The Largest Interracial Wars Took Place In The Nile Valley 13 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View

The Largest Interracial Wars Took Place In The Nile Valley 13 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View
The Largest Interracial Wars Took Place In The Nile Valley 13 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View

Video: The Largest Interracial Wars Took Place In The Nile Valley 13 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View

Video: The Largest Interracial Wars Took Place In The Nile Valley 13 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View
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In the northern regions of Sudan, archaeologists have found evidence of a major clash between the "white" and "black" races, which occurred more than 13 thousand years ago.

When French scientists, conducting excavations on the west bank of the Nile in conjunction with the British Museum, examined dozens of discovered human skeletons, they came to the conclusion that the bulk of all these people died from arrows with flint tips.

Back in 1964, the famous archaeologist from the United States, Fred Wendorf, discovered the largest primitive burial, whose age was 13 thousand years. However, only now scientists have managed to explore the ancient burial ground of Jebel Sahaba, thanks to modern technology. Over the past two years, French anthropologists have done a tremendous job. They found on the bones of the dead traces of the impact of silicon arrowheads.

Thus, archaeologists came to the conclusion that most of the victims were shot by enemies with bows, and then they were buried in the Jebel Sahaba cemetery. Scientists also found that people died in this way for many months or years, that is, during prolonged wars.

According to scientists, all of the victims were from the same ethnic group that lived thousands of years ago in sub-Saharan Africa. These people were the ancestors of modern black Africans. It turned out to be somewhat more difficult for the researchers to determine with whom they fought then. However, the researchers were able to find out from the available materials that they were representatives of a completely different racial and ethnic group. They belonged to the Levantine peoples who lived in North Africa, inhabited the main part of the Mediterranean and were the ancestors of Europeans.

According to scientists, these two groups even outwardly significantly differed from each other, and also had great differences in culture and language. So, black representatives had long limbs, short torsos, a rounded forehead and wide noses. Levantines, by contrast, had shorter limbs, longer torsos, and flat faces. The researchers note that both groups were very large and muscular physique.

It is worth noting that more than three hundred kilometers south of Jebel Sahab, archaeologists also found skeletons of the Levantine type. According to researchers, they died during the battle with the tribes that guarded their lands. Experts note that during the period when they died, there was a severe drought, many water sources dried up, and the Nile remained the only available body of water.

Archaeologists speculate that the war took place when representatives of different ethnic groups migrated to the banks of the river. Then a war broke out between these peoples over a lack of water resources. It was then that one of the largest racial-ethnic conflicts in ancient history arose. According to Daniel Antoine, head of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum, the archaeological find is more significant. First, it provides information about the first major war in the history of mankind, and secondly, it is also interesting because Jebel Sahaba is one of the largest mass graves.

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