Voices In The Head. Part 1 - Alternative View

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Voices In The Head. Part 1 - Alternative View
Voices In The Head. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Voices In The Head. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: Voices In The Head. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: The voices in my head | Eleanor Longden 2024, October

There is a psychotronic weapon that affects the brain. This is recognized both in the USA and in Russia

The Americans declassified a document that testifies: the military developed and tested devices designed for the most sophisticated method of remote exposure to people. Specifically, for transmitting commands directly to the brain using microwave radiation.

It seems that Russian experts have carried out similar experiments. And very successful. At one time hundreds of people, mostly in Moscow, complained about mysterious voices in their heads. Perhaps some of the victims were indeed schizophrenic, they were assured. But not all the same …

Not fatal, but disgusting

The title of the declassified document is: "Bioeffects of Certain Non-Lethal Weapons." Microwave radiation is one of them. And very promising, according to military experts. Since it allows you to influence the human brain, being at a considerable distance from it. Which cannot be done in any other way.

“In its crudest form, this technology can simply incapacitate people and even drive them to madness,” the report says. - And in an improved form with its help, you can communicate with the right people without any means of communication using Morse code or using your voice. With the development of such technologies, sound effects are perceived as speech sounding in the head. Such devices can transmit signals and messages over distances up to hundreds of meters."

The military, naturally, does not report on who, where and when created the microwave emitters. But there is no doubt that they exist. Otherwise, where did the tactical and technical data come from?

It is known from indirect sources that, in addition to laboratory research on volunteers, the equipment was also tested behind the scenes - mainly on prisoners. This was told by the Canadian prisoner of Finnish origin Marty Koski. After leaving the places of detention, he went to the Human Rights Committee with complaints that in prison he began to hear voices that sounded in his head and gave different commands. After him, several of Koski's inmates turned to the human rights defenders.

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The story went public. There was a scandal and rumors that the experiments were carried out by the CIA. After that, the Canadian government began to pay compensation to victims of brainwashing.

Save, irradiate

In Russia, the peak of clandestine experiments in “head-to-head transmission”, apparently, fell on the 1990s. How else to explain the unprecedented number of victims? They then overpowered the editorial offices of central and local newspapers. They complained: they are irradiating, they say. Save it somehow.

I remember very well one elderly woman who was tortured day and night by invisible interlocutors. According to her, the two of them “climbed into the head”. One voice was male, the other female. They allegedly told her all sorts of nasty things and constantly swore obscenities, the victim assured.

To be honest, journalists in their hearts considered people with voices in their heads not quite normal. But articles about psychotronic weapons were periodically written. After all, the rumors about him looked very plausible. Even without the now declassified report of the US military.

The famous weightlifter, then a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Yuri Vlasov, also contacted Komsomolskaya Pravda. He assured that strange voices zombie him. We published his deputy inquiry and the official reply of the deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR. He argued that no one in the country had conducted such experiments on humans.

However, our readers insisted: they are irradiating! Some voices were allegedly forced to sell their apartments. Others were not allowed to sleep at night. And still others were even encouraged to commit suicide.

At that time, a committee for the Protection of Victims of Psychotronic Terror was even created in Russia. He published a newspaper in which he published more than 600 letters from the "irradiated".

In June 1993, at the Academy of New Thinking, a report was presented by the candidate of technical sciences, former prisoner Vladimir Slepukha, who was in Vorkuta. He stated: "I experienced the" effect of radio sound ", after which hearing sensations of the most varied timbre colors appeared in my head."

In the capital, the “victims” were dealt with by a special public organization created in 1994 - the Moscow Committee for the Ecology of Housing. Taking on the mission of messengers from the "zombie people" to the government and the president, they wrote requests demanding to stop experiments on remote influence on ordinary people. But they only received replies.

People shouldn't know the whole truth

In fact, very serious scientists in our country were engaged in radio sound - this is the scientific name for the effect of voices appearing in the head. Research was carried out at the Pushchino Scientific Center, at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1991, with a circulation of only 250 copies, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Robert Tigranyan even published a monograph entitled "The Physical Foundations of the Auditory Microwave Effect".

Robert Edmondovich is already over 70. At first he agreed to a meeting, they say, come and tell about my experiments. But a few hours later he suddenly called back and with a fright in his voice declined the interview, strangely explaining his decision:

- I thought and realized that people should not know the whole truth about these developments. This is dangerous for their mental health. But you can use my book.

I found one of the rarities in the State Public Scientific and Technical Library. And I was convinced: there really were experiments on humans.

“Radio sound is the phenomenon of the appearance of an auditory sensation in a person when his head is irradiated with impulses of microwave electromagnetic energy,” writes Tigranyan. - And today this is the only known to science objectively perceived human effect of the biological action of microwave. And he himself, the scientist believes, "is of great scientific and practical interest."