Atlantis Under The Snow - Alternative View

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Atlantis Under The Snow - Alternative View
Atlantis Under The Snow - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Under The Snow - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Under The Snow - Alternative View
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Scientists are looking for a mysterious country on the Kola Peninsula

What do scientists find in the North - natural formations or ancient archaeological sites? The answer was sought by members of a scientific expedition from St. Petersburg, who had recently returned from these places.

At one time they argued about Hyperborea no less than about Atlantis. This mysterious country, which supposedly existed more than 10 thousand years ago, was located by enthusiasts in any region of the USSR, where archaeologists found monuments of unknown origin. Although the ancient Greek historian Herodotus gave a fairly accurate lead. He wrote that the Hyperboreans lived "beyond the north wind - beyond the Boreus", in places where the sun did not set for six months. In the 16th century, the famous cartographer Mercator depicted this state on geographical maps where the Kola Peninsula is now located.

In the last decade, several expeditions have been here, many organized by the philosopher Valery Demin. A lot of interesting material has been collected, but if, in general, we take the hypothesis of the existence of Hyperborea, then there have not yet been serious scientific publications. Therefore, this expedition is so important, where for the first time specialists gathered who could give a reasoned scientific assessment: a geologist, geographer, astronomer and surveyor.

“For a long time, archaeologists did not study the places lying from 50 to 70 degrees of latitude at all, considering them uninhabited,” says the astronomer of the Pulkovo Observatory Sergei Smirnov. - However, studies in recent years have proven the fallacy of this point of view. So, along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, amazing rock paintings of the most ancient origin were found. It is not yet clear - where are they from? It is possible that there was a waterway from the White Sea to the Barents, or maybe the trade route did not run from south to north, as we still believe, but vice versa.

Of course, the most mysterious place on the peninsula is Seydozero. Unusual stones have long been found not far from it. They seem to be specially fortified on the tops of the hills with other stones, albeit smaller ones. The most amazing thing is that these structures are at the same distance from each other. It is not clear how stones weighing up to a ton were at a great height. Who raised them and how and why? All of this requires study.

The members of the expedition believe that Seydozero can answer many questions. Here is just one of the mysteries: around the lake there are lush trees, magnificent lakes, an abundance of mushrooms and berries, and a little further there is a swampy tundra. Perhaps this is a reminder of the former earthly paradise? This is what the ancient Greeks called Hyperborea. They wrote that the climate here is warm and mild, and the nature is luxurious with an abundance of all kinds of gifts. This has been confirmed by modern studies: the climate of the North was much warmer even 6000-4000 years ago.

In general, every object here is a mystery. Let's say local fishermen showed scientists two strange pyramidal hills. They are located at a distance of 120 meters from each other, and their slopes are evenly covered with boulders. What can these "pyramids" mean? Landmarks for travelers, observation towers?

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According to Sergei Smirnov, they are similar to archaeological sites in the Savin Sanctuary in Siberia: there are also two burial mounds, two ancient buildings, a fireplace, the same direction - west-east, and the hill is chosen, as on the peninsula. Straight lines set by the terrain relief are very convenient to use for calendar and geodetic referencing.

- I am sure that the study of the region of 70 degrees latitude should be continued, - says the scientist. Valery Demin, who, unfortunately, recently passed away, was sure that mankind had emerged from one cradle - from Hyperborea.