Teotihuacan - Ancient Mayan Airport? - Alternative View

Teotihuacan - Ancient Mayan Airport? - Alternative View
Teotihuacan - Ancient Mayan Airport? - Alternative View

Video: Teotihuacan - Ancient Mayan Airport? - Alternative View

Video: Teotihuacan - Ancient Mayan Airport? - Alternative View
Video: 🐸 Mayan Alien Contact Exposed In Guatemala? 🐸 2024, July

The history of our present past is very confusing and difficult to understand, so everything must be assembled like puzzles, in small pieces. And now, for myself personally, I have put together a puzzle and a general picture of the mysterious Mayan civilization, but to believe in this version or not, everyone decides for himself. Let's start!

I'll start from the beginning and end with an obvious conclusion. To begin with, the Maya had an advanced knowledge of astronomy and, judging by the images found in cities and temples, they had contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. This very civilization gave knowledge to the Maya, why? - You will understand further.


Now to the cities. In each of the important cities of the Mayan civilization there were strange pyramids that are not found anywhere else in the world. Only this civilization had pyramids with a flat area at the top. Such pyramids or their remains can be seen in each of the Mayan capitals, there are 5 of them, namely: Tikal, Chichen Itza, Palenque, Uxmal and Copan, all these cities were important centers of civilization.


According to my version, aircraft landed on such pyramids with platforms. But I will continue the story.

In the city of Teotihuacan, where all the same strange pyramids with a platform are located, there is the so-called "Road of the Dead". As far as is known, it does not lead anywhere, and its length is 2.5 kilometers. But there is only a version that this is not a road, but a runway, and after all of the above, this version seems much more believable.


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Well, in conclusion, we can say that Teotihuacan is translated into Russian as - "the place where the gods touch the earth." More literally, it seems to me that it would be more correct - "the place where the gods come from heaven."

And then, I hope, the picture begins to take shape for everyone. Let me remind you that the ancient people could well have considered an alien highly developed civilization as gods. This is the simplest and most obvious explanation for the term “gods”.


It is also worth reminding everyone that Maya is considered one of the most mysterious civilizations, only because they disappeared without a trace, leaving their cities.

Not a single historian has given an unambiguous answer, with the facts, what happened to civilization. No remains were found, no traces of the cataclysm, no epidemic, nothing at all.


So what's the version? I don’t know for whom how, but after everything that I have described above, it becomes more than obvious that the Maya had direct contact and closely interacted with an unknown alien civilization.

They gave them knowledge, flew to them for unknown purposes, in general there was direct contact. Why Maya and not other civilizations? This question is difficult to answer, but many artifacts say that even more ancient people saw and possibly contacted extraterrestrial civilizations.


At one point, either the Maya reached such a level of development to leave the planet, with the help of a highly developed civilization. Or, they were allowed to fly away with the civilization that visited the Earth.


Perhaps for some it will seem nonsense, although it seems to me that everything is too easy to add up into one picture that explains almost all the so-called secrets. At least, all the secrets of the Mayan civilization, for me personally, have now been solved, and to believe it or not is everyone's business.