Will World Order Be Established? - Alternative View

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Will World Order Be Established? - Alternative View
Will World Order Be Established? - Alternative View

Video: Will World Order Be Established? - Alternative View

Video: Will World Order Be Established? - Alternative View
Video: Inside COVID-19 conspiracy theories: from 5G towers to Bill Gates | 60 Minutes Australia 2024, June

Many people never think about whether there are so-called rulers of the world. Why think about it - after all, we live, no one bothers us, we act as we want, and no one indicates. I am the master of my life and its quality completely depends on me, on how I will achieve my goal. Maybe that's right, it's easier to live this way. Why stuff your head with all sorts of nonsense that will only interfere with normal human existence. We have enough of our own problems: children, work, health, home. Most people think so.

But some recent events - the economic crisis around the world and modern geopolitical problems make many people think about the reasons for their occurrence. Certain conclusions are immediately drawn and submitted for general consideration. The main meaning of these conclusions lies in the fact that behind all these changes, the cataclysm, there are concrete people, forces, organizations that own huge amounts of money. In other words, there is a so-called world government that influences and controls the entire course of earth's history.

Who are these people? What powers? What are the names of the organizations?

Everyone has a different interpretation on this matter. Some say that the world is ruled by the largest and most powerful corporations, while others believe that these are secret societies (Bilderberg Club). Still others are accused of a worldwide conspiracy of Masons, Jews, religion, the devil and even aliens.

Let's see what sociologist Alexander Zinoviev says about this. On the basis of many years of research in this area, he came to the conclusion that on our land there is not a world government in the form of the governments of individual states, but a world super-society. It consists of approximately 80 million people. This includes tens of thousands of the world's largest empires, media, non-profit enterprises. The center of this super-society that governs the world is the USA. Thousands of its representatives are located on the territory of the entire mother Earth. Thousands of experts are involved in Russia alone. What is the super-society preparing for it, according to A. Zinoviev? According to the plans of these chosen people, Russia should become an instrument of anti-communism in the struggle against communist China. Therefore, they need to seize the Russian army and reform it into a NATO unit. Such statements by the author were published as early as 2000.

This modern organization with world ambitions was preceded by a number of others that began to organize in the late 19th century. Their origins were the leading financiers of the time - Morgan, Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb and others. Also known is the Round Table group of British socialists and communists striving for a united World Government. Also, during the XX century, there were numerous closed organizations, which later received the general name "The Secret Order". Expanding his spheres of influence in the White House, institutions of power, the media, he became the central headquarters of Atlanticism, forming a structure consisting of analysts, advisers, with its own strategic research center.

The activities of the "Secret Order" led to the emergence of major transnational organizations, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission, in which the "order" took the leading positions. We will not touch on the details of these structures, because now many already know about them, and they do not want to adapt to someone's beliefs. We are now trying to show what opinions on this matter exist among politicians, sociologists, as well as among ordinary people who share their views.

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I would like to note that in the post-war period, the above-mentioned Council became the main strategic center of the Cold War. Its members included CIA officials, Pentagon and NATO generals, leaders of subversive activities against the USSR Allen Dulles, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger. At one of the post-war Council meetings, Dulles announced a new doctrine directed against the USSR. Its main meaning lies in gradual and systematic impacts on Soviet citizens, with the aim of fooling and fooling their consciousness through the cult of violence, sadism, sex, betrayal, that is, all immorality. They will exert (as A. Dulles said) every effort so that literature, cinema, and theater of the USSR are aimed at portraying and glorifying base human feelings. Decency and honesty will not be needed by anyone and will be ridiculed,as a relic of the past. Lies, deceit, impudence, drug addiction, drunkenness, nationalism and enmity between peoples - all this will be imposed imperceptibly and deftly …

What do we see now in the CIS countries? Does the moral emancipation and complete freedom in the minds of citizens, especially among young people, remind us of the words of a politician?

The Bilderberg Club, founded in 1954, became an international extension of the Council, as it consisted of the European political and financial elite and members of the American Council. As the first documents of this club say, the purpose of their meetings was to take care of the new international order and plan the foreign policy of Western countries in relation to the Soviet Union and third world countries.

And in 1973, some active members of the Bilderberg Group organized the Trilateral Commission, which had three headquarters: in the United States, Europe and Japan. It was founded in connection with the development of rivalry between the ruling elite of the West and the increased economic influence of Japan. The creation of a global planning mechanism and the implementation of long-term redistribution of earth resources - these are the main issues that were raised before the participants in the meetings of the Trilateral Commission.

One of the main activists of the world behind the scenes, a former adviser to French President François Mitterrand and a member of the Bilderberg Club, Jacques Attali, wrote a program book for mondialism, Horizon Lines. In it, he reveals the structure of the future world order, which is based on cosmopolitanization, when people do not consider themselves to belong to a certain nationality and recognize the whole world as their fatherland. The highest form of this new society will be the so-called nomadism (a society of people without a sense of soil, homeland, ancestral faith and living with consumer and entertainment interests). The nomads will have a magnetic card and be controlled by computer networks.

Already now in the United States, every resident is assigned a number on a computer network from birth, through which all data about him is entered. At the initial stage, it is planned to first make the population of the States, and then the inhabitants of other countries, owners of plastic cards, but not only for carrying out financial transactions. Computers will also collect information about the professional, social, ethnic, spiritual, political, legal, religious, educational and moral character of every person born on Earth. Obviously, we are talking about a biometric passport in the form of a plastic card, which has already arrived in some countries (CIS).

The next stage involves the implantation of a special electronic "chip" (biocard) into each person's hand, into which the same information will be entered as on a plastic card. With its help, it will be possible to find the location of a person at any time and in any place. Implanted bio cards will be the only way to calculate. There will be no more cash. All sales, purchases, and salaries will be carried out using these chips. A person who refuses to implant a biocard will not be able to sell or buy anything.

If you are familiar with the text of the Bible, you probably remember what is written in the book of Revelation of John in chapter 13, from 16 to 18 verses. It says that everyone - big and small, rich and poor, will be put inscribed on the forehead or on the right hand. And no one will be able to sell or buy, except for the one who has this mark, and this is the name of the beast or his name is a number. This requires wisdom to count, for the number is 666. The question arises, so who is this beast? One thing is clear that it is the enemy of God, Satan.

Former British intelligence officer John Coleman managed to reveal in the book "The Committee of 300" all the goals and intentions of the New World Government, under which only rulers (gentlemen) and servants will be. The whole system will be built in such a way that the subjugated New Government will be provided with means of livelihood, and the rebellious will be starved and outlawed, with the ensuing consequences. Its own religion will be introduced in the form of the Church of the World Government. Christianity will be subject to attempts at destruction.

Marriages will be illegal. Children at an early age will be forcibly taken away from their parents and brought up as state property. Women will only be allowed to give birth to two children. If she becomes pregnant a third time, she will be forcibly sent for an abortion to the clinic, with sterilization. Pornography will be widely advertised. All over the world will be distributed "restorative" drugs, with the obligatory use of their people.

All wealth, industry, agriculture, space and scientific research will be concentrated in the hands of the elite of the "Committee of 300". All banks except the World Bank will be banned. For any violation of the law, people will be severely punished.

All of this is only a small part of what the selected super-society has prepared according to its plan for the future New World Order. The book "Technotronic Era" by Zbigniew Bzierzinski and the work of Aurelio Peccei, founder of the famous "Club of Rome", as well as his book "Before the Abyss" speaks about these plans.

In conclusion, I would like to switch to other "sources" of the ideas of World Domination. Now there is a lot of conflicting information about the Masonic movement and all kinds of religions that pose a certain danger to humanity. So who are the Freemasons?

Freemasonry is a moral and ethical Christian organization where everyone honors and believes in God and learns the lessons of "brotherly love, help and truth." The main Masonic virtue is working for the benefit of the whole society. This principle is reflected in their wide charitable activities. For example, Masons are opening nursing home shelters; schools, and not only for Masonic families, but for all others; points for medical care. They have created thousands of different philanthropic organizations in many countries. There is a well-known laboratory opened by a Masonic organization for medical research, and 22 children's hospitals function in North America.

Perhaps some, having read these lines, can give their arguments, saying: "All these charitable deeds are a kind of screen behind which are hidden completely different, and not very good intentions." Let's think logically. Even if some handful of Freemasons cultivate these ambitious motives for world domination (after all, "there are black sheep in the family"), many millions come there with faith for "brotherhood and self-improvement." Then why should you be afraid of these few?

Moreover, not everyone knows that a large number of outstanding figures of mankind belonged to Freemasonry: the composers L. V. Beethoven, W. A. Mozart, J. Haydn, F. List, N. Paganini, writers I. V. Goethe, R. Tagore, W. Scott, M. Twain and many others. A. Pushkin, A. Suvorov, Zhukovsky, Griboyedov, Sumarokov, Borovikovsky were masons in Russia. The list of names can be long enumerated.

In the Ukrainian small town of Donbass, a charity event "Make a present for the homeless", organized by Christians, was recently held. A very large number of people responded to their call, showing mercy to the needy and disadvantaged. It took 150 cars to take out all these gifts (shoes, clothes, sofas, beds, food). All that was collected was sent to the "Houses of mercy" in different settlements. By the way, such actions are characteristic of just believers - Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Freemasons, Baptists, Adventists, Charismatics and many others. And there is nothing wrong with that, since "God is light, and there is no darkness in Him."