In Siberia, Schoolchildren Were Given Books About The Fact That Mat Affects The Appearance And Chromosomes - Alternative View

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In Siberia, Schoolchildren Were Given Books About The Fact That Mat Affects The Appearance And Chromosomes - Alternative View
In Siberia, Schoolchildren Were Given Books About The Fact That Mat Affects The Appearance And Chromosomes - Alternative View

Video: In Siberia, Schoolchildren Were Given Books About The Fact That Mat Affects The Appearance And Chromosomes - Alternative View

Video: In Siberia, Schoolchildren Were Given Books About The Fact That Mat Affects The Appearance And Chromosomes - Alternative View
Video: What Alcohol Does to Your Body 2024, July

The author of the children's manual is a retired lieutenant colonel, a village deputy. He refers to pseudo-scientific research.

A local deputy, a former military man Mikhail Bordashevich, took up the upbringing of schoolchildren through a sincere conversation in the Toguchinsky district of the Novosibirsk region. For the third year now, he has been going to schools with lectures on the dangers of the swear word “Mat is not our format”. It would seem that the matter is correct, but you read the manual from the deputy, which ends up on school desks, and your hair stands on end. The arguments seem to be taken from a program about psychics. Like, from the mat "chromosomes change their structure", and women "become outwardly like a rat."


We got through to the deputy to clarify. Maybe this is still a joke?

“Let's talk while I'm marching,” the former soldier replied cheerfully, hurrying to the next meeting. - You see, we pronounce words and do not realize that every word and thought carries energy. These thoughts-words do not disappear anywhere, they surround us in space. They settle in the astral-mental world invisible to us. These words at a certain time will become our reward or punishment. For good words we will receive wealth, joy, for bad words - diseases, problems.

We clarify: is this what the deputy tells children in schools? Mikhail Frantsevich confirms that he even has a training manual for extracurricular activities. Where did this knowledge come from, what does the fan of pure speech rely on in his works?

- I have books of smart people who are also in the personal library of the presidents! Yes, such a level, - Mikhail Frantsevich is proud. - From there I learned this knowledge, my teachers instructed me: do not keep knowledge, pass it on to a wide circle. These books are not available on the Internet and in mass publication - such wise people. I was also taught: don't be PR, distribute good knowledge based on love, beauty and happiness.

Promotional video:

That is, the sources of enlightenment are reliably hidden. The village deputy is not even ready to name the authors of tomes from the presidential libraries. In his lectures, Bordashevich gives vivid examples. And again there is a problem with the sources, some of them are inaccurate.

- Real facts: at the Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Health, an experiment was carried out on the basis of water. Scientists cursed the container with water with obscenities, and then poured this liquid over wheat germs, they sprouted only 49%; prayers were read over another container of water, the sprouts were watered - they sprouted by 96%. When they were planted in the ground, they grew up to the waist, - says the deputy. By the way, he also tells the schoolchildren.

Another example from Bordashevich:

- Over time, swearing women acquire a rat-like state, curvature of the lips, and anger in the eyes. And there is! I watched myself! And those who speak correctly have pretty, beautiful faces, simple charm.

Children listen to the deputy, listen and try not to swear in front of him
Children listen to the deputy, listen and try not to swear in front of him

Children listen to the deputy, listen and try not to swear in front of him.


A former military man says that mate even at the genetic level affects a person, because we are 80% water, and as already known from Bordashevich (see above), water transmits information well, including to our genes …

Mikhail Frantsevich served in the Russian Armed Forces for 27 years. He says that there were times when he had a bad word, but he tried to hold on. He never kept up the conversation, if he heard a bad expression, he went to the side. Otherwise, he says, collapse.

Laughter is laughter, but in rural schools Toguchin Bordashevich is known, respected, loved. Maybe he does everything and turns out somehow unsightly, but the goal is good. In addition to lessons on the purity of the language, he conducts patriotic lessons with the guys - after all, a former military man.

The head of the education department of the Toguchinsky district administration, Vladimir Boruto, himself was previously the director of the school and involved Bordashevich in conducting lessons of patriotism. The head of the department is aware of the fight against obscenities and does not see anything shameful in this approach.

- You know, the speech of the village guys is very … emotional, - Vladimir Boruto picks up the word. - They hear a strong word everywhere and everywhere, but here such powerful emotional images, examples. Maybe one of them will ask the teacher later: "Is all this really confirmed?" Then they will explain to him that a bad word always brings harm to those who are next to you, it offends, spoils the mood. Isn't that true?

In general, not all the arguments of the strange retired lieutenant colonel are so shocking. There are also very soulful ones:

- I tell the girls: if a guy swears in your presence, you should know that this is not a man. A man should be strength and support, and mate leads only to destruction. I knew such examples. The husband swore - as a result, the marriage ended, they fled. And they did not live together for years. A sad picture.


It's a good thing, but the approach is not scientific

Larisa Grigorievna Akhmerova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the SB RAS:

- For a word to affect a person at the genetic level … Who would prove and research this? This does not fall within the scope of the tasks of science, this is some kind of pseudo-scientific research, most likely. In principle, fighting obscenities is, of course, a good thing. But the approach is not scientific. All these arguments are at the level of conversations, most likely. Maybe advise him to draw up a training manual in a different way? And rely not on strange research, but on the data of educators or even linguists.


Sometimes cursing … you can

An employee of the institute advised the activist to contact a linguist. We got ahead of him. Let's say right away that you cannot find peremptory support here. Galina Mandrikova, associate professor of philological sciences at NSTU, believes that sometimes you can use a vicious word:

- One of the most important functions of the mat (and in total scientists call them about 30) is psychophysiological. This is emotional release, stress relief, experiencing strong negative emotions such as pain or fear. Of course, in these cases, the use of bad words is difficult to condemn. In addition, at all times, highly expressive abusive vocabulary had restrictions in its use: exclusively in the male team and not in a public place. Unfortunately, the established taboo has now been violated: both women and children swear, and this happens, as a rule, in public space.

