"We Thought That We Were Hated Because We Are" Red ", And We Are Hated Because We Are Russians!" - Alternative View

"We Thought That We Were Hated Because We Are" Red ", And We Are Hated Because We Are Russians!" - Alternative View
"We Thought That We Were Hated Because We Are" Red ", And We Are Hated Because We Are Russians!" - Alternative View

Video: "We Thought That We Were Hated Because We Are" Red ", And We Are Hated Because We Are Russians!" - Alternative View

Video: Disturbed - Who Taught You How To Hate [Official Audio] 2024, October

Our liberal-oriented compatriots all dream of joining the friendly family of the West. Where does this naivety come from? Now, if you imagine - Russia took and fulfilled all the wishes of the West (God forbid.) If some liberal like Gorbachev came to power, what will happen?

So, Russia, at the request of the "international community" (read the USA), returns Crimea to Ukraine and stops supporting Donbass. Naturally, Ukraine is organizing purges in these territories, but the "international community" does not notice this. NATO bases appear in Crimea. The US Navy is in the Black Sea. Our "liberals", as in the 90s, begin to sing - "Russia has no enemies", and the army is quickly brought to the state of the 90s. Nuclear weapons are being transferred to the control of "civilized countries". They are talking about it now.

Then Russia begins to repent for its imperial and Soviet past. Naturally, with compensation payments. In addition, the Kurils are leaving Japan, Karelia is leaving Finland, Kaliningrad wants to grab Poland as "compensation." China hints that Primorye and Baikal are "original" Chinese lands. Ukraine demands the Kuban and the Rostov region. Various NGOs are becoming more active, Western money is being injected into various movements for the independence of Russian regions. A war is being ignited in the Caucasus, with fierce attacks on Russia from the West, "unjustified use of force", "repression against freedom-loving peoples" and so on. As a result, Russia is forced to leave the Caucasus. Russian troops are leaving Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Naturally, Georgians do not go there with buns. The Russian army is leaving Armenia, which leads to the factthat Armenia is being torn to shreds by Turkey and Azerbaijan. Outbreaks of separatism occur in Tatarstan, the Urals, Siberia. Under pressure from the "international community", Russia is going to bring "UN peacekeepers" into its territory. As a result, under their control, Russia falls apart into small states, where pro-Western elites are brought to power.

Here is such a nightmare … … This is what they want from us. And more specifically - they just want us not to be. All of us - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Chechens, Ossetians … All the peoples of our country. And this is not an exaggeration. The collective West invented Nazism, created and nurtured Hitler, with one goal - to destroy us. In their understanding, we are not correct, not mentally correct. Here is a small example - Russia, absorbing different peoples, did not destroy a single one. The principle “We are all people” has been in us since ancient times. The West thinks differently;

Promotional video:

India - It is estimated that British rule cost India approximately 40 million people.

Africa - It is estimated that over 13 million Africans have been sold into slavery. Do not forget, when delivering slaves overseas, for every survivor there were 3-4 deaths from unbearable conditions.

Ireland - roughly over 2 million destroyed by the British.

Add to this the 120 million opium addicted in China.

Tasmania - more than 5 thousand

Australia - about 940 thousand

Algeria - 1.5 million civilians

American continent - between 2 and 15 million Indians fell victim to genocide. (no exact data)

And it's not us, it's our Germans and their allies who killed more than 28 million people.

In their view, people are just them, the rest are not considered people.

We even have a different concept of the word "democracy". If for us democracy is the rule of the people, that is, of the ALL people. When all representatives of the people participate in the life of the country. Their understanding is different - for them, "true democrats", the people are 10% of the population. Those very 10 percent that are large owners and owners of large finances. The rest they consider not "demos" (people), but "okhlos" (crowd, slaves, poor people) and "plebos" (free people, small owners). Even in Ancient Athens, from which the West leads its democracy, society was divided into three groups:

1. Okhlos - slaves, poor people, laborers - not entitled to vote.

2. Plebos - free people, small owners, owners of their own houses and lands - can choose, but cannot be elected.

3. Demos - large slave owners, residents of Demos - a wealthy area of the city, passing a certain property qualification. Only they could be elected to the governing bodies.

I think everyone knows that all other peoples were then considered barbarians, whose fate was to serve the "civilized nations".

This is what the entire civilization of the West is built on. And since then, nothing has changed. And do not be deceived by their beautiful words. In their understanding, we will always be superfluous. Why go far? Remember the statements of our pro-Western liberals:

This is how they express the opinion of their customers. We are too mentally different from them. And naturally we will always be a competitor to the West. And no matter what kind of system we will have, communism, socialism, capitalism, it makes no difference.

They will always try to strangle us.
