Managing People On Planet Earth - Alternative View

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Managing People On Planet Earth - Alternative View
Managing People On Planet Earth - Alternative View

Video: Managing People On Planet Earth - Alternative View

Video: Managing People On Planet Earth - Alternative View
Video: How to Save Our Planet 2024, June

In the foreseeable historical process, the foundations of the management of humanity were laid back in the days of Ancient Egypt by the caste of priests. Managing people and keeping them in obedience was carried out through the dosed delivery of knowledge to various strata of society and the concealment of their entirety.

At the current level of development of society, the methods of managing it have changed little. This management system is most fully described in the Concept of Public Safety, provided by the Non-State Institution of Continuing Education “Institute of Conceptual Analytics” in the form of a crowd-“elite” model of society.

The "World Government" (or the Global Predictor, so called by conceptual analysts) formed two virtual pyramids. One is the structure of society, the other is the knowledge represented by each of these structures.


At the top of the pyramid of knowledge, which has an inverted appearance (point down), is the entire completeness of the knowledge that people have and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. In the middle is the fragmentary, partial knowledge that the specialists receive. And at the bottom of the pyramid are pieces of knowledge for people to perform individual operations. If you are a locksmith, then know your vice with a file and that's it.

This approach provided the formation of another pyramid - the pyramid of the structure of society (which looks like a point upwards). Those who knew more than others ended up on higher steps. And who knew less - on the lower. As a result, the whole society fell apart into three parts (in relation to knowledge).

At the top of the pyramid - the priesthood ("World Government")

Promotional video:

It possessed all the completeness of known knowledge (factology) and the methodology for obtaining new knowledge. As in Ancient Egypt, the "World Government" supposedly consists of 22 hierophants (the top of the clan financial families of the world): Guy de Rothschild, Montefière, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, Goldschmidt, Bleichrode, Mendel, Wallenberg, Warternburg, Sassoon, Morgan, Dupont, Shchmidt Heine, Croup, Mellon, Cohen, Flip, Ford, Schultz, Roos and Evelyn de Rothschild.

These names are practically not highlighted by the media, either as the richest (in Forbes magazine) or as heads of any state. They are always in the shadows.

Corporate clans of financial families

At the disposal of the "World Government" is the hereditary supranational Corporation of clan financial families: Sachs, Deutsches, Leba, Coons, Cannes, Teiners, Weiners, Meyers, Ostriches, Sulpi, Baruchs, Limens, Lazars, Paynels, Scythians, Fishers, Warbergs, Mordokhi, Boyers, Schiffs, Abrahams, Calmans, Goldmans, Broasers, Lazarus, Balusteins, Guggenheims, Seligmans, Kaufmans, Harrimans, Dreyfuses, Morgentows, Weinbergs, Blumentals, and so on (358 clan families in total).


Direct management is carried out by the supranational transnational unified leadership of the planet - the conferences of millionaires (executive committee), subordinate to: the Coordinating Council of Jewish Organizations (located in Washington - USA) and the Advisory Council of Jewish Organizations (located in New York - USA). All of them manage the so-called "System" which includes:

1). The "World Zionist Organization" (WZO) (founded in 1897, the supreme body is the World Zionist Congress (WZC), which elects the World Zionist Council (WZC), the WSS executive committee is located in New York, and the branch is in Jerusalem);

2). Jewish Agency for Israel (EADI - Sokhnut) (founded in 1929, branches exist in all countries of the world, the EADI executive committee operates under the auspices of the WZO);

3). World Jewish Congress (WEC) (founded in 1936, operates in 67 countries of the world).

Management "elite"

Below is the management "elite". It includes: various parties, Zionist organizations, religious organizations, Masonic lodges, all kinds of movements, transnational banks (there are about 250 of the largest TNBs), foundations (Rockefeller, Soros, Thatcher, Joydzha, World Laboratory, Initiatives Fund, "Center for Applied Research", after 1991 - the Gorbachev Foundation and others), transnational corporations (there are about 800 of the largest TNCs in the world: General Motors (USA), Ford Motors (USA), Exxon (USA), Royal Dutch Shell (England), General Electric (USA), British Petroleum (England), IBM (USA), Siemens (Germany), Dipon de Nemours (USA) and others), international organizations and unions (UN, UNESCO, GATT, EBRD, CSCE, IMF, NATO, ILO, etc.)


The managerial "elite" does not have all the fullness of knowledge. The priesthood gave her knowledge (factology) in terms of her, but did not give a whole, complete knowledge. As a result, the “elite” does not see integrity and does not understand who and why is forming integrity. At the same time, the priesthood kept the “elite” feeling superior over other people. They were told that they were the “chosen ones,” they were the “smartest”, “most gifted”, that they had the right to a “special” position in society. This allowed the priests to control the "elite" without structure, and the metered delivery of knowledge to them made it possible to keep them in subjection. In order to manage society in a sustainable manner and so that the "elite" would not guess how they were being run, the "World Government" renewed it from time to time. Using whatever slogans are appropriate for the occasion (Orange Revolution, Rose Revolution,"Tulip" revolution, etc.), it pushed the "crowd" into revolutions, coups and pogroms. And after the old "elite" was destroyed, they put in a new one, prepared in advance. It is only the "elite" who thinks to themselves that they are the "top" of society, but in fact they are no different from the "crowd" that is at the very bottom, at the bottom.


The priests gave the "crowd" even less knowledge than the "elite". This knowledge was supposed to ensure high-quality work of the "crowd" for the benefit of the "elite" and "priests"

The existing education system still provides this crowd-“elite” model of society with “cadres”. In general education schools they form "kaleidoscopic idiocy" - they prepare a "crowd". If he was born in the family of a turner, then be a turner! "Every cricket know your six!" And in the "special. schools "children are whispered:" You are gifted "," You are smart "," You study in an "elite school" - they prepare the "elite". This is how the Divide and Conquer principle is being implemented these days.

It is noteworthy that in 1952, in his work "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR" I. V. Stalin wrote that for real socialism, labor productivity should increase so that the working day could be reduced to 5-6 hours, and people could use their free time to get a versatile education. All-round education is necessary because it alone can break the chains by which a person is chained all his life to his profession in the existing union of labor.

Thus, the priesthood formed two crowds. One crowd is the "crowd", the other crowd is the "elite". Only one of the crowds is lured, privileged (and terribly afraid to "fall" down). And the other crowd is poor, disadvantaged, who have nurtured the desire to break through the “top” of society in order to live well, satisfyingly and at the same time, as it seemed to them, doing nothing special.

Various political parties are fighting for power, their leaders strive to take a place in the "elite", to rise above the "crowd" in the State Duma, government, other large commercial companies, etc. Get your piece. They do not understand that they are all TOLPARI and are doomed to yet another "circumcision", despite the current "fatness" of this piece.

"Management" and "confrontation" are closely related

When looking at the life of society (hundreds and more years), one can see that there are ways to influence society, the meaningful application of which allows you to control its life and death. We are talking about the priorities (levels of significance) of the confrontation between two different systems.

Conceptual analysts in the Concept of Public Safety provide us with 6 priorities. The level (priority) number reflects the power, importance of each of the weapons. Priorities 4, 5, and 6 are material weapons, while priorities 1, 2, and 3 are information weapons.

One country can be conquered by another by force of arms. If now in Novosibirsk, at the crossroads of the streets, patrols of "Fritzes" in helmets with machine guns are placed, then everyone will understand that they live in an occupied country, although the current state of Russia is also an occupation one. This is how the everyday consciousness of people perceives the concept of "occupation". "Hot" wars are waged with the help of machine guns, tanks and aircraft.

Management Priorities

Military priority number 6. Once upon a time, the "ancient extremists" realized that as quickly as they conquered the country on priority 6, they can get an answer just as quickly. In this case, there is an opportunity to perish yourself. In addition, it turned out that the slaves in the conquered country work poorly, without "enthusiasm." Therefore, the "extremists of antiquity" began to improve the methods of aggression, without changing their goals: the seizure of the resources of other countries.

This is how priority 5 was "invented": the weapon of silent genocide. Means of genocide, affecting not only the living, but also subsequent generations. They destroy the genetically determined potential for the assimilation and development by descendants of the cultural heritage of their ancestors. These include: nuclear blackmail - the threat of use, alcoholic, tobacco and other narcotic genocide, food additives, all environmental pollutants, some medicines, genetic engineering and biotechnology.

Then they invented priority 4 weapons - economic. It gives even more consistent results over time. From the “needle” the leader can “jump off”, and from the “binge” - “come out”. May die from an overdose.

Then the aggressor has to mess with the new leader. And then he gave a loan to the “leader” today, and the children and grandchildren of the “leader” will pay off the debt with the resources of their country and their people. And no bloodshed! Everything is quite "cultural". Therefore, this aggression began to be called "cultural cooperation".

It is possible to break off the "needle", but it is impossible to repay the debt, since the credit and financial system by "ancient extremists" is designed in such a way that you will not "break loose". It is based on the usurious lending interest. Applied to entire countries and peoples on a global scale by the global Ziono-Nazi mafia, this credit and financial system, in principle, does not allow one to get out of bondage.

Priority 3 is ideological. To prevent the people from figuring out what they are doing to them on priorities 6, 5 and 4, the “ancient extremists” create different ideologies. With their help, the consciousness of people is processed, they are stupid. In ancient times, “extremists” adapted people's faith to God for their own interests - religions became such an instrument. Then “secular ideologies” appeared, as well as the “absence of ideology” - this is also an ideology. Each of us feels all this on himself. How? And here's how: "everyone needs to repent for the sins of their ancestors, otherwise you will not save Russia … pray and repent …", "money makes money", "wine in small quantities is very useful", "marijuana is not a drug", "who smokes Marlboro is cowboy ", etc. etc.

Finally, on top priorities

2 priority - chronological, information of a historical nature. Whoever owns this information can see from the position of priority 1 the direction of all processes, the direction of the "general course of things", the tendency of a particular process.


Hence the furious attempts to distort the history of even the next few years (World War II: its heroes and antiheroes, the victors and those present).

These priorities can be applied individually or in combination with each other. Obviously, only having the information on priorities 1 and 2, you can see and make the right decisions, as well as give advice to others or call for something.

Now you can see on what priority this or that politician, party, movement "works". From this we can conclude that one can expect from some "leader" and his party, whether this party will be able to win if it wants to achieve everything only by force (priority 6) or "economic" "reforms (priority 4), or "spiritual rebirth" (priority 3). The answer is obvious. The one who owns a higher priority, sooner or later, will always triumph over the one who "works" only on lower priorities.

Using priorities 1, 2 and 3, the "World Government" conducts so-called "information wars". Information war is a war aimed at seizing raw materials, energy, human resources of countries not controlled by the "World Government". It is carried out with the use of such an impact on the minds of people in the field of ideology, religion, politics, history, philosophy, science, when the people of the country-victim of aggression are purposefully introduced such false ideas about what is happening in society, in people's lives, which allow the aggressor freely manipulate both the government and the people of this country and seize resources, practically without meeting any resistance, i.e. no armed invasion.

Information wars have been waged between several centers of human civilization for centuries, only occasionally turning into "hot wars". Over the past 3.5 thousand years, information aggression against the peoples of the Earth has been carried out by the heirs of the rabid ancient Egyptian priesthood, who imagined themselves to be the rulers of the world - the secret "World Government"

Aggression is carried out by the method of "cultural cooperation", through the governing "elite" of the country-victim of aggression, which, to the extent of its understanding, thinks (maybe even sincerely) that it is working for its people, and to the extent of not understanding the general course of things is, in fact, a puppet in the hands of the aggressor, carrying out his plans.

The instrument of aggression ("army") is the so-called "agents of influence", which are massively introduced into the victim country. An agent of influence is not just a spy. Its task is much broader. Through him (sometimes these people themselves do not fully know the depth of their role and the tasks assigned to them by their supreme leadership), the heads of state and their entourage, the commanding staff of all levels, economic, political and social processes are mediated. Influence occurs both directly and through close and distant relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc.

As a result of aggression among the victim people:

- the holistic perception of the surrounding world, everything that happens around (including in public life) is destroyed, the connection with the surrounding Nature is broken and a fragmented, partial, kaleidoscopic consciousness is being formed, easily amenable to manipulation from the outside, through the subconscious;

-the historical self-consciousness is destroyed, the real history of the people is replaced by false myths, the integral historical process is torn into pieces that are opposed to each other;

-connection with God. Nature replaces belief in idealistic or materialistic "scriptures" that collide and wage an age-old, irreconcilable struggle - "Divide and rule!"

- normal human needs for food, clothing, housing, etc. (that is, demographically determined needs) are replaced by the need for money, which is purposefully implanted and manifested in immoderate unnatural needs, irrepressible adherence to fashion and is brought to a passion for profit (degradation-parasitic needs), thereby ensuring the dependence of the population on those who own financial system;

- base instincts are implanted, undermining the physical and mental health of a person and destroying the gene pool of the nation.

Generally speaking, an alien concept of life order is imposed on the people, which leads them to degradation and destruction.