The Power Of The Word - Alternative View

The Power Of The Word - Alternative View
The Power Of The Word - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of The Word - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of The Word - Alternative View
Video: The Power of Words 2024, October

People who have lived with each other for many years become one whole. This is not a pretty metaphor, psychics say. In fact, there is a strong energetic connection between husband and wife or between parents and children, which is not interrupted even when people are at a great distance from each other. This connection cannot be broken, but through it it is very easy to harm a loved one. It is no coincidence that the curse of a loved one is considered one of the most powerful.

If we ask for something for our loved one, then our thoughts should be pure. You can’t even jokingly wish something bad to the one you love. The universe "doesn't understand" jokes. Everything that we say or think, she perceives as a guide to action. Any, even the most innocent, in our opinion, curse at someone's address, has a very specific force. And this statement is confirmed not only by psychics or magicians. It is no coincidence that psychologists advise parents to praise their children more often, and never tell them that they are stupid, do not know how to do something, or cannot. The spoken word becomes material and affects the future fate, self-esteem and self-awareness of a person. You need to be very careful to formulate your claims to children and family members so as not to harm anyone. We may not immediately see and realize this harm.

Speaking swear words, or wishing someone harm, we first of all wish harm to ourselves. Knowledgeable and long-time practicing witches and magicians do not always undertake to fulfill certain requests of their clients. But they know how to "put a defense" so that the negative does not come back to them. An ordinary person, as a rule, does not know how to defend himself. But he thinks that nothing terrible will happen to him: just think, he scolded someone with bad words, or wished illness and misfortune. But sooner or later, the disturbed energy balance will be restored, and the one who spreads negativity around him will receive it in full.

All our requests to this world must be positive. In no case should you send your wishes to the detriment of someone. Even if we do not like a certain person, he should not wish evil. Specialists in the field of subtle energies say that even sworn enemies should not be cursed. If you do not have the strength to forgive your offender, or say something good to an unpleasant person, then it is better to just keep silent and keep yourself from angry thoughts. Any of our thoughts goes to the Universe and sooner or later gets material embodiment. You shouldn't "spoil" your karma and litter the subtle plane with negative emotions. Sooner or later, our wishes for evil return to us in the form of unpleasant situations, illnesses or other problems.

Maria and Andrey have lived together for over 20 years. They have two children. One "fine" day, Andrei came home and told Maria that he was leaving her for another woman. Finally, he met a person who is able to understand and love him for who he is. As the main complaint to his wife, he said that she was always authoritarian and suppressed him, and the other woman is not at all like that, she is soft and kind. He always dreamed of such a wife.

Maria cried for several days. She did not have the strength to talk to anyone: neither with her son and daughter, nor with her friends, to whom she briefly told about the situation. A few days later, when the first shock passed, Maria decided to act. She turned to one of her friends who practiced magic and asked her for help. The woman by hook or by crook wanted to get her husband back. But a friend said she would not do it. She motivated her refusal by the fact that Maria does not want to return her husband, but at the moment she is guided by a feeling of revenge and anger towards her husband and her rival. In this state, no action is worth taking. Masha needs to calm down. The fact that she is a domineering and authoritarian woman, her husband is right, which means that there is no need to aggravate the situation.

Larisa explained to Maria that any of her actions in relation to her husband and rival would entail many problems for herself. An attempt to force back your loved one will only be crowned with short-term success. But Mary herself will only get worse from this. Larissa convinced Maria that her husband after their parting, and the words that he uttered to her, would be very bad. It is not for nothing that there is an expression that happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune.

As Larisa said, a lot has changed in six months. The husband returned to Mary without any outside interference. After parting with his wife, he began to be constantly ill: blood pressure rose and his heart was “naughty”. The new girlfriend did not need such a "painful" gentleman, and she decided to part with him. Andrei had no choice but to return to his family in disgrace. He repented before his wife and children, promising that such madness would never happen again.

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As Larissa predicted, Andrei punished himself: he was very ashamed of his act, for betraying his loved ones. Parting with his wife, he uttered many rough and harsh words to her, which he himself regretted. The negative energy that he was broadcasting at that moment into the Universe returned to him.

As soon as Andrei asked Masha for forgiveness and returned to his house, he was no longer bothered by illness. He realized that the insult he inflicted on his wife hurt him too. Now he is trying to control his thoughts and emotions, and make amends to his wife.