Unusual Domed Pavilions - Alternative View

Unusual Domed Pavilions - Alternative View
Unusual Domed Pavilions - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Domed Pavilions - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Domed Pavilions - Alternative View
Video: Надувной универсальный #павильон «Дом». Купольное сооружение 2024, July

Hello, friends. In continuation of the previous article "A Very Mysterious Object" I offer another selection of historical materials on the topic of strange small domed structures.

But this time I will not put them together into an engineering network, but simply note some oddities.


The two objects in the top photos resemble a trade show, similar to the sales of wooden houses now. What were such structures for? The lower photo additionally displays incomprehensible accessories. They do not look like cemetery attributes, or church ones, if only very distantly.


Promotional video:

The top three photos show the prototype of a modern traffic light. This is the same object from different angles. At first glance, nothing special, only the bottom photo shows that there is an electric light inside the cabin. The bracket from it goes up, if there are wires, then they go there. And not a single photo shows the connection of the external power supply line. And the gendarme is holding in his hands some strange object that defies logic.


This is an oriental pavilion at the exhibition. Not only does it have a large dome, there are strange poles with tips attached to it from the sides. This can be attributed to the mystery of Eastern architecture, if such poles were not located on the old version of the lighthouse in Berdyansk.


This is an ordinary pavilion, also at some kind of exhibition, but for some reason from the inside it is decorated with bars on all the windows. What is such a Faraday cage for?


The top two photos show a typical music kiosk from the late 19th century. This is one and the same structure, only in the top photo it is apparently ready for the performance. As you can see, a certain object is inserted into the spire on the roof, menorah-shaped candlesticks and miniature lamps are placed on the dome. There are also other bulbs hanging from the ceiling. A very strange design. Candles were clearly not inserted into the menorahs, and no wires were observed from miniature bulbs. This is another topic for detailed consideration.


The photo shows the pavilion, the annotation to the photo says that the pavilion is in honor of the winners of wars. There are many lighting fixtures on the pavilion, but the power wires are nowhere to be seen.


This is some kind of strange model of a Russian temple in some kind of private property in Western Europe. It may be a common landscape decoration, but the domes look like real ones.


This is also an ordinary music kiosk of the early 20th century. The orchestra is in place, doing work. And again, there are a lot of light bulbs on the structure and a complete absence of power wires. With so many incandescent lamps, the power would be significant, the wire would have a significant thickness and it would be difficult not to notice it.

Conclusions, as they say, do it yourself. Until next time.