Earth - Living And Intelligent Planet - Alternative View

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Earth - Living And Intelligent Planet - Alternative View
Earth - Living And Intelligent Planet - Alternative View

Video: Earth - Living And Intelligent Planet - Alternative View

Video: Earth - Living And Intelligent Planet - Alternative View
Video: Lil Dicky - Earth (Official Music Video) 2024, October

Scientists, researchers, writers and science fiction writers have repeatedly expressed the idea that the Earth is a living being. And such a phrase was not used at all for a catchphrase. Our planet was considered alive and intelligent by authoritative scientists: V. I. Vernadsky, A. L. Chizhevsky, I. N. Yanitsky and others. What is this seemingly fantastic hypothesis based on?

Hartman grid

Over the past decades, scientists have made many discoveries that make it possible to seriously consider the version of the intelligence of the Earth. In particular, British scientists have found that the earth's surface is covered with energy grids of various sizes. In fact, these grids represent the energy frame of our planet. Energy grids are named after the discoverers, the main of which is considered to be the Hartmann grid. What is it?

Our entire planet is, as it were, lined from north to south by meridian lines passing at a distance of 2 m from each other, and from west to east - by parallels laid at a distance of 2.5 m. The rectangular spaces bounded by these lines make up the cells of the energy network … And such a network covers the entire surface of the Earth. The intersections of these speculative lines are the nodes of strong electromagnetic radiation. There are other so-called diagonal grids.

Where to get energy from?

During the research, scientists drew attention to the fact that the electromagnetic indicators of the fields of these cells change. Presumably, this is due to the fact that through the grid there is an information exchange of the Earth with other planets of the Galaxy and the Sun, as well as energy exchange with space.

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However, exchange assumes that our planet not only receives, but also gives up energy. Where does she get it from?

The answer to this question was found by the physicist Eduard Borodzich, who at one time worked in the laboratory of heliometric research, headed by the geophysicist I. N. Yanitsky, which will be discussed below. On satellite images of the Earth, Borodzich discovered spiral cloud vortices. Moreover, he noticed that they are located in a special way - they are hexagons. Borodzic has come to a conclusion! that hexagonal structures are formed in the magma of our planet, and the nodes of such hexagons become energy conductors through which the planet can splash energy into space or, conversely, receive it from there.

In the early 90s of the last century, the expedition of the scientist-geologist I. N. Yanitskiy (1927-2012), who later became a full member of the Eurasian Academy of Life, head of the Center for Instrumental Observations of the Environment and Geophysical Forecasts, determined that during the day in the area of faults in the Earth's surface crust, the volume of gases (helium) released from the bowels of the planet increased, then decreased. The impression was that the Earth breathes in a certain rhythm.

In the same years, another geologist V. A. Makarov (1940-2003), an honorary member of the Russian Physical Society, rhythmic fluctuations in the strength of the magnetic field were also recorded in the fractures of the earth's crust.

Explaining these phenomena, Professor V. N. Lugovenko from the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences stated that in this way the Earth breathes, being fed by cosmic energy.

Heart of the planet

Life does not stand still, and recent studies have led scientists to the conclusion that its form can be not only organic (protein-nucleotide), but also another, much more durable. It is such an inorganic form of life that our planet represents. Moreover, the Earth, like any biological species, is also a self-regulating system.

Thus, in his "Theory of Gaia" the English scientist James Lovelock came to the conclusion that the ecological system of the Earth is unstable due to the constancy of chemical reactions. What is their basis? As the body of a sick person seeks to restore health, so our planet tries to bring the parameters of nature to the norm it needs and gets angry when humanity by its actions harms harmony and balance.

It is known that the Earth has a core. Scientists are increasingly comparing it to the human heart. It has already been proven that the core of our planet, surrounded by the mantle, moves and sends out gravitational impulses. Geophysicists believe that this speaks to the poor health of the planet.

Anomalous zones appear on the surface in places where gravitational impulses act, which can lead to one or another technogenic catastrophe. In addition, a person's health worsens there.

Scientists have found that the core of the Earth is connected to the surface of the planet by narrow channels through which energy beams pulsate.

By the way, one of such places where the rays come to the surface is the Khoper River basin in the Voronezh region. It is curious that some of the photographs taken here captured episodes of the past. For example, the photographs taken by Genrikh Silanov show trenches with soldiers on the defense line during the Great Patriotic War.

Earth and man

Does the Earth know about the human world? Doesn't just know! Academician I. N. Yanitsky emphasized the relationship of social cataclysms with subsequent catastrophes on Earth: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, the appearance of viruses, etc.

The negative activities of people make our planet retaliate in its defense. It is not hard to guess what does not suit her in the actions of modern mankind. This is the creation and testing of nuclear weapons, pollution and littering of the environment, mass production and use of minerals. And of course, constant local wars do not add goodwill to the Earth.

Many scientists, including Georgy Kuznetsov, Fattey Shipunov, Jackson Sidney, believe that the intelligence of the Earth is also manifested in the existence of its energy-information field, similar to a human one, but different from the field of an animal or plant organism, and even more so an inanimate object. Moreover, researchers dealing with this problem are inclined to believe that the Earth does not just carry humanity on itself, but communicates with it at a subconscious level, being part of the universal mind.

The topic of the energy-informational field of the Earth (according to Vernadsky, the noosphere) is a special topic. Scientists suggest that this field reflects the entire history of the planet, which humanity will certainly be able to read one day.

Avoid disaster

As time goes on, scientists are beginning to be convinced that the Earth is an unusual form of life for us, people, living and intelligent, using its energy in colossal volumes.

When this hypothesis rightfully takes its place in industrial science, a revolution will take place in the minds and actions of people. And then our planet and we ourselves will finally be insured against a planetary catastrophe.

Magazine: All the riddles of the world №24. Author: Alexander Vorobyov
