Flat Earth - Alternative View

Flat Earth - Alternative View
Flat Earth - Alternative View

Video: Flat Earth - Alternative View

Video: Flat Earth - Alternative View
Video: Flat Earth rising: meet the people casting aside 2,500 years of science 2024, June

The population of the planet (or rather the most inquisitive part of it) in recent years has divided into two camps: supporters of the spherical Earth and adherents of its flat version.

Paradoxical as it may sound, I think that both one and the other are right: our Earth is both a ball and a plane. I will say more: I believe that the EARTH DOESN'T HAVE FORM AT ALL! Because, like us, it is part of a virtual space called Reality. And what form can a computer program have ?!

I am a professional sailor and yachtsman. When I lived in Vladivostok, I had the chance to cross the Sea of Japan on a sailing yacht on my way to Japan or South Korea.


And I was always surprised that navigation with a magnetic compass quite accurately displays a small boat, which is a yacht, to the calculated point on the sea chart. Despite the drift and sea currents.


That is, the sea charts of the Earth in the Mercator projection are working!

It would seem that this serves as irrefutable proof of the spherical shape of the Earth. But one cannot dismiss the equally convincing arguments of flat-earthers. Surveys from an airliner (as well as many other examples) clearly show that the calculated curvature of the earth's surface does not correspond to the experimental one.

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It turns out that the shape of the Earth has a dual nature, like light, which supposedly propagates like a wave, but is emitted and absorbed like a corpuscle. But for some reason, we believe unconditionally in the scientific tale of the dualism of light, and we accept the flat Earth theory with hostility. Alas, such is the inertia of human consciousness.


All these tricks definitely indicate the existence of the Fakir invisible to us. The ambiguity with the shape of our planet (as well as with many others) is explained by only one circumstance: THIS IS THIS VIRTUAL EARTH MODEL WORKS. And this program has its drawbacks that people are finally starting to pay attention to.


It is quite clear that flat-earthers, in principle, cannot clothe their theory in a complete logical form within the framework of the existing paradigm of the Universe. And therefore, despite objective evidence, their theory looks like an antediluvian fairy tale with elephants, whales and turtles, from which an ordinary person who is in his right mind shies away like the devil from incense.


1. The Earth has equally weighty evidence both in favor of sphericity and in confirmation of its flat version, since it is part of the virtual reality in which we exist. In fact, our planet has no physical form.

2. The virtual model of the Earth, like any computer program, has its drawbacks. It was these shortcomings that made possible the evidence for a flat version of our planet.

The fact that people began to doubt even the shape of the Earth is a significant event for me - it means that we will not abandon the search for Truth!

Sergey Morozenko