Evidence That The World Elite Has Technologies Unknown To Official Science - Alternative View

Evidence That The World Elite Has Technologies Unknown To Official Science - Alternative View
Evidence That The World Elite Has Technologies Unknown To Official Science - Alternative View

Video: Evidence That The World Elite Has Technologies Unknown To Official Science - Alternative View

Video: Evidence That The World Elite Has Technologies Unknown To Official Science - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, October

Recently, we began to notice more and more facts that speak about the use of technologies on Earth that are not known to our civilization. The demolition of the World Trade Center buildings in New York is one such example. A very interesting study has appeared on the net.

In January 2014, 27 Nobel Prize winners (https://www.profile.ru/obshchestvo/item/78583-laure…) gave the rights of homosexuals in Russia and addressed the Russian President with a corresponding appeal.

Physicist Harold Kroto was the initiator.

But I just don’t remember something (maybe I missed something, correct it) so that these sexually anxious freaks-grant-suckers took care of much more substantial rights, the right to life, and not the inhabitants of one country, but the whole world, and would write a letter to George W. Bush, or Barack Obama on the demolition of a Manhattan Mall.

Who just did not speak about the reasons for the collapse of skyscrapers in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Thousands of civil engineers and architects decided to apply with a petition (https://ria.ru/world/20130911/962353173.html) to the City Hall of New York (“it won't help - we'll write to Sport Lotto), but physicists, the more I don’t remember the Nobel laureates.

What's the matter here? Outright cowardice? Not only: most importantly, the fact is that they have nothing to say - the nature of the destruction of skyscrapers in the center of New York contradicts the “scientific picture of the world”, which has become a sacred cow for representatives of “fundamental science”. The explosions in New York clearly showed that in addition to the idiotic dogmatic physics named after Einsteins-Landau, there is alternative physics, and someone knows how to use its fruits.

Now let's see how skyscrapers collapsed.


Promotional video:

Here is a picture of the destruction immediately after the terrorist attack. The question arises: where the hell did 25 thousand tons of iron alone go to each tower ?! In total, about 8000 (eight thousand) cars of steel alone, where are they? Well, the beams melted (idiots can believe it), the iron fell on the ground. But where is it !!!!! ??? Here is a fragment of ten floors, cut it - what will be the pile, have you figured it out? So where is the rest of the hardware?

Here is the installation of the twin towers, you can clearly see how much iron it is.


Somehow it became empty, isn't it?


Where did that go? Let's see again how the demolition went


The skyscrapers are covered with a cloud of dust that covers all of Manhattan:


Yes, yes, half a million tons of steel turned into dust, and about a collision of all other building materials. That this was the case was dispassionately recorded by both amateurs and news channels. Here you can see the destruction of a huge piece of the outer wall into dust (despite the reduction in the perspective, this fragment is much higher than the walls of the neighboring buildings):


The "lance" sticking out on the right frame also crumbles into dust, below there is a video shot from several angles.

Here are shots from another video, where the column assembled with the elevator shafts crumbled after the main dust had settled a little, clearly demonstrating how the columns of extra-strong steel turn into powder, here are four shots demonstrating the process:


The top of the "peak" is located somewhere in the middle of the skyscraper, i.e. its height is about 200 meters. And where could she fall? Has it really gone underground as much as 200 meters ?! - If it fell, it would lie on top of other buildings in Manhattan, and this has not been observed by anyone. In the next video, several angles, including from a CNN report, where the same central steel assembly crumbles into dust, is especially clearly visible from 1:10.

Now back to the whole towers. Condition of the problem: you need to grind 120 echelons of structural steel in 10-12 seconds. These are the columns:


No technology known to the general public can do this. Perhaps only a nuclear explosion. Earlier I gave a link to a repost of an article by Dmitry Khalezov, who substantiates the hypothesis of nuclear demolition. (https://ex007.com/2008-09-911.html) But, the cunning Khalezov, in the same place slips her refutation to the attentive reader. The fact is that according to his hypothesis, the epicenter of the explosion, with a force of 15 kilotons (approximately 10 Hiroshima), should have been produced at a depth of about 100 meters from the surface, or 27 meters below the base of the towers. The diameter of the cavity that such an explosion will produce will be about 100 m, and from the surface to the bottom of the pit, about 150 meters. Now we look at what the foundation pit looks like in reality, after what was once a symbol of America was removed from it.


A depth of 15-20 meters, such an explosion, if it actually happened, should be attributed to a terrestrial one, with a nuclear mushroom and other delights that would make Manhattan a lifeless desert, and New York - a city of the dead.

At the same time, one should take into account the fact that no planes, not only WTC-7, but also the "twins" did not ram, we analyzed this in detail in another post here. (www.clumba.su/idi-i-smotri/)

Who else doubts, do a simple experiment: take a lawnmower trimmer that mows the grass with a fishing line, and replace the line, at least steel, not aluminum, with a wire 35 cm long, at 7000 rpm of a conventional trimmer, the speed of the end of the wire will exceed the possible flight speed of the Boeing . And try to break the scrap steel with this wire - these are the proportions of the steel struts of the skyscraper in relation to the aluminum wing of the plane.

What actually happened? A convincing hypothesis is presented here on this site.


The author convincingly proves that the WTC structures, equipment and bodies of living people turned into pure carbon, which was then swept out of Manhattan, no matter how contrary to the "scientific picture of the world." And this was done by sending aircraft of an unknown design into skyscrapers. A video of one of the devices is available in the article …

Instead of an epilogue. On the upper floors, according to official data, more than a thousand people died at the hands of "Arab terrorists". They were thrown out of the windows, but not a single person went to the helipads, which were on the roofs of skyscrapers, and there were no rescue teams there. There were no airbags at the foot of the skyscrapers, where more than a hundred corpses were later counted, people thrown out of the windows. The "Arab terrorists" were not interested in keeping witnesses of what happened in the immediate area of the "aircraft". "Arab terrorists" will be punished only when the truth about this crime becomes the property not of a narrow circle of enthusiasts, but of all mankind. Make your contribution.