Differences Between The World Elite And The Establishment - Alternative View

Differences Between The World Elite And The Establishment - Alternative View
Differences Between The World Elite And The Establishment - Alternative View

Video: Differences Between The World Elite And The Establishment - Alternative View

Video: Differences Between The World Elite And The Establishment - Alternative View
Video: The Constitution, the Articles, and Federalism: Crash Course US History #8 2024, October

Today in Russia, thanks to the course of Vladimir Putin of the last twenty years, we see the beginning of the formation of the state, not the comprador elite. Of course, this process, again, as we see, is long-term and difficult. The liberals, who sold the country to the West in the "blessed" 90s, are actively resisting and do not go to leave their homes. But our struggle, the struggle for the country's future is the key to success.

Elites have always been the object of attention and study. The destinies of peoples and states depend on their quality, they are the culprits of their rise and fall, breakthroughs into the future or solidification in the past. Elites are those who have become the best in any business, and from this point of view, the world is divided into elites and profane, who own secrets and are not aware of their existence.

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. Fresh cavalier. 1846
Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. Fresh cavalier. 1846

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. Fresh cavalier. 1846.

Elites are divided into many types: administrative, political, sports, military, commercial, engineering, scientific, creative, agricultural, ruling, counter-elites, pedagogical, medical, workers, national, religious.

There is a criminal elite, the so-called anti-elite. And therefore it is logical to be interested in the qualities that distinguish the elite from the non-elite. Here we are talking, in fact, about a different anthropological type of man, and this should be considered separately.

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that morality or immorality must be deduced from the criteria of elitism in advance, because morality is relative and each social class has its own. There are general criteria (self-sacrifice, perseverance, devotion to one's own, hatred for strangers and betrayal), but there are also specificities.

Matthias Stomer. Esau sells the birthright for a lentil stew. 1599
Matthias Stomer. Esau sells the birthright for a lentil stew. 1599

Matthias Stomer. Esau sells the birthright for a lentil stew. 1599.

For example, what is valor in the intelligence community (the ability to lie, pretend, peep, steal, sacrifice others, use psychological and physical violence) is a vice in other sectors of society. In intelligence, the end justifies the means, but in society it does not. And therefore morality cannot be a criterion for elitism.

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The criteria for elitism coincide with the criteria for entering power, even if this power is not administrative, but spiritual. A hermit or a writer, a lonely scientist can have authority, they rule over the minds precisely by this, without having formal attributes of power. Elite is a list of properties that most do not have. Let us first consider the conditions for entry into power (the administrative elite is the most visible substance).

1. Intellectual development;

2. Mastery;

3. Enterprise, initiative;

4. Ability to manage;

5. Carefulness in business;

6. Diligence in calculations;

7. Joining a group with mutual responsibility, common language and mutual assistance;

8. Confessing your own faith;

9. Non-admission to yourself closer to the necessary none of the others.

The absence of at least one of these criteria makes entry into power impossible. Or it is not the highest place in the hierarchy.

Leonid Solomatkin. Revel of officials. 1880
Leonid Solomatkin. Revel of officials. 1880

Leonid Solomatkin. Revel of officials. 1880.

However, the elite is the possession of special personal qualities. The best incubator of the elite was the nobility, a complex, unpretentious emotional order, a heightened sense of freedom and dignity were brought up there. Classical elite culture is a noble culture, and a Soviet man who mastered literacy, who grew up in the bosom of classical Russian literature of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, according to the apt remark of the philosopher Alexander Panarin, grew up in a noble estate, and not in a factory or in a communal apartment.

In different cultures, the noble principles of elitism have remained standard. It:

1. Impeccable manners as an ideology;

2. The culture of suppressing emotionality (restraint is the main distinguishing feature of the upper classes), the manifestation of emotions is a manifestation of weakness and vulnerability;

3. Understanding the importance of rituals. The system of rituals as a language of symbols, ritual is more important than power or money;

4. Cultural hegemony through the soft introduction of their values into the masses.

The main feature of the elite is the ability to uproot emotional incontinence at the time of children's education. Other properties follow from this.

5. Ambiguity in everything. The skill of hypocrisy, the ability to never say what you think. Build a web of many meanings, hiding the essence. Therefore, the nobles were not specially taught diplomacy, they formed diplomacy with its professional canons.

6. Calmness. The ability to maintain your sanity, even when everyone around you has lost it and blames you for it.

7. Psychological stability. Believe in yourself, even when you are influenced by those who doubt you.

Kamenev Anatoly Ivanovich. Official
Kamenev Anatoly Ivanovich. Official

Kamenev Anatoly Ivanovich. Official.

8. Empathy. The ability to understand another, even when you don't like him. To understand other people's doubts (the main quality of a politician, military man, manager, negotiator and trader).

9. Patience. To be able to wait and not be tormented by expectations.

10. Sobriety. Ability to accept slander without slandering oneself (“they received praise and slander indifferently and do not dispute a fool,” Pushkin).

11. Moderate modesty. Don't look too good or speak too wisely, don't push yourself up and demand respect. Don't think that your righteousness elevates you.

12. Don't cling to luck and well-being. Dream, but not become a slave to the dream.

13. To be able to think, but to be aware that the ability to see the essence is not yet the main force. Thought itself is not an end in itself. More important is the skill, the ability to apply knowledge.

14. Equally calmly meet triumph and complete failure. Treat these phenomena as impostors with irony.

15. Calmly look at how everything breaks down on which life is spent. Having lost everything, bend over, collect the tools and boldly start from the beginning, decisively leaving behind the losses.

16. To be able to collect everything that you won, put it on the line and, having lost, start all over again, without saying a word about losses.

17. To be able to talk to the crowd without smearing oneself with lies and without losing spiritual purity.

18. To be able to force yourself to hold on, even when there is nothing left in you and when you do not see any good in it.

19. To be able to communicate with the highest of this world, keeping the simplicity of the soul and habits.

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. Breakfast of the aristocrat. 1850
Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. Breakfast of the aristocrat. 1850

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov. Breakfast of the aristocrat. 1850.

20. Ideology of belonging to the class of defenders.

21. Don't make yourself an idol. People mean something to you, but no one means too much.

22. Do not bow to the rumor when the truth that you speak is twisted by scum to make fools endure.

23. Religious belief in its superiority.

24. An informal network of their own kind. Sports practice mixed with study.

25. Extreme vigilance and observation as a strategy of individual self-defense.

26. Invulnerability and blurred position. Split personality into a secret self and a public self. The best practice for a scout is to have two lives at the same time, and no one can figure out which one is real. The perfect gentleman is the perfect spy (Kim Philby and the Cambridge Five).

27. Do not talk too loudly or with a shaky voice. Never cry or play children's games as a child, so as not to look like a child.

28. Never be too persistent, it makes you vulnerable (showing a high point of need).

29. Not showing genuine enthusiasm for anything, this makes you open to criticism.

30. Maintain your posture. Manners are politeness and delicate taste as a sense of harmony and proportion. This is the basis of the education of the elite, its difference from commoners. Education of character is education of manners and appearance.

31. A gentleman never cheats and keeps his word. To cheat is to lose face.

32. The rite of passage is the passage through the ritual as a sign of submission to the group. The hierarchy in the group is built through many symbols and privileges. Preservation of the symbols of youth for life.

Initiation into Masons. France, 1745
Initiation into Masons. France, 1745

Initiation into Masons. France, 1745.

33. Understanding discipline as a means of developing Personal Strength.

34. The elite speaks differently than others. Speech is slow, velvety, words are used in abundance that no one knows. This is a social filter. The point is that other people, besides your circle, do not understand you.

35. Suppression of individual identity in favor of group identity. Group cohesion. Students train as members of the same clique, they must be one. They are a monolithic group, thinking and looking the same.

36. Ability to concentrate attention and keep it on the desired object longer than all others are capable of it.

37. Patriotism, team spirit, leadership qualities, the right way to talk and dress.

38. An empire needs self-confident functionaries who can be relied on.

These are the properties of those who belong to the elite, and the current elite can easily be checked for compliance with this list. You can be a technocrat, you can be a functionary, you can suddenly become rich, but this is not the elite, but the establishment. Growing an elite requires environment, selection and time.

This is a special, altered state of consciousness. The Anglo-Saxon and Chinese civilizations have been able to cultivate their elite, which have formed the establishment and keep it strategically obedient. All others are busy copying other people's winning patterns of behavior, but without relying on their own soil, this does not bring success.

The elite is capable of decay, and therefore Russia twice in the twentieth century experienced the collapse of statehood. China has experienced such a crisis of the state and elites more than once, Britain is now in a period of decline.

Feast in Time of Plague. Jacob Jordaens. Bean King Festival. 1645
Feast in Time of Plague. Jacob Jordaens. Bean King Festival. 1645

Feast in Time of Plague. Jacob Jordaens. Bean King Festival. 1645.

The difficulty in Russia is that the establishment takes the place of the elite, trying to fulfill its functions and playing its role, but not being it in essence. If the elite decays once every 200-250 years, then the establishment - once every 50 years. Places in the elite and in the establishment may coincide, or they may be divided.

Revolutions do not shape the elite, they change the establishment. The revolution is the fruit of the elite crisis. The elite is the fruit of centuries of selection, it creates meanings and sets standards. When people copy other people's customs, this is the main sign of the absence of their own elite. In this case, the local elite turns into a ghost, and no sign of conquering the top of the social pyramid makes the lucky upstarts an elite.

The real elite begins with the realization of the Mission, which goes beyond the limits of its life and does not allow to evade the lot that has fallen out. Therefore, the differences between the Soviet elite of the beginning of the communist project and up to the 60s and its decline (70-80s) are visible to the naked eye.

The elite cannot lead decay and regression. And if success is visible, then this is the first sign that part of the establishment has begun to transform into a viable elite. All other criteria of elitism are imprecise and therefore do not adequately reflect reality.

Today in Russia, thanks to the course of Vladimir Putin of the last twenty years, we see the beginning of the formation of the state, not the comprador elite. Of course, this process, again, as we see, is long-term and difficult. The liberals, who sold the country to the West in the "blessed" 90s, are actively resisting and do not go to leave their homes. But our struggle, the struggle for the country's future is the key to success.

Author: Alexander Khaldei
