5 Interesting Facts About Loans - Alternative View

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5 Interesting Facts About Loans - Alternative View
5 Interesting Facts About Loans - Alternative View

Video: 5 Interesting Facts About Loans - Alternative View

Video: 5 Interesting Facts About Loans - Alternative View
Video: Banking Explained – Money and Credit 2024, October

In our time, such a concept as "credit" has already firmly entered our life. True, far from post-Soviet fellow citizens have learned to treat this phenomenon reasonably. But now it's not about that. What do people really know about loans? This article will tell you the most interesting facts about this service.

Fact one: Originally from antiquity

Lending dates back to ancient Assyria. Then this practice was quickly adopted by the inhabitants of Babylon and Egypt. The mention of the first usurers dates back to the 8th century BC. It was then that they began to lend money at a certain interest. Soon there appeared "hoodoo" - analogs of modern bank notes-shares, guaranteeing the owner passive income.

Fact two: mortgage

Homeland so unloved by many, but inevitable mortgage is Greece. By the way, the name of this phenomenon is Greek - hypotheke. Plates with this word adorned the land plots of Greek peasants for many centuries BC. And even then they did not mean anything good - in cases of delay in paying off the debt, the creditor took the land for himself.

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Fact Three: Collateral

In our time, tangible assets, for example, an apartment or real estate, can serve as collateral. In ancient times, both the debtor himself and his family members could act as such. If the debtor could not pay off within the specified period, everyone ended up in slavery for three or more years. True, before this, the main debtor was given a chance and placed in a debt hole, also for a specified period. And someone from relatives, or friends, could pay off his obligation. If there was no one willing, then only slavery.

Fact four. First banks

Until the 15th century, loans were issued not only by private usurers, but also by churches! Yes, the clergy has a wealth of experience in commerce. The first official bank appeared on the territory of modern Italy in 1472. It was called Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena. It bore the name of the city - the state where it was founded - Siena. By the way, this bank still exists today, has 2,200 branches, of which more than 40 are located in other countries. By the way, the church did not like the appearance of official banks, since financial institutions became real competitors for the clergy. The clergy hastened to issue a number of decrees in which borrowing money at interest was recognized as a mortal sin. But this did not affect the rapid development of lending. By the way, monarchs have always been the worst credit debtors. They were very fond of taking loans from different banks, but terribly did not like to give them back. And this often became the cause of fierce wars.

Fact five: Persons non grata

It just so happened in ancient times that loans to representatives of some professions were and are still reluctant. The exact reasons are not clear, but this list has not changed for centuries. And this blacklist includes:

  • journalists;
  • military;
  • private entrepreneurs;
  • lawyers and judges.

It is possible that the banks' dislike of representatives of these industries is due to the fact that these professions are traditionally associated with risk. This means that banks also run the risk that the loan will not be returned.