About The City Of Teotihuacan - A Real Mystery Of Antiquity - Alternative View

About The City Of Teotihuacan - A Real Mystery Of Antiquity - Alternative View
About The City Of Teotihuacan - A Real Mystery Of Antiquity - Alternative View

There are many amazing and mysterious places on the territory of our planet, and one of them is the ancient ruined city of Teotihuacan, located fifty kilometers from Mexico City. Researchers still cannot figure out who built it.


The first oddity of Teotihuacan is that there are streets, but no traces of people. Judge for yourself - scientists believe that at the time of its peak, the city could have been home to up to 200,000 people.

Well, every year someone in love had to die of old age, disease, etc. And those who passed away had to be buried. And the strange thing is that not a single skeleton was found in the vicinity of the city.


It can be assumed that the ancient Indians, or whoever they were, were engaged in cremation of the dead, but traces of cremation were also not found. The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning Teotihuacan is its unique pyramids, the main feature of which is their location, which completely repeats the location of the planets in the solar system.

If these pyramids were built by semi-wild natives, where did they get such knowledge? Nobody can answer this question either. On the account of the date of its construction, many questions also arise - there is no consensus here.

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the city was built more than three thousand years ago. And the first Aztecs appeared here only in the 7th century AD. Archaeologists have found many hiding places in the city, but they all turned out to be looted.

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Who robbed them of the Aztecs or the Spaniards who came after them is not clear. The only thing that they could not destroy was the huge pyramids. It is very difficult to do this, because the minimum weight of one stone block here is 5 tons.

And there are a lot of similar stones here - all the pyramids are made of them. The very name "Teotihuacan" was given to the city by the Aztecs. It translates as "City of the Gods". It is difficult to say how it happened - either the Aztecs who came here were struck to the core by the scale and structure of the ancient city, or they really knew something about this city, which modern researchers do not know.

The material from which the blocks for the pyramids are built is basalt. The mere fact that it is second only to diamonds in strength makes you think hard. The accuracy of making the pyramids is simply amazing - the knife will not get through the joints between the stones.


But what is more striking is that all these pyramids were built at almost the same time. If we assume that in ancient times Teotihuacan was indeed a large city and several hundred thousand people could live here, then this city should have either a ruler or something like a senate.

But archaeologists could not find a single written source on the territory of the ancient city that would tell at least something about those times. It can be assumed that this ancient civilization wrote not on clay tablets, like the Sumerians, but on something like modern paper, which could simply not have survived to our time.

If the Aztecs came to a dilapidated city, then he somehow died. But the death of Teotihuacan is another mystery for researchers. The only thing scientists agree on is that the city was destroyed almost instantly.


In what case is it possible? The first thing that comes to my mind personally is in the event of a powerful explosion. It can be assumed that the city died much longer, however, let me remind you once again that not a single grave was found here - where did these several hundred thousand people go?


In addition, fragments of ancient ceramics and other household items were not found on the territory of the city. And from this we can draw two conclusions:

1) Such a huge number of people have never lived here and it could not be a city, but some kind of ritual or technical structure.

2) The residents of the city simply foresaw the danger in advance and quickly collected all their belongings, after which they left Teotihuacan forever, leaving NO evidence of their life.