World Government: Five Leading Secret Organizations - Alternative View

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World Government: Five Leading Secret Organizations - Alternative View
World Government: Five Leading Secret Organizations - Alternative View

Video: World Government: Five Leading Secret Organizations - Alternative View

Video: World Government: Five Leading Secret Organizations - Alternative View
Video: Global Governance Series: United Nations and a New World Order 2024, July

Planning a new world order is often attributed to closed organizations in which influential representatives of the world elite participate. Sputnik has prepared an overview of the five most famous secret societies.

Bilderberg Club

During the annual meetings of the Bilderberg Club, in which the powerful of this world participate, no minutes are kept and the presence of journalists is not allowed. You can enter the conference only by personal invitation, and disclosing the content of the discussions is prohibited.

The next 64th closed meeting of the club will take place at the Taschenbergpalais hotel in Dresden from 9 to 12 June.

It is known that IMF Head Christine Lagarde, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former CIA Director David Petraeus, ex-NATO Commander-in-Chief in Europe Philip Breedlove and former head of British intelligence MI6 John Sawers will be present.

Bohemian club

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Every July, since 1899, only male members of the closed Bohemian Club come to the elite vacation spot "Bohemian Grove" in California. Among them are former presidents, prominent businessmen, artists, media publishers.

The club's motto is “Spiders that weave a web don't come here”.

On the territory of the Bohemian Grove, "camps" have been formed depending on the representatives of which spheres of activity live in them. There is also an amphitheater for two thousand people, on the stage of which theatrical performances are held.

The symbol of the Bohemian grove is an owl, a nine-meter high cement statue of which is installed in front of the lake in the middle of the grove, where various rituals are performed. There is also a statue of the Catholic Saint John of Nepomuk, who is considered the patron saint of the club. According to legend, he accepted death, refusing to reveal the secret of the queen's confession to the Bohemian king.

Council on Foreign Relations

This private American organization is engaged in foreign policy research and publishes the journal Foreign Affairs every two months. It includes more than 4900 people, including high-ranking officials, famous scientists, businessmen, journalists, lawyers.

The Council on Foreign Relations has been called the most influential think tank in the United States, and is sometimes accused of conspiring to create a world government.

Trilateral Commission

The organization was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller. Representatives of political, business and academic circles from North America, Western Europe and Asia (South Korea and Japan) participate in its work.

The goal of the Trilateral Commission is stated to be "to promote closer cooperation between the key developed regions of the world that have common leadership responsibilities in the international system."

However, former Republican Senator Barry Goldwater, in his book No Apologies, described the organization as an attempt to “unite four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and spiritual” to create “a global economic power that transcends the power of political governments.”

Commercial Energy Working Group

The Commercial Energy Working Group is an influential lobbying group in the United States. It is not known exactly whose interests she represents; she does not have a website or accounts in social networks.

As the journalists found out, the group operates through the Washington-based law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. In the company's documents, it is listed as "a group of various commercial firms in the energy industry," but which ones are not specified.