Committee 300 - Alternative View

Committee 300 - Alternative View
Committee 300 - Alternative View

Video: Committee 300 - Alternative View

Video: Committee 300 - Alternative View
Video: Committee of the Whole - March 31, 2020 2024, June

Currently, there are a number of secret societies that have a colossal influence on political, economic and social processes on a global scale. However, despite their diversity and apparent independence, there is a certain guiding force that sets the general direction, general trends, and brings the whole world to a certain goal. According to the testimony of former MI6 intelligence agent John Coleman, such a force is an extremely powerful group - the Committee of 300.


The heads of government call her "The Magicians", Joseph Stalin called her "Dark Forces", and they prefer to call themselves "Olympians", from which one can conclude what role in the world they assign to themselves. In his book The Committee of Three Hundred, Dr. Coleman notes that the Committee of 300 is the highest stratum of society, which includes representatives of the "untouchable" class: in particular, the Queen of England, Queen of Denmark, Queen of the Netherlands, as well as representatives of the royal families of Europe. However, the current composition of the Committee of 300 includes not only aristocrats, but also corporate business leaders who own the main financial resources of the planet, although they do not have aristocratic origins. As a result of such a union, this group was formed, whose influence is not restrained by state borders. The "committee" is beyond the reach of the law of any country and stands above any government. He controls the spheres of politics, religious movements, trade, industry, banking, insurance, drug trafficking, etc. The peculiarity of this organization is its invisibility. It does not have an official name, but controls world processes through powerful international organizations. Among them are NATO, the UN, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission and countless other organizations. Coleman, as an American, is most concerned about the impact of this community on the United States. He states that the "Committee of 300" is a top secret world government, parallel to the official one that governs Britain and the United States. It should be said that back in 1909. Walter Racino (General Electric Corporation) in his address to the German audience said: “Three hundred people who know each other rule the economic destiny of Europe …” One should not think that their interests are limited only to politics and economics. As mentioned above, they are based on the ideas of secret societies, in particular the Illuminati, implementing the idea of a New World Order in practice. They create conditions under which a way of thinking opposite to the Christian one develops and cultivates. Thus, the overwhelming majority of Europeans and America are unconsciously accelerating the realization of the ultimate goal of the Committee of 300.they are based on the ideas of secret societies, in particular the Illuminati, putting the idea of the New World Order into practice. They create conditions under which a way of thinking opposite to the Christian one develops and cultivates. Thus, the overwhelming majority of Europeans and America are unconsciously accelerating the realization of the ultimate goal of the Committee of 300.they are based on the ideas of secret societies, in particular the Illuminati, putting the idea of the New World Order into practice. They create conditions under which a way of thinking opposite to the Christian one develops and cultivates. Thus, the overwhelming majority of Europeans and America are unconsciously accelerating the realization of the ultimate goal of the Committee of 300.