In An Abandoned Village, The Shadow Of An Invisible Person Was Filmed, And Then The Photographer Found Strange Scratches On His Body - - Alternative View

In An Abandoned Village, The Shadow Of An Invisible Person Was Filmed, And Then The Photographer Found Strange Scratches On His Body - - Alternative View
In An Abandoned Village, The Shadow Of An Invisible Person Was Filmed, And Then The Photographer Found Strange Scratches On His Body - - Alternative View

Video: In An Abandoned Village, The Shadow Of An Invisible Person Was Filmed, And Then The Photographer Found Strange Scratches On His Body - - Alternative View

Video: In An Abandoned Village, The Shadow Of An Invisible Person Was Filmed, And Then The Photographer Found Strange Scratches On His Body - - Alternative View
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The Spanish village of Hormicedo has been empty since 1959 when the last resident left it. However, the places there are very picturesque and they were the ones who attracted a 36-year-old female photographer (who asked journalists not to give her name) to come here and take pictures of the surrounding area.

The woman arrived with her friend and except for them during the filming there was no one else there, they swear to it.

According to the woman, when she removed the stone wall of the dilapidated house, she felt a very unusual change in temperature. It was a warm evening, and then it suddenly became very cold. However, during the photographing, she did not notice anything else unusual.

Only at home, when analyzing the footage, she saw in the picture with a stone wall a distinct human shadow, which apparently belonged to a man, judging by the silhouette. At the same time, the only man during the shooting was a woman's friend, who stood on the side and held a lantern in his hand to direct the light onto the wall.

That is, this shadow definitely did not belong to him, because no light fell on him.

The alarmed female photographer shared this shot with her niece Mika, who then drew a diagram of how her aunt and her friend stood during the photo, so that everyone would understand that this shadow definitely did not belong to them.


In addition, it turned out that even if it was the shadow of some other person who could be there, it still could not get into the photo exactly in the form in which it can be seen in the photo. The light was directed only to a narrow area of the wall, and there were no other light sources, it was late evening.

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Thus, in order to get into the picture in this form, this person had to stand so close to the wall that the photographer would have photographed him too.

Trying to solve this mystery, the photographer and her niece soon returned to the same location at the same late hour and took the picture under the same lighting conditions. And this time no shadow was visible in the photo.


However, for the second time, my aunt felt cold frost running along her skin against the wall for the second time. And when she returned home and began to undress, she was horrified to find fresh deep scratches on her chest and back on her body.

The woman could not understand where they came from and she did not feel pain during her stay in that abandoned village.

Skeptics believe that this shadow still belongs to the photographer himself or her friend, and the strange cold and scratches are attributed to chance. But Mika believes that something paranormal is involved in all this and does not see anything that could logically explain what happened.

The village of Hormisedo is not associated with any tragedies or special cases of violent death. In any case, historians do not remember anything like that. However, people in this place have lived since the Iron Age and there were many different ancient artifacts, until black diggers cleaned everything up here after the last resident left.