Russian History - Putin's Version - Alternative View

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Russian History - Putin's Version - Alternative View
Russian History - Putin's Version - Alternative View

The last speech of V. Putin at a big press conference made people talk about "surrendering the Russian world", "betrayal of the Russian people" and so on. What's the matter here?

At a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC) on December 10 and a press conference on December 19, 2019, he spoke about the origin of the Russian people: “Who are the Russians? There were practically no Russians until the 9th century, it gradually developed from many ethnic groups."

A person of this level and citation should think about what he says. Do not leave ambiguous interpretations in case of reflection or answers to acute discussion questions.

In my opinion, in this case, GDP for the first time publicly voiced a compromise version of Russian history, capable of muffling disputes between historians and researchers about the beginning of Russian statehood.

Let me remind you

Everyone knows that recently, disputes about the antiquity of the state of the Rus and Slavs have resumed with renewed vigor. New, convincing arguments have appeared in favor of a significant aging of our history (there are many articles about this on my channel, for more details in the catalog: First Hundred.).

On the other hand, the official secular government is forced to support the version of the official science and the church.

Map of Ancient Rus
Map of Ancient Rus

Map of Ancient Rus.

Promotional video:

On the Russian plain, in the 9th century, there were numerous principalities, in fact clan and tribal alliances: glade, Drevlyans, Volynians, Krivichi, Vyatichi and others. There were no Rus, as such, in the names of the principalities, and scientists still have not come to a common opinion: where did the familiar and common name - RUSSIA - come from.

If you look at all this diversity from the point of view of geneticists, then some of the peoples had Aryan roots, some - Scythian, Finno-Ugric, Slavic (Balkan branch) and some others. All of them were at different times united into multinational states and empires (Scythia, Tartaria, and so on).

I recommend reading on the topic: Putin and Tartary.

An essential point: documentary sources, both from the side of the official history and from the side of its alternative versions, are evaluated skeptically. All to blame, the destruction of reliable chronicles, manuscripts and other material evidence.

The overwhelming mass of available documents are late copies with an unconfirmed level of reliability (for more details, read: How the true history of Russia was destroyed … (part 1) / How the true history of Russia was destroyed … (part 2)).

Veles. Artist. I. Ozhiganov
Veles. Artist. I. Ozhiganov

Veles. Artist. I. Ozhiganov.


In such difficult conditions, it was necessary to work out some version acceptable to all interested parties. I often wrote about this in my publications. And it looks like they found such a version!

History up to the 9th century is not denied, the speech in Putin's statement is about the formation of the RUSSIAN state, which has generally recognized documentary evidence.

Of course, there was Danube Rus and Ruskolan, the Russian Kaganate and many more similar names of ancient states, but Russia is the heir to Rus, which began to take shape and continuously consolidate within modern borders, precisely from the 9th century.

Probably, the continuity of the succession to the throne, borders and names, served as the assertion of the beginning of Russian statehood from the 9th century



And you can't argue with that. We can talk about more than seven thousand years of history of our ancestors, but does this apply to Russia? What was the name of the state that Created (according to one version) the World in the Star Temple? We do not know for certain.

In what relation were our ancestors who lived on the Russian plain (and these were not only the Aryan peoples) to THAT state? Not known. Also, there is no (yet) reliable (reinforced concrete) information about relations within Scythia, Tartaria and the Mughal Empires.

But our state needs a solid, historical base that has reliable confirmation

This is how Putin sounded a version that does not deny antiquity, but asserts an unconditional fact - the state of Russia and the Russian superethnos were formed at the turn of the 9th century from the merger of numerous ethnic groups in Russia. Thus, we are not talking about "betrayal of the interests of the Russian people", but it is worth explaining your position.

The opinion presented in the article is private and does not claim to be the only correct one.