrs. Merkel, who is desperately trying to save the eurozone and the leadership of her native country on the continent.

However, these are all versions. The alliance of financiers is unlikely to reveal the true goals. They are too smart people. You can only judge by indirect signs.

A week has passed since the announcement of the alliance between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Let's see what happened during this period.

British Petroleum (BR is the brainchild of the Rothschilds) suddenly announced that it was ready to sell its 50% stake in the joint Russian - British oil holding TNK-BP. The company's shares fell sharply, and the Russian partner started having problems. It would seem that we, ordinary citizens of Russia, what cares about this? Gasoline at TNK filling stations will certainly not fall in price after the share price falls. Rather, on the contrary, the oilmen of TNK will recoup us. The people are more worried about the sharp weakening of the ruble in recent days. What to do? Run to the exchange offices, urgently change the wooden ones for greens? The authorities tell us that only external reasons are to blame for the fall in the ruble - the fall in oil prices, the crisis in the eurozone. (They are silent about the fact that the country has finally become addicted to the oil needle, hence the ruble fever!) Oil does not simply get cheaper by itself. On the fresh example of the fallen shares of TNK-BP, we see how and who does it. As for the eurozone crisis, an interesting fact was reported at the weekend by TASS, referring to an employee of the City of London. "The largest companies and banks in the USA and Great Britain are urgently withdrawing their money from the countries of the eurozone." The Rothschilds and Rockefellers in these major banks and companies are not the last people. Rather the opposite. Shaking old Europe?

Not only oil is getting cheaper, but also gold. For him, the last month, they say, was the worst in 13 years. I'm calling a global gold mining specialist. Are the Rothschilds still setting the price of the precious metal on a daily basis, or is this left in the 19th century? Establish, and how, the specialist answered.

And another curious fact. Last Thursday, the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Club, David Rockefeller's favorite brainchild, opened at the Marriott Hotel on the outskirts of Washington. "A secret meeting with a claim to world domination is coming out of the shadows," the influential The Times commented on the event. What the world elite discussed behind closed doors has not yet been leaked to the press.
