Alternative Theories Of The Origin Of Life - Alternative View

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Alternative Theories Of The Origin Of Life - Alternative View
Alternative Theories Of The Origin Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Alternative Theories Of The Origin Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Alternative Theories Of The Origin Of Life - Alternative View
Video: Origins of Life: current theories 2024, April

Throughout its history, humanity has been interested in where life originated on Earth. Many hypotheses have arisen, sometimes fantastic and meaningless. But until the beginning of the 19th it was believed that living things could appear in meat broth, in rotten meat, in hay tincture. Research carried out by L. Pasteur proved that such ideas are false. The scientist conducted experiments on pasteurization, that is, the processing of products using high temperatures to prevent microorganisms from entering the spores. With their help, he proved that no organisms appear in broths or in anything else.

In general, it should be noted that no other hypothesis causes as much controversy and discussion as the theory of evolution. If we take into account the results of a recent sociological survey, it turns out that only 15 percent of people believe in the random evolution of Homo sapiens. That is why at the present time there are more and more new theories of the possible past and future development of mankind.

Among the most popular hypotheses are the following:

1. Morphic resonance

While most scientists around the world argue about the possibility of evolution in biology, R. Sheldrake decided to analyze the origin of species from the point of view of the Universe. His theory says that after a certain time, some morphic fields are formed, containing the collective memory of substances and organisms, including galaxies with stars. And it is this information field that further influences the development of species.

2. Intelligent design

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The theory of intellectual design was developed by the American biochemist M. Bech and the philosopher and mathematician W. Dembski. According to her, some things are too complex to accidentally evolve. That is why, instead of reasoning that man is inherently a slightly more developed monkey, it is necessary to look for a certain heavenly equivalent. Simply put, life on our planet arose as a result of the influence of a certain higher intelligence.

3. Space ancestors

Most people are used to thinking that the universe has a certain date from which its existence begins. It doesn't matter if it was created by God or arose as a result of the Big Bang - it happened at some particular moment. According to the theory of cosmic ancestors, the universe has existed at all times, always, and in the same way, life has always existed. Life on Earth has arisen as a result of the introduction of space microbes. And all the subsequent development of earthly life is an imitation of life in the Universe.

4. Christian Science

According to the theory of Christian science, God is everywhere and everything that exists around is a part of him. This hypothesis, according to M. Baker Eddy, is based on the eternal truths that are contained in the Bible. In addition, this theory says that nothing but the spirit exists, and therefore everything around is just an illusion.

5. Progressive creationism

Everyone knows the story from the Holy Scriptures that God created the Earth for six days and rested on the seventh day. According to progressive creationists, each of these six days lasted for millions of years.

6. Ancient Astronauts

According to the hypothesis of space heritage or intelligent design, millions of years ago aliens arrived on our planet and specifically founded life here. The adherents of this theory cite ancient texts, pyramids, flying saucers, the calendar of the ancient Maya and the like as evidence for their hypothesis.

7. Scientology

Once the American science fiction writer R. Hubbard created a system of beliefs on the basis of which the religion of Scientology arose. This religion claims that human consciousness has developed from birds to sloths, and after - monkeys, and only then did human development begin. People are the product of an alien race that died millions of years ago in a nuclear disaster, and their consciousness was transferred from one animal to another until it reached the human brain. From animal memories, humans have such feelings as envy, indecision and toothache.

8. Intermittent balance

The discontinuous equilibrium theory is currently one of the most widespread. It is well known that the majority of archaeological finds indicate that human evolution did not occur gradually, that species emerged suddenly. According to this theory, all species are in a stable equilibrium, interrupted by short periods of sudden changes.

9. Creationism

According to the theory of creationism, in the Book of Genesis absolutely everything is stated correctly. Simply put, God created the Earth for six days, and on the seventh rested, people descended from Noah and once upon a time there were giants. In addition, our planet is only six thousand years old, and therefore all archaeological and geological finds are complete nonsense.

10. Theistic evolutionism

Theistic evolutionism is the science that combined Darwin's theory with the divine origin of man. The essence of this theory is that the Almighty created the Universe, but only according to a scientific theory. Thus, evolution is one of the divine tools in God's experiments with creation.

Despite the existence of numerous theories of the origin of life on Earth, none of them fully fit some of the ancient artifacts that were discovered in the course of archaeological research. Until now, no one is able to explain their origin.

It is quite obvious that some of these finds are hoaxes, but some are associated with very real stories.

One such mysterious ancient artifact is the Sumerian list of kings. During the excavations of ancient Sumer, on the territory of modern Iraq, an ancient manuscript was discovered in which all the rulers of this state were listed. Initially, the researchers were sure that the find is an ordinary historical document, but later it was established that many of the kings named in it were mythological characters. Conversely, some rulers whose existence was well known were not included in this list. Some of the rulers were credited with excessively long periods of power or mythical events, in particular, the Sumerian versions of the exploits of Gilgamesh or the Great Flood.

Another artifact that has not found a scientific explanation is the writing of Easter Island. Many people know statues from Easter Island, but the existence of 24 wooden carved tablets containing a system of symbols is also associated with this place. These symbols are called "rongorongo" and are recognized as an ancient proto-written form. Currently, none of the scientists have been able to decipher them.

A large number of artifacts have been found in the swamps and rivers of Ireland. In total, their number reaches 6 thousand copies. They were named Fulachtai Fia. These are embankments of stone and soil, made in the form of a horseshoe, with a gutter in the center filled with water. As a rule, such embankments are found singly, but sometimes they can be seen in groups of 2-6. And there is always a source of water near them. It still remains a mystery why they were built.

Another artifact, the origin and purpose of which is unknown, was discovered in 2014, during excavations at the site of the battle in Nottinghamshire. The find turned out to be a fifteen-centimeter "witch bottle". Such vessels were used for black witchcraft in America and Europe in the years 1600-1700. They were made from glass and ceramics. In total, about two hundred of these bottles were found with the remains of nails, needles, hair, nails and urine. Some scholars claim that such vessels were used to protect the wearer from the harmful effects of witches and evil spells.

Some museums around the world contain strange exhibits that were once alive. It is a legendary medieval beast known as the Rat King. It was formed when several rats intertwined or fused their tails. A nest of rats appeared with their muzzles pointing outward. The largest of these artifacts contains 32 individuals. Currently, archaeologists find such mummified artifacts, although no one has seen a single living anomaly of this kind.

In the north of Russia there is a large Zayachiy Island, which is another mystery. About three thousand years before the new era, not only religious objects and settlements were built there, but also irrigation systems. However, the most mysterious objects here are spiral labyrinths, the largest of which reaches 24 meters in diameter. These structures are two rows of boulders overgrown with vegetation. Science still cannot say for sure what they were used for.

In those regions that in ancient times were in the sphere of influence of the Roman Empire, archaeologists discover strange objects called "Roman dodecahedrons". They are hollow bronze or stone objects that are 4 to 12 centimeters in diameter, with 12 pentagonal flat faces and holes on each side. There are small handles on each corner. Scientists have put forward as many as 27 theories that tried to explain the origin and purpose of these objects, but none of them found confirmation.

And, finally, one of the most famous manuscripts in the scientific world is the so-called Codex Gigas, or "The Devil's Bible". This book is made of 160 skins and weighs so much that one person cannot lift it. According to legend, this book was written by a monk who made a deal with the devil after he was sentenced to death (the monk was supposed to be immured alive in a wall). With the help of the devil, the monk wrote the Codex overnight. The handwriting in the book is really the same and even everywhere, as if it was really written in a short time. Scientists, however, are confident that such work could take from 5 to 30 years. The manuscript contains tests that, at first glance, absolutely do not combine with each other: "Jewish antiquities" by Flavius, the complete Latin Bible of the Vulgate, medical works of Theophilus and Hippocrates, "Etymological encyclopedia" I. Sevilsky, "Chronicles of Bohemia" K. Prague, as well as magic formulas, rites of exorcism, an illustration of the heavenly city.

Thus, it is quite obvious that scientists will have more than one decade, and maybe even whole centuries, to struggle to solve the mystery of the origin of life on our planet. And who knows if their attempts to get to the bottom of the truth will be successful …