Disputes About History: Is Russian The Proto-language Of All People? - Alternative View

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Disputes About History: Is Russian The Proto-language Of All People? - Alternative View
Disputes About History: Is Russian The Proto-language Of All People? - Alternative View

Video: Disputes About History: Is Russian The Proto-language Of All People? - Alternative View

Video: Disputes About History: Is Russian The Proto-language Of All People? - Alternative View
Video: Forbidden Veles's book. The great Slavic riddle. History of the Slavs 2024, October

He always supported Zadornov in his thoughts and theories. In many ways, he is right in my opinion.

On September 19, 2008, the First Channel of Russian television aired the Gordon Quixote TV show, where satirist and amateur historian Mikhail Zadornov set forth a hypothesis about the Russian language (as a proto-language from which other languages originated). In addition, it was hypothesized that Western Europe was inhabited by people who came from Russia. As evidence, data from excavations in the village of Kostenki near Voronezh were given

There was a scandal on the TV show. Opponents of Mikhail Zadornov from eminent scientists and priests, who were invited to the program by Alexander Gordon, attacked Zadornov with abuse …

So, from the first row of those sitting around the stage there was a hysterical cry "You are crazy!" It was Viktor Markovich Zhivov, Doctor of Philology from the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Andrei Kuraev, deacon of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Krasnaya Presnya, publicist, professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, showed himself to be no less agitated and categorical.

The scandal at the Gordon program showed that modern Russian humanities is in a deep crisis, skidding in the notions of the 18th century, and does not know any achievements in related fields of knowledge. She had nothing to oppose to the amateur historian Mikhail Zadornov. This was noted by all spectators.

To somehow correct the depressing impression of the program, we turned to Gennady Klimov, editor-in-chief of the federal magazine Smart Production and the Karavan + Ya newspaper, who, by the way, was the first to express the idea some time ago that European civilization originated from Kostenki …

Gennady Andreevich, in December 2006 you published your sensational assumption. Where did this thought come from?

“I must share this glory with Professor John Hoffecker of the University of Colorado. Exactly one month later, on January 11, 2007, in the American magazine Sines, he also published an article stating that artifacts found at an archaeological site in the Paleolithic settlement of Kostenki (now a village in the Voronezh region) suggest that modern man lived in this area already 45 thousand years ago - earlier than anywhere else in Europe. And from here began the settlement of the continent.

I came to this idea in a different way. I was doing a comparative analysis of the texts of ancient books. It is known that several of the most ancient books with descriptions of primordial times have survived on the planet. These are the Old Testament, the Iranian Avesta, the Vedas from India, the Scandinavian sagas and Russian tales. Comparing them, I came to the conclusion that the events of ancient history described in them took place in one place: this is the watershed of the Oka, Don and Volga rivers. Then a model of climate change in this area was built, the dynamics of the movement of glaciers was restored, and after that everything became clear: all European peoples come from Russia. In the published book “History of Europe. Axis of Time”I argued that the division into races occurred earlier than this time and that only Indo-European peoples emerged from the Russians.

However, in the spring of 2008, studies on the female chromosome were published by the Israeli laboratory IBM. It follows from them that 70 thousand years ago there were only 2000 individuals of our type on Earth. At the same time, new data were recently obtained on the site of an ancient man in the Vladimir region, the age of which has also been extended to 70 thousand years. This changes the whole picture of world history. This includes giving up my assumption of racial history. Man originated in Russia. Here he existed for many tens of thousands of years in isolation from the rest of the world, which was inhabited by another type of man - the Neanderthal.

Migration from the primordial world began only 32 thousand years ago. Its three waves are noticeable. Migrants of the first wave in the outside world formed Negroids, migrants of the second - Mongoloids. Those who remained or left the original cauldron later formed the Indo-Europeans. So in this sense it is pointless to argue with Mikhail Zadornov. He is right. And he didn’t come up with it. This is not the data of our humanitarians, but of scientists who operate with exact sciences. This is the difference in approaches.

“However, Professor John Hoffecker is surprised to find such early evidence of the presence of modern humans in Kostenki:“This is probably the coldest and driest part of central Europe and the last place we would expect to see them. Aren't you surprised?

Promotional video:

- In the coming years, the entire worldview model of human history will be radically revised. Until now, there was an opinion that homo sapiens began settling Europe from the favorable southern territories of present-day Turkey, Greece, and Bulgaria. This approach did not account for climate change. When our ancestors appeared on Earth, they could survive only in a narrow forest-steppe belt adjacent to the Valdai and Moscow glaciers. Elsewhere, they would have died - they would have been destroyed by the stronger Neanderthals. They acquired a competitive advantage over them only 32-35 thousand years ago. At this time, by the way, the Neanderthal disappears everywhere. That is, the moment of the beginning of the dispersal of our ancestors on the planet and the moment of the disappearance of the previous humanity coincide. What was the cause and what was the effect remains to be seen.

All subsequent civilizations, including Sumer and Egypt, were formed by immigrants from Ancient Rus. Their culture and gods are the culture and gods of Ancient Russia adapted to local conditions. I think this is an indisputable fact, but the humanities will protest for several centuries.

Why is it not university historians, but, one might say, physicists set the tone in historical research now? You also have a basic technical education and did something like plasma theory?

- Today the vector of development of science has changed. Previously, it developed towards more and more specialization. And today, all breakthrough discoveries occur at the intersection of sciences. This is a global process associated with a change in the quality of time in which we live. In this case, the experience of physics makes it possible to abstract from the little things and consider general laws. The laws of the social and any other system are identical. Therefore, today in historical science everything will be determined by physicists. The time for humanitarian lyrics has passed.

What can you say about Mikhail Zadornov's assertion that Russian is a proto-language?

- I don't really understand why there is so much noise around Zadornov's statement. There is a lot of literature on this subject. I have repeatedly argued that the mythology of Ancient Egypt was borrowed from Ancient Rus. Here in ancient times there was a civilization that we call Arata. It corresponds to the archaeological sites of Tripillya (named after a village in Ukraine, where the remains of ancient cities were first found). Immigrants from these places in about 3 thousand years BC. formed Ancient Sumer, Egypt and the ancient civilizations of India.

The English Egyptologist Wallis Budge made the vocalization of the pyramid inscriptions so that they sounded almost in Russian. This is how the names of the ancient Egyptian gods sound:

Nature - Neteru, the embodiment of the Unknown (supreme deity) in nature - nature: "Natu" + "Ra".

Horus - Horus - Horus - Khors, a solar deity, from his name came the words: "round dance", "good", "gonfalons", "mountain", "gorny", since from the ancient Egyptian "mountains" they translate as "high". The Russian epic hero Svyatogor is the Egyptian Mountain “older by several thousand years” - the Holy Mountain.

The morning sun in the sky (Well) was called Ra Nu (or Ptah), later - "early", and the evening sun in the sky - Temu Nu, which corresponds to the Russian word "dark".

Etc. When the Englishman Wallis Budge talks about this, no one is outraged, and if the Russian Mikhail Zadornov, then he is suspected of nationalism. Most recently, the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages have emerged from the Russian language. This has happened before.

By the way, in Israel there is such a science as Kabbalah (or Kobala) - this is the secret doctrine of the Israeli people. In its hidden part, it is precisely about the method of forming words that Zadornov broadcasts about. Why don't they scold Michael Laitman, the keeper of Kabbalah, in the same way as Mikhail Zadornov? They're talking about the same thing!

“But on Alexander Gordon’s program, the Orthodox theologian Deacon Andrei Kuraev lashed out with criticism of Zadornov. Does the church condemn this?

- Andrey Kuraev is a brilliant publicist. He graduated from the philosophy faculty of Moscow State University, it seems, specialized in scientific atheism. Then he came to religion. The same problem for the humanities. They understand Orthodoxy as moral preaching and nothing more. And in biblical texts there are several levels of meaning. Including knowledge about the past and the future is hidden in them. Often, priests remain atheists in their hearts, and they call everything incomprehensible to them paganism. This is based on a banal fear of the unknown. When Zadornov talks about Ra, he uses the morphology of the previous era, the pre-Christian era. Why should we be afraid of this and refuse to study? Before the god Ra (or Yarilo) in Russia there was a belief in Veles. Some Orthodox priests are trying to erase them from the minds of people. But why? It was a religion - a harbinger of Christianity, faith in the Sun of righteousness - Christ.

Islam was born in the bowels of the lunar cults of Veles. Why should we erase from the consciousness of the nation the forerunners of today's world religions? Remember that Jesus Christ was born in a stable with sheep? Father Andrei Kuraev did not think what this means? This means that God was preparing people for the coming of the Messiah. Christianity matured in the ancient cults of the Aries era. We must understand and study this.

Who was the first to announce the birth of Christ? Magi from the East! When you openly answer the question of where they came from, you will come to the conviction that Zadornov is right.

But the presenter Alexander Gordon was extremely puzzled by what Zadornov said. Why?

- Gordon said that this theory could lead to the emergence of a new fascism, as already happened once in Hitler's Germany. To some extent, I share the concern. Many publications on this topic add ninety percent of anti-Semitic demagogy to 10% of historical knowledge. There is a fundamental mistake when Zadornov talks about the division of a certain common civilization into "Rus" and "the world of traders." This was not the case.

In ancient times, there was a division into the Volga world of matriarchal communities (Sarmatia) and the male world of "Cossack seches" (Scythia). However, this is a topic for another conversation. This only suggests that this topic can no longer be hushed up and driven to the periphery of science. There should be no politics here. All the peoples of the world came out of Russia - and its history belongs not only to Russians. This should be the main theme.

Humanity is on the verge of changing worldview and global ideology. There is a change in the geopolitical models used by various centers of power. What will this ideology be? It depends on scientists, priests, and journalists. Will new discoveries in history unite humanity or lead to new terrible wars?

We can realize that we all come from the same village in the Vladimir region, we are all relatives and must work together to equip the planet Earth, move to new worlds. Or we can destroy ourselves and disappear, as the Neanderthals disappeared. I hope that new knowledge will benefit the new humanity.