"Bad Places" Lie In Wait For Their Victims - Alternative View

"Bad Places" Lie In Wait For Their Victims - Alternative View
"Bad Places" Lie In Wait For Their Victims - Alternative View

Video: "Bad Places" Lie In Wait For Their Victims - Alternative View

Video: Trauma Day Away 2018 - Pediatric Trauma 2024, April

This amazing incident happened in the summer of 1973. Edna Hadjis, a 20-year-old student who lived in Swindon, England, decided to visit her friend Janette. In the morning, barely dawn, the girl got on a bicycle and went to the suburbs, where at that time her friend was. At first, everything went well - the sun was shining tenderly, and the road obediently lay like a gray ribbon under the wheels. But after half an hour on the road, the weather began to deteriorate, and soon thunder was already roaring in the sky. Fearing a thunderstorm, Edna pedaled as hard as she could, her head pressed into her shoulders with each thunderous rumble. The girl stubbornly moved forward until, right in front of her eyes, lightning split in half a tall tree that stood on the side of the road. Seeing that things were taking a bad turn, Edna jumped off her bike and almost immediately noticed a neat little house near the highway. A few seconds later, the girl was already knocking on the door of the house, begging to let her in to wait out the storm. The door was opened by a sullen old man with a white beard, who silently indicated the intruder to an armchair near a brightly burning fireplace. When the thunderstorm ended, Edna thanked the unfriendly owner, without waiting for a word in reply, left the inhospitable shelter, got back on her bike and hit the road. After a few kilometers, she noticed Janette walking towards her, soaked to the skin in the rain. It turned out that a friend came out to meet Edna and got caught in a downpour.left the inhospitable home, got on the bike again and hit the road. After a few kilometers, she noticed Janette walking towards her, soaked to the skin in the rain. It turned out that a friend came out to meet Edna and got caught in a downpour.left the inhospitable home, got on the bike again and hit the road. After a few kilometers, she noticed Janette walking towards her, soaked to the skin in the rain. It turned out that a friend came out to meet Edna and got caught in a downpour.

- And you, I see, are completely dry? - Janette was surprised. But her surprise intensified when Edna told her that she was hiding from the storm in a house, the owner of which did not say a word. According to Janette, there were no similar dwellings in the area. To prove her case, Edna put Jeanette on the trunk of her bicycle, and the friends drove to the scene. Imagine her surprise when it turned out that the house in which she was hiding from the thunderstorm had simply “evaporated”. There were no signs of human habitation around!

- But you see that I am not wet! Edna exclaimed. - Where do you think I was hiding?

This question remained unanswered. However, the incident interested the compilers of the collection "Spirits and Legends of the Wiltshire Land", and they published it under the heading "Anomalous Zones". According to the compilers, the girl ended up in a local area, where from time to time mysterious phenomena are observed, which official science is not yet able to explain. Such zones are referred to in the press as anomalous, disastrous, conspiracy, and so on. Researchers of the "anomalytsin", armed with special measuring equipment, immediately rushed to the place indicated by Edna, but they could not find anything worthy of attention.

An even stranger incident occurred in January 1973 in one of the small villages of the Moscow region. 15-year-old Sasha S. disappeared from the house. They were looking for him for three days, but everything was in vain. Parents have already mentally said goodbye to their son, because it was 20-degree frost outside, and the teenager, most likely, froze. However, when loved ones finally lost hope, Sasha returned home. The teen's face was covered in blood, but the skin was intact. To all the questions of adults, Sasha just shrugged his shoulders, it seemed that he himself did not know where he was all this time and what was happening to him. Only a few years after the events, the matured Sasha remembered the events of those terrible days.

On January 20, despite the fierce cold, Sasha went to the forest. He was so fond of these solitary excursions that he even built a hut in the thicket on the branches of a pine tree, so that, tired after a long walk, he could rest in this makeshift shelter. On that day, Sasha, having made a long journey, habitually climbed up a tree and ducked into the hut. The sun was shining in the clear sky, the frost pleasantly tingled the face, which was hot while walking. And suddenly … Something incredible happened - Sasha felt that he was lying under a pine tree, and a starry sky spread over him. My head ached unbearably. The teenager gently touched his head with his hand and realized that he had lost his hat. His face was smeared with something sticky, as it turned out later, blood. He got up unsteadily and staggered home with weakness. There it turned out that they had been looking for Sasha for three days. Oddly enough, despite the fact that the teenager was without a hat and,apparently, for some time he lay in the snow, he did not get frostbitten. The next day he went to school, but did not answer the questions of classmates and teachers about what had happened. The strangest thing was that the parents, who knew about the hut built by their son on a pine tree, first of all looked for him there, but to no avail …

Since that memorable day, Sasha has changed. He became more thoughtful, slower, even his handwriting changed. Before that, the teenager was interested in astronomy, and after the events described, he became interested in electronics. It turned out that he can fix almost any electronic device …

It turns out that many similar cases occur on our planet every year. And if those that we talked about today ended quite happily, then often people who find themselves in such situations disappear without a trace. There are many versions trying to explain the mysterious incidents. According to one of the hypotheses, there may be “nomadic” anomalous zones on Earth, which manifest themselves in one place or another. This is a kind of "entrance" to other spatial or temporal dimensions, which opens and closes according to unknown laws. People who find themselves near such an "entrance" at the moment of its opening enter the zone and, as a rule, do not return back. The worst thing is that not only a researcher of anomalous phenomena can be in such a zone, but also anyone,unaware of the existence of spontaneously emerging "black spots" of a person.

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