The Destructive Power Of The Mat - Alternative View

The Destructive Power Of The Mat - Alternative View
The Destructive Power Of The Mat - Alternative View

Video: The Destructive Power Of The Mat - Alternative View

Video: The Destructive Power Of The Mat - Alternative View
Video: The Destructive Power Of Wladimir Klitschko 2024, October

Russian swearing is considered a source of national pride. Do you know that swearing is bad for your health? Mat is a deadly weapon that destroys life at the level of genes, and nothing more than the names of demons. If you observe all the time people are cursing each other, the closest people and it turns out they call ancient demons on their heads just like that … If you listen to the vocabulary of others, then obscene words are an integral part of colloquial speech. After all, the most interesting thing is that cursing children do not surprise anyone. Mat is everywhere, it sounds from the stage, from the TV, on the streets and in schools, in transport and even in the theater. The mass media inspire us that foul language is a kind of special chic and is the norm.

Perhaps someone does not use dirty words. And what about “pancake”, “Christmas tree-sticks”, and so on ….?.. This is a substitute for obscene expressions. When pronouncing them, people swear in the same way as those who do not choose expressions. Send to mother - and die!

For 150 years, mankind has been looking for a connection between word and consciousness. Among the scientists who have been closely involved in this issue is Doctor of Biology Ivan Borisovich Belyavsky. He tried to figure out how the human body is influenced not by blocks of information, but by simple words.

Research by I. B. Belyavsky and his colleagues were crowned not only with success, but with a real discovery. They say that a dissertation on this topic, defended back in Soviet times, was listened to by the academic council behind closed doors. It proved with mathematical precision the then unacceptable truth: every word of a person carries an energy charge.

It turns out that words carry an energy and informational charge. There can be only two types of them, as in physics: positive and negative. Any foul language comes with a minus sign, encouragement - plus.

Scientists have succeeded in proving that every spoken word clearly affects our genes. With prolonged (positive or negative) exposure, the result of this influence is not just the transfer of modified genes to offspring, but also a change in the person's own genetic code, which is responsible for the rate of aging and life span! The mat promotes rapid aging. There is tremendous destructive power in foul language.

In the early 90s, this group of scientists published a book with many examples of long-term observation of specific people. These people were of the same age. But some used foul language in principle, while the latter avoided strong expressions. Studies have shown that swearing people age their body cells very quickly, which leads to all sorts of diseases. In the second group, the results were opposite. In particular, the body of a fifty-year-old Russian language teacher, despite her nervous work, turned out to be 13-15 years younger than the passport age.

Do not quarrel, children are looking at you! “Some of the words we utter can be compared with a thermonuclear explosion in destructive power,” says Petr Petrovich Goryachev, senior researcher at the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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To confirm the theoretical calculations, scientists have created an apparatus capable of translating words into electromagnetic waves. The results of the experiments are stunning. The most destructive was obscene language. These “verbal fiends of hell” penetrate the human body through the ears and literally explode in the genetic apparatus, distorting hereditary programs.

The carriers of hereditary information - genes - change places in a split second. This causes mutations leading to inevitable degeneration. As a result of this word-building chaos, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs that set further offspring to set for self-destruction.

The experiments were carried out on plants. As soon as one uttered a set of words that children hear from drunk parents, the hereditary programs of the experimental plant were violated. A mother or father who kills themselves with tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and so have many hereditary changes in their genetic code. And during family quarrels, they pass on to their children a self-destruction mindset. Perhaps it is here that one should look for the reasons for child drug addiction, prostitution, hostility. This can also explain the increased number of crimes and, of course, suicides in our country.

And the mat is not ours, not native!..

Taking as an axiom the fact that any information changes our consciousness and health, let's try to find out where this very mate begins.

The most ancient examples of Russian and Slavic writing today are “birch bark letters”. The word starting with the letter “B” and denoting a woman of easy virtue is found in these letters along with other obscene expressions. These words, it turns out, are nothing more than the names of demons. Pagans turned to demons with a request to influence someone's life. The duties of the demon with the letter "B" were originally to punish the guilty women. It serves the same function today.

Absolutely all words of the Russian mat are of demonic origin. That is: mats - real names of demons - embodied, personal evil! People of the past pronounced these names in order to either appease them, bringing bloody sacrifices, or to frighten them. In the latter case, other swear words were added to the demon's name.

The opinion that mat is a Slavic tradition is also a delusion. Foul language in Russia until the middle of the 19th century. not only was not widespread, but also punishable. During the reign of Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, a swearing man was subjected to public flogging.