The Inner Teacher: The Voice Of Truth - Alternative View

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The Inner Teacher: The Voice Of Truth - Alternative View
The Inner Teacher: The Voice Of Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Inner Teacher: The Voice Of Truth - Alternative View

Video: The Inner Teacher: The Voice Of Truth - Alternative View
Video: 11 July 2021 2024, October

The inner teacher is both an element of our “I”, but at the same time, and an essence that goes beyond the limits of individual consciousness. It is also called the Inner Voice or Guardian Angel. Materialistic minds write off this noumenon to the action of intuition, which is rooted in instinctive feeling. But spiritual seekers see in him a conscious Essence, giving a connection with the transcendental knowledge of the unfamiliar and previously unknown.

Spiritual seekers are convinced that our multidimensional soul is manifested at every level of the Universe - from the material to the divine. Man is both form and God. And only the concentration of his consciousness determines the level of his evolution.

In the world of physical nature, we have the starting point of the path - here, at the level of the roughest vibrations. Here we can only see perishable matter, which is mortal due to the passage of time. We live in 4-D space at a time when the fifth dimension is eternity.

Our inner teacher speaks from eternity with us. He is a wise immortal soul, manifested in the fifth dimension outside of time and space. A soul that has survived all possible incarnations in human form, and therefore is able to give an answer to any question within the framework of earthly experience. The question is: can you hear it?

The Inner Teacher is the tuning fork of truth. Therefore, no Path is possible without it. It is he who directs you on the right path and protects you from fatal mistakes. It is he who gives the right knowledge at the right time.

The inspirations that push us towards an irrational, but subsequently the only correct decision are the work of our inner teachers. Through their efforts, a person goes to meet happy accidents, or vice versa - bypasses the irreparable.

Ethics check

Promotional video:

On the spiritual path, this inner voice of the Higher Self helps us to distinguish false from true, Master from false teacher, light from darkness, this inner voice of the Higher Self helps us. However, we should not forget about the great test that can arise on the path of the one walking.

After all, not only angels, but also demons are capable of addressing the soul. But not everyone is ready to see reality and answer the question: what do I really hear? This is a test of pride and the ability to be honest with yourself. Remember, your inner teacher will never direct you against spiritual ethics. And as a universal indicator of lies, this simple ethical rule can always be used:

Awakening the inner teacher

The truth can be seen by one whose mind is not clouded by illusions. Therefore, the rules for awakening the inner teacher in many respects intersect with the techniques for advancing along the classical path of self-development.

Rule one: love is a universal motive. Any doors open to those who are full of love and bright intentions.

Rule two: everything has its time. If the information is closed, then there are reasons for that. The defense mechanisms of the psyche protect consciousness from inappropriate knowledge. Therefore, do not rush things. Be patient.

Rule three: gratitude is a universal pay. Remember to thank your spirituality for guiding you on the right path. Practice gratitude whenever possible. Show appreciation and respect for your inner Master and he will never leave you alone.

The inner teacher speaks to everyone, and everyone is able to hear him. But know: the reckless proud man tends to see distorted reality through the ripples of his ignorance. But the dispassionate, courageous, and humble heart hears the voice of truth clearly. Do not forget to ask yourself "Who am I today?" After all, the tests never end.

Author: Elena Zakharchenko