Strange Details In Tunguska. - Alternative View

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Strange Details In Tunguska. - Alternative View
Strange Details In Tunguska. - Alternative View

Video: Strange Details In Tunguska. - Alternative View

Video: Strange Details In Tunguska. - Alternative View
Video: Tunguska: When the Sky Fell to Earth 2024, October

Strange metal rods found by Yuri Labvin in 1998.

The members of the research expedition of the Siberian Public State Fund "Tunguska Space Phenomenon" believe that they managed to find blocks of an alien technical device that crashed on June 30, 1908

According to the press service of the administration of the Evenk Autonomous Okrug, the route of the expedition, which took place for the first time after 2000, was drawn up based on the results of the analysis of space imagery and represented an extended search zone in the western part of the EAO, in the Baykit region in the vicinity of the village of Polygusa. alien device, 14 members of the expedition found the so-called "deer" - a stone (aka "Yankovsky's Stone").

This is a non-magnetic ferruginous stone block of an unusual appearance, several meters in diameter, which has been searched intermittently since 1960. A piece of stone weighing about 50 kg was delivered for express analysis to Krasnoyarsk.

Unfortunately, the blocks of the alien ship cannot be removed from Polygus due to their size. For the same reason, there is no way to study a 5-ton piece of a cosmic body, which, according to some experts, is also one of the wreckage of an alien ship.

Engineer Yuri Labvin discovered it near Krasnoyarsk - 600 km from the place where the supposed meteorite fell back in September 1994, thanks to which it became widely known. Meanwhile, on August 5, 1998, the Anomaly magazine reported on unusual objects found by members of the Tunguska Space phenomenon.

Then the President of the Foundation Yuri Labvin said that aliens took part in the long-standing catastrophe. They saved the Earth from death by destroying or knocking off the course of a cosmic body flying towards it. The main arguments of the researcher were two heavy metal rods found at different times near Vanavara.

One of them was fused into a rock of presumably cometary origin and lay at a depth of one and a half meters underground. Another was found lying near a railroad embankment, and the rods are still not mechanically processed. It was not possible to find out the composition of the metal: the device for detecting the composition of metal rods simply refused.

A number of experts believe that the rods were previously elements of the technical device of an alien ship, with the help of which he destroyed a large comet that threatened the Earth. The results of the expedition, according to its scientific leader Yuri Lavbin, allow us to hope that by the 100th anniversary of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite the secret of the cosmic phenomenon will certainly be revealed.

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It is expected that by June 30, 2008, in Krasnoyarsk, an express analysis of a “deer” fragment - a stone will be completed, and a failed device for identifying the composition of metal rods will be established. The researchers are planning a large-scale expedition in the northern and southern regions of Evenkia. It is here, as it is repeatedly mentioned in the memoirs of eyewitnesses to the fall of the "meteorite", that we have seen more than once strange fragments resembling devices of extraterrestrial origin.