Great Flood Or Nuclear War? - Alternative View

Great Flood Or Nuclear War? - Alternative View
Great Flood Or Nuclear War? - Alternative View

Video: Great Flood Or Nuclear War? - Alternative View

Video: Great Flood Or Nuclear War? - Alternative View
Video: This photo almost started a nuclear war 2024, April

In the mythology and legends of almost all countries of the world there is information about a certain cataclysm that destroyed all life on our planet. Usually it is about a flood. But is it really so? There is evidence that in antiquity a nuclear war, destructive for all living things, broke out on Earth.

Scientists, studying the structure of our planet, came to the conclusion: surprisingly, the Earth is literally cut up by some strange craters. Many call them the scars of our planet and are seriously wondering if the world nuclear war destroyed the once prosperous and technologically advanced civilizations? Let's take a closer look at what these mysterious scars are.

According to various estimates, geologists count up to 100 craters of various depths and diameters on average from 2 to 3 km. However, there are also deeper craters. There are two of them. One in South America - 40 km in diameter, the other in Africa - 120 km in diameter. Now suppose that these objects were formed, as scientists believe, traditionally approaching the consideration of the issue of a global cataclysm, in the Paleozoic era, i.e. about 350 million years ago. But, if we proceed from calculations that in a hundred years there is sand and earth, wind, volcanic dust, etc. increase the thickness of the earth by 1 meter in 100 years, it turns out that there should be no craters at all. But they continue to intimidate with their impressive size.

Well, if the war did take place, judging by legends and myths, about 25,000 years ago, then everything more or less converges. The layer of earth would increase by only 250 meters, which would be quite natural.

But what would happen to a planet on which, again, based on the calculations of scientists, a bomb would be detonated, with a power reaching 5,000 megatons of TNT?

Dust, soot would have obscured the sun. The entire planet would be enveloped in a nuclear winter. Recall that the ancient Maya people had two calendars: one for 240 days, the other for 290. Researchers assume that this is directly related to the cataclysms that occurred on earth. The planet did not move out of its orbit, but a powerful blow provoked a redistribution of water and ice on the surface, which led to a lengthening of the day. In the first case, there were 36 hours in a day, in the second - 32. The conducted experiments also support this theory: if a person is placed underground and the presence of a clock is excluded, then he begins to live according to his internal schedule, which is 36 hours. This is the memory of your past at the genetic level.

As a result of the catastrophe and the fires it provoked, 28 times more energy should have been released than from the explosions themselves. All living things either burned or suffocated from carbon monoxide. In the Codex Rio, the Maya describe the cataclysm that caught them: “The dog that came was hairless, and its claws fell off” - this is a typical example of radiation sickness.

As observations show, people living in the radius of the radioactive zone near Chernobyl develop cyclopia disease. Let us recall how many legends tell about numerous meetings with fantastic Cyclops, and there are even mentions of entire mutant peoples.

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Another example of genetic mutation is gigantism, duplication of internal organs, etc.

In addition, scientists have no doubt that the Mongoloid race is the direct heirs of the mutation. These are the Chinese, Mongols, Eskimos, Uralic, South Siberian peoples and peoples of both Americas. But after all, earlier representatives of this race were represented by a much larger number of nationalities and they were found not only in Asia, but also in Europe, Egypt, etc. It is interesting that the modern distribution of the Mongoloid race occupies mainly those territories that, possibly, before the supposed great cataclysm, were occupied by ancient advanced civilizations.

Well, what is most surprising, ugly children with atavism are also considered direct evidence of some kind of nuclear war. And mutation is only the legacy of distant ancestors, which occasionally manifests itself in our days. In addition, this explains the fact of the birth of mutants in people who are absolutely healthy.

However, the war continued. States that still retained their military power began to use the laser to destroy people and destroy their underground fortifications. The famous "pipes" widespread throughout the world, including the Russian Perm pipe galleries, are the work of human, more precisely, human weapons.

But the construction of tunnels and underground passages naturally existed long before nuclear war. Hence the numerous caves that permeate our land. Today we consider them to be natural formations, but what would a modern metro become in five hundred years without use and appropriate maintenance?

An interesting case is the underground tunnel connecting Spain and Morocco. There is an amazing species of monkeys "the magots of Gibraltar", because it lives only at the exit from the caves.

The nuclear winter was expected to last about 20 years. People who settled in the caves gradually lost their sight. Their growth decreased. This is where the legends about dwarfs, trolls, white-eyed chudi, elves, and gnomes originate. They simply did not find it necessary to make contact with the person. The most amazing thing is that their descendants have survived to this day: the pygmies of Africa - with black skin and the Menechetes of Guinea - with white.

The man gradually went wild. Knowledge has been lost. There was no one to pass on from generation to generation what was known before the cataclysm. Humanity began its development from scratch.

What caused the war? Unknown. But the fact remains: the war, judging by the calculations of scientists, still happened. It remains in the interests of humanity to prevent its recurrence.