UN Creates A Coalition On Health And Climate Change - Alternative View

UN Creates A Coalition On Health And Climate Change - Alternative View
UN Creates A Coalition On Health And Climate Change - Alternative View

Video: UN Creates A Coalition On Health And Climate Change - Alternative View

Video: UN Creates A Coalition On Health And Climate Change - Alternative View
Video: UN Chief on Climate Change and his vision for the 2019 Climate Change Summit 2024, October

The association will work to reduce 12.6 million deaths a year caused by environmental risks, especially air pollution.

The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have announced the formation of a global coalition on health, environment and climate change. The new association is described on the website of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

In 2017, the global average annual CO2 concentration exceeded 400 ppm, and the average temperature was 1.1 ° C above pre-industrial levels. Climate change is negatively affecting the economies of developing countries, and spending on recovery from natural disasters, in particular tropical cyclones, hit a new record last year, according to WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas. The WMO chief stressed that the world has 30 years to reduce its carbon footprint, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and switch to renewable energy.

WHO estimates that 7 million people die prematurely each year from diseases associated with air pollution, including strokes and heart disease, respiratory disease and cancer. Air pollution in most major cities exceeds WHO air quality standards.

Many health-damaging pollutants contribute to climate change. Reducing emissions from sources such as transport, kitchen equipment, agriculture and industry could help reduce the rate of global warming by about 0.5 ° C by 2050.

“We must provide people with clean air, clean water and wholesome food,” said WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus.

A new global coalition on health, environment and climate change will seek to pool expertise and improve coordination. Through this alliance, WMO, WHO and UNEP intend to strengthen work focused on protecting health from the risks associated with negative environmental impacts and climate change. In particular, more efficient climate services are planned, for example through seasonal forecasts. They can help you prepare for climate-related diseases such as cholera and malaria, or alert you to the health risks of extreme heat.

The coalition will focus on air quality first. The Alliance intends to leverage WMO observing networks, its Sand and Dust Storm Warning and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) and the Global Atmosphere Watch. Determining when and where dust storms occur will enable air quality predictions and assessments of potential health risks.

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