"Prince Of This World" - Who Is He? - Alternative View

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"Prince Of This World" - Who Is He? - Alternative View
"Prince Of This World" - Who Is He? - Alternative View

Video: "Prince Of This World" - Who Is He? - Alternative View

Video: Is this world ruled by Satan? (Constantine 2005) 2024, October

The image of Satan is associated with many people with a horned devil with a burning star in his forehead and red eyes, with monsters, the dead, pentagrams, with evil deeds, dirty tricks, horror movies from horror films, with an indescribable universal fear that fetters the whole body and soul, but in reality everything is not so frightening outwardly, but much more serious in essence: the devil is not a comic book guy, but he is a huge force that rules the world, he can be both a spirit and be embodied in specific persons, he has an army of demons, service demons and … people who surrendered themselves to him.


99% of the inhabitants of the earth in their ordinary, everyday life do not think with depth about whether the devil exists, what he is. And if someone decides to face the truth and cling to the problem more profoundly, then he goes into religion and there finds an outlet, answers to questions, someone watches horror films, others go crazy, and still others become servants of Satan. We will dwell on the last point in more detail a little later.


Specific manifestations of Satan on earth and the people through whom he manifests his essence

There are many discussions on what Satan is, but they are all abstract or something … As they say, it is better to see once than hear or read a hundred times. Satan, who inclines believers to sin, and sinners to death for most people does not exist in specific manifestations - he is not tangible, incorporeal, not obvious, incomprehensible …

You can explain "who is he," and everyone nods their heads, but then they will ask "where is he in ordinary life?" - and even those who paint the devilish essence in all its glory will find it difficult to answer.

Promotional video:


The devil does small and large dirty tricks through people, events (after all, the whole world, the whole earth is in his power, it is not for nothing that he is called "the prince of this world"), an unclean spirit, a demon, a demon enters into one (like the servants of the dark kingdom) - and he kills, creates lawlessness, and in the other … the devil himself enters … and he does evil on the scale of the universe: destroys cities, wipes peoples off the face of the earth, sows death all over the earth, not only killing thousands, millions of people at the moment, but also leaving behind fruits that will sprout for a long time and bear their cruel results.

The devil apparently came through many of the mighty of this world, through Hitler, fierce rulers who mercilessly dealt with a huge number of people, through various destructive sects …


Today, a clear appearance of Satan in the image of the creatures of the United States (as they say, much is judged by the fruits, and Satan can be judged by the creations and fruits) - al-Qaeda, which has now replaced it ISIS. Also, the dark glory of the United States is credited with many terrorist attacks, wars (conflicts in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria), the use of nuclear, biological weapons.

The USA is one of the personifications of the real image of Satan, since this country brought up the theory of "money is higher than a person's life": a person's life is like a chip, depreciates to the level of inanimate, worthless objects, they kill people just to themselves and others (for those who it is profitable) lived well, they kill, destroying thousands and millions of "chips" just like that, to plant their ideals, to achieve the desired goals.


Man is the creation of God, the crown of creation. One who encroaches on the life of another is a murderer, just like the devil, encroaching on and teaching others to do this, is defeated by the devil. Murder is a mortal sin, all the more aimless when an earthly goal to satisfy the ambitions of the prince of demons, worldly, to proclaim the kingdom of darkness obscures all other urges in a person.

Destruction of crowds of people for the sake of the prosperity of mammon, flows of money mixed with rivers of blood, replacement of the system of universal values with our own, in which money, power, lust are in the first place (and the United States, why is the city of Babylon not mired in sins?): - not Is this clear evidence of Satan in action and the signs of his servants ?!


ISIS with its bloodthirsty, godless ideology - even with one day (after all, tomorrow will replace the "new ISIS"), "staged" and real executions (that is, half of the scenes for intimidation) - is a vivid example of an army of dark forces, a concentrated infection of Satanism.

After all, a person also has a particle of God, and when he crosses the line of mortal sin, this particle fades away, that is, a person destroys God in himself. But even before killing (meaning not about cases of self-defense, but cold-blooded destruction of his own kind) - a person already makes a choice.

Okay, if we were talking about each of us as being free to choose our own path and having the right to do so, but we are talking about promoting such an attitude to the lives of others, "advertising" the customs of ISIS and total cruelty among the population of the whole earth, including among adolescents, children.


Both Russians and French are already joining the ranks of the "army", children who are brought up in special camps act as executioners in the video with executions, they play with the heads of suicide bombers instead of rattles from the "baby" age, calmly watch blood and murders.

But the worst thing - when there was al-Qaeda, militants who blew up people, when there were well-known destructive sects - the world overwhelmingly condemned them, everyone considered it savage and fanatical to approve something like that, and such "not indifferent" could be stoned, and ISIS is not that simple.

A quarter (or even more) of the world is “for” ISIS, some consider them to be a true force capable of overthrowing everything in their path, conducting a revolution, others as bold wars defending their state, their religion (although Islam and ISIS are like heaven and earth). If you read the comments on the video about ISIS on YouTube, then a significant part of Russians are “FOR” ISIS, that is, the poison has already infected our neighbors in the country.

Those who go to ISIS to "fight a little" are attracted by the opportunity to realize their animal aggression with impunity, killing people and getting paid for it. After all, computer games, "war games", in which children have been killing someone for a long time, are a prototype not only of real wars, but also of the latent desires of the adult generation.

It is not for nothing that these "shooters" have been actively hammered into our heads for several decades, in which you simply pursue a goal, aim at a dummy as the norm, and then ISIS comes to the prepared ground.

Recently, I came across one piece of news - "ISIS fighters killed 38 disabled children (Downs), born among" their ". It's wild, but not outside the borders of your state and not among the prisoners, but even if among your own - does it remind you of anything ??

Fascism lived on the same course, the program of killing T4, the same Hitler was involved in everything again … At first, a little bit, they removed only those who were seriously mentally ill, then the circle of victims expanded, they began to kill children of the mentally retarded, in addition to this, they acted concentration camps, where every day thousands of healthy people were destroyed, medical and psychological experiments were carried out on them.

Today, the ideology of ISIS and other similar elements destroying society, planted on previously prepared soil, leads to the transformation of people into cruel monsters, that is, to the final enslavement of souls by the devil.

Who is Satan and his essence

Now about the essence of the ruler of evil and his deeds.

One of the brightest works, eloquently and in a language accessible to non-believers, telling about the devil is “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov.

The epigraph to the novel is the lines from Goethe's Faust, known to all:

"I am a part of the power that always wants evil and always does good."

In other translations, the phrase sounds a little different:

“I am part of that Power

That always does good, desiring evil."

Part of eternal strength I

Always wishing for evil, who did only good, - Translation of Kholodkovsky

Who are you?

Part of the strength of the one without number

He does good, desiring evil for everything.

- Translation by Pasternak"


This is the whole essence of Satan: slip in death, deception in a candy wrapper, push into the abyss under an allegedly good purpose, the result of the devil's actions is the murder of the body and, most importantly, the soul of a person (as he is called in the Bible - "murderer").

The novel itself is called phantasmagoria. Through the scenes of "MiM" both the essence of the devil and the essence of man appear. The devil is a seducer, plays like a pipe on human passions.

“What is phantasmagoria? A ghost, an obsession, or: a bizarre picture that draws a person in his painfully upset imagination; or (from Brockhaus): Phantasmagoria, Greek, ghostly image. figures and pictures by means of optical. devices, advantage. applied on stage."

And the essence of the novel and the whole essence of the devil - a lot of tinsel, temptations, a beautiful wrapper (and after all, many, especially teenagers, whom I was, having fallen in love with MiM, see the brightness, the colors of the narrative, an exciting plot, but almost do not understand the true meaning) with emptiness and deception inside: at the end of the novel, Margarita becomes an ordinary woman in an old dressing gown with her hair tied in a bun, in which the Master refuses to recognize her muse, having sold her soul to the devil for love, she never tasted these feelings, the Master himself is an insane old man who did not realize his dream, Yeshua is not Jesus (the savior) at all, but just a good man, and the Fifth Procurator is tormented not by the fact that he killed the savior, but by the fact that he killed a good man. And all this against the backdrop of fantastically beautiful scenes.


“Phantasmagoria… I repeat. A ghost, an obsession, or: a bizarre picture that draws a person in his painfully upset imagination; or (from Brockhaus): Phantasmagoria, Greek, ghostly image. figures and pictures by means of optical. devices, advantage. applied on stage.

Bulgakov drew everything for us, everything that so awaited our painfully upset imagination, painted with his painfully upset imagination. But there is no catharsis, because everything was an illusion, there was nothing, the magician finished playing the number and disappeared behind the veil of the curtain, left M and M alone: and now they are just - an old sick old man with his old woman, and the audience is ordinary people, thirsty for spectacles, who received another share of emotions and a portion of food with unsolved questions.


Questions that will now gnaw at the brain of the population in the form of "ravlekuha" against the background of idleness and as a distraction from dullness and boredom. And the people will be tormented for the rest of their lives “what was that?”, “What did he want to say with this?”, “Maybe this is a parody of this or that …?”, The people will seek a thousand deepest meanings, again and again muddy the waters in order to catch a goldfish and a few grains of health. "Is it for Christ, after all, the author, or against?" "People hawala …".

It was a beautifully wrapped candy wrapper with a trick inside … Bulgakov made fun of all of us, gentlemen, like Woland with his retinue in the circus and in other tricks on the ground, and then exposed his magic. The result of this book is similar."

Through the weaknesses of a person, the devil clings to him ("walks like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour"), leads him away from God, pushes him into the abyss called "death" and "hell". The guise of Satan seems to be so complex and multifaceted, in general evil - it is much brighter and more varied than good, there is a cult around evil, to understand what it is about - try to remember evil and good in life (or remember how others evaluate evil and good).


Most people will remember for half their life or all their life an offense, want revenge; evil, unforgiveness, desire for revenge pushes people to crimes. And how many people, after doing kind things towards them, radically changed their lives, how many remembered good better than evil? The latter are fewer.

In general, at first glance, evil is more attractive than "fluffy and white" good. Yes, and, it seems, is more complicated, but in fact, if you blow away the tinsel, everything is simple: the evil root (that is, unforgiveness, envy, anger, etc.), temptations are just what the devil sows his poisoned tares through in us later they grow up. The goal of the devil is to lead a person away from God and thereby destroy: "a murderer."

Motivational video on "Irrefutable Evidence for Satan's Existence" (or: "Don't spiral all the blame on Satan, God created us with free will").

Who is Satan anyway ?? This is far from a vile stupid devil with furious eyes and a terrible muzzle, Satan was originally one of the most beautiful and wise angels in the army of God.

“Satan was created by an angel in the order of a cherubim; he was "the seal of perfection, the fullness of wisdom and the crown of beauty", dwelt in Eden among the "stones of fire", but being proud (Ezek. 28:17) and wishing to be equal to God (Isa. 14: 13-14), he was cast out to earth ".

Of course, the question was born and is still being born among many: "where did this" closure "occur in the devil, which caused the development of (previously, it turns out, did not exist ??) evil, if he was a servant of God and God created him?" No answer. Any thoughts.

When God created the earth and Eden, the devil, according to biblical sources, already existed, and there are versions that just the whole earth and people were created as a battlefield between God and the devil. So that they either "measure themselves" (or have some fun), or prove something to each other, but most likely - there are meanings incomprehensible to mere mortals.


On earth, a person is placed in such conditions that he is forced to choose, without realizing it, either the side of God or the devil, there are also those who will be judged by their deeds - that is, those who lived by their conscience, even if they were unbelievers (but here there is controversy among some believers who say that there is no salvation except through Christ).

Man, like the former angel Satan (and by the way, any angels are service spirits, that is, it turns out that Satan is subordinate to God), was created by God, and man is the crown of creation. A person is higher than an angel, which means that a person is stronger and more significant than the devil, and he should have more power, especially since God left this earth to man (but Adam and Eve sinned and the earth was cursed, therefore it already brought suffering, and not blessings), man lord on earth, but the devil took this power, and precisely by tempting a person.

And he kills souls precisely in order to seize as much power as possible. When a person comes to God, repents, etc. - the connection between God and a person and those inclinations that are in a person - are restored, he can again defeat the devil by the power of God, fulfilling the commandments, etc.

The devil enters into a person (as, for example, into Judas before the execution of Christ), if he is given a place, and he can get a place when a person is "led" to the incitement of Satan, and if he gives weakness once, then the second time attempts to enslave a person will intensify.

Only now, like many believers, I was often tormented by the question: “Who are we in this war? pawns? or at least your favorite creations? and if created for suffering - what is free will? and if the devil is subordinate to God and God will enslave and overthrow him anyway - why wait another thousand years and watch people die, why can't you kill him now and deprive people of the right to choose between good and evil, but leave them happy?"

There are no answers to these questions, because these answers are not in the will of man, such is life, there are 7 billion of us today, but there were more than 70 billion. throughout history, and the fact is that there is someone who created us and there is someone who opposes Him, and you need to obey the one who created us in order to have life after death. And there is life after death.

The devil is a slanderer, instigator, liar, father of lies. The devil distorts the position of God for man, misleads the latter. In general, the devil is not a creator, like God and as a man created in the image and likeness of God, the devil is a creation himself, and can only copy the deeds of God, transforming them into a minus sign.

The Angel of Light (Lucifer) is one of the incarnations of the devil. As it is written in the Bible, he can appear in the form of an angel of light, that is, a wolf in the skin of a lamb to steal souls.

Here its essence is fully displayed: to do evil through / in the guise of light.

Only here is a quote from the work of Faust ("I am a part of that power that always wants evil and always does good") - leaves us many mysteries, albeit in the form of conjectures: if the devil is only a part of THAT POWER, then what is ALL THAT POWER ??
