YouTube - World Government - Alternative View

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YouTube - World Government - Alternative View
YouTube - World Government - Alternative View

Video: YouTube - World Government - Alternative View

Video: YouTube - World Government - Alternative View
Video: Trump Files Suit Against Big Tech 2024, July

Most of us, by default, consider ourselves to be a reasonable person, and some, even smart. But what is intelligence and what is intelligence? These concepts have many definitions, but on average they are formulated in about the same way:

Mind - a person's ability to analyze, learn new things, the ability to use new knowledge, develop a personal point of view based on them, draw conclusions and make decisions.

Mind is the ability to think in an abstract, abstract way, not related to a specific life situation, from the analysis of accumulated experience to generalization, and, as a result, the development of concepts and formulas that can be used to manage life and the environment.

It can be said more simply:

Smart - is able to evaluate and draw conclusions, and Reasonable - on the basis of conclusions - predict, plan, implement and control.

For clarity: a smart, caught in the rain, will find shelter, a reasonable one - will do so so as not to be in the rain.

How few among us are those who agree to admit that they are not very smart, and there are practically no those who say that he is not reasonable. And, then … Man, by definition, is reasonable. Science says that he differs from animals in that he is endowed with reason. And at the same time, the same science declares that only one is rational who is able to generalize the information received and apply it to control surrounding events.

Question: Are we all event-driven? Nothing of the kind. Most of us are not only unable to generalize and use what we have received, but we cannot even give a correct assessment of the phenomena, events, and properties of subjects. What kind of mind is there, if a person commits acts and actions that fall under the definition of rationality, less often than the behavior of animals and even birds and fish.

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If we are all smart - reasonable, then who became an MMM contributor? Who bought and distributed Herbalife? Where are all these people that everyone is laughing at today? And they have not gone anywhere. Yes, they hide that they hoped, doing nothing, rich and healthy. But they are almost all still among us. This means that they commit new stupid things and are potentially ready to further demonstrate the absence of not only intelligence, but also intelligence.

The sad situation with the "coronavirus" made it possible to reappear for those who, through a misunderstanding, are considered reasonable. They don't care why:

- Until now nothing has been heard about the role of the Ministry of Emergencies in the fight against the "pandemic". This gigantic structure, with a budget and number of employees that exceeds the budgets and the population of many countries, what was it created for? In order to remove cats from trees? Children who are stuck with their heads between the railing bars, return to their parents?

- all the forces of the mass media are thrown into making the population aware of the impending danger, while there is no need to convince anyone of the presence of a real danger.

- sellers, taxi drivers, builders, etc. do not get sick or get infected.

- not only patients are isolated (in accordance with the definition of the concept of "quarantine"), but also healthy ones.

The list of absurdities that bother no one can be continued indefinitely, but this is not the point, not even that, but the fact that, despite the availability of sound answers to some questions, few people even think of asking these questions to themselves!

And nobody is practically embarrassed or surprised by the strange unanimity of the "irreconcilable enemies" of Russia and the United States in accusing Bill Gates and George Soros of all mortal sins. True, we also have our own "home" antihero, whom everyone snapped up too suspiciously, this is German Gref. For the sake of this, they even staged a bright performance with the release of Nikita Mikhalkov's television program Besogon.

In general, this is a story, sewn with white thread, which should have made intelligent people speak, but no! Everyone is silent like lambs. They are also silent about the fact that this is not an isolated case of a too explicit media PR company. Alexei Pimanov's program “Man and the Law” was the first link in a chain of events designed to convince the layman that there is undoubtedly a conspiracy of the world elite, and basically two are to blame for everything: Gref and Gates.

Strange affair! None of the reasonable ones was indignant, and did not correct the other smart ones from their environment with the words:

What are you doing! When it comes to ordinary things, everyone shouts: “Do not believe the corrupt TV, everything is lying there”, and why this time everyone was shouting: “Well, since Channel One and Russia 24 have started talking about it, that means everything true"?

Where is the logic? Why do many people believe TV where they want to believe, and do not believe where it doesn't give them anything? In my opinion, it is obvious that these events are a single planned and as if by notes played out operation, designed to switch the attention of citizens from real events to other problems. Yes, they exist and they need to be solved, but not instead of the painful one, but simultaneously, or at least afterwards.

But the technology of distraction works not only by switching consciousness, but also by injecting new information that cannot be ignored by the majority. The desire to enter heaven on soft pillows, lying on the stove, like the hero of a by no means Russian or folk tale about Emelya and the creative Schooka, literally works wonders. Those who remained indifferent to throwing stones at the scapegoats of Gates, Soros and Gref should also be busy with something, shouldn't they?

When, finally, it begins to reach the majority that something is probably wrong here, if a couple - three bloggers who have not done anything useful to others in this life are able to restore public opinion against those who, by their deeds, have proved their benefits to society, who made this world as we know it?

Bill Gates, for example, is guilty of the fact that these same bloggers throw dirt on him with the help of devices: smartphones, tablets, laptops and stationary computers, which were born thanks to him! Why would Gates do what is now expected of him, if in reality he alone managed not only to change our world, but also to save millions of lives in Africa and Southeast Asia? Can you tell me? Where is the logic?

In my opinion, the majority went somewhere wrong. Hey people!

Author: kadykchanskiy