Scientists Believe That The Black Sea Is A Trace Of The Flood - Alternative View

Scientists Believe That The Black Sea Is A Trace Of The Flood - Alternative View
Scientists Believe That The Black Sea Is A Trace Of The Flood - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Believe That The Black Sea Is A Trace Of The Flood - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Believe That The Black Sea Is A Trace Of The Flood - Alternative View
Video: The Great Flood (Noah's Flood) in the Black sea 2024, October

A Turkish researcher claims that the Black Sea used to be a fresh lake, but as a result of the flood, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea turned this lake into a sea. Turkish oceanographer Seda Okay is sure that the Great Flood described in the Bible is a historical fact, and the Black Sea was formed as a result of this cataclysm.

The scientific world has repeatedly hypothesized that the Black Sea arose about six to eight thousand years ago, when the melting glaciers of the world's oceans raised the level of the Mediterranean Sea and allowed it to overcome the natural dam, which is the current Bosphorus. After its breakthrough, the waters poured into the Black Sea with a force equal to the power of 200 Niagara Falls. This natural cataclysm is reminiscent of the well-known story of the Flood described in the Old Testament. It is noteworthy that the time of the largest natural disaster on earth practically coincides according to both science and religion.

“We have established that the waters of the Mediterranean entered the Black Sea, which was once an enclosed water basin, seven to eight thousand years ago, and this happened as a result of a natural disaster, better known as the Flood,” said a representative of the Turkish Institute of Marine Sciences in an interview with the Zaman newspaper published on Monday.

According to her, she was actively studying the problem in 2002-2007, having investigated, in particular, the bottom of the Bosphorus at the entrance to the Black Sea.

“At the bottom of the Black Sea section of the Bosphorus, in the course of geophysical research, traces left by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea were discovered. The water that came from it with the Flood opened the canals (the current Bosphorus). After their breakthrough, the Black Sea turned from a fresh lake into a sea,”she said.

The Turkish researcher added that in 2002, together with French scientists, she established during an expedition that the water level in the Black World during the Ice Age was 110 meters lower than it is today. “This once again confirms that the Black Sea was once a lake,” said Okay.