Continued Investigation Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. Epilogue - Alternative View

Continued Investigation Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. Epilogue - Alternative View
Continued Investigation Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. Epilogue - Alternative View

Video: Continued Investigation Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. Epilogue - Alternative View

Video: Continued Investigation Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. Epilogue - Alternative View
Video: The Dyatlov Pass Case 2024, October

And so we will continue. Today I will try to tell you what actually happened at the Dyatlov Pass at the end of January 1959. Oddly enough, the personality of the only surviving participant in the campaign, Yuri Yudin, comes up again. I found in his testimony very serious reservations, and perhaps even a deliberate lie. The reasons for this behavior became clear to me.

It is known that Yuri Yudin left the group of Igor Dyatlov on January 28, 1959, on the so-called. village 2nd North. Yuri said that his leg hurt and he began to walk badly. Indeed, there is such a painful disease as sciatica. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Neuralgia is treated in a hospital or at home. But patients can move independently, especially on skis, with great difficulty. They cannot ski on skis in any way. Not at all! Painful sensations mainly arise in only one leg, however, with bilateral sciatica, both limbs are involved in the pathological process, turning the patient's life into excruciating suffering. Especially when the pain is so intense that it practically paralyzes the patient: during such attacks, any movement, be it an attempt to sit down,to stretch a leg or simply shift the weight of the body from one leg to another, ends with a sharp aggravation of pain.

And this is where miracles begin. During interrogations, Yudin testified that he left the village after an employee of 41 Valyukevichus had moved out. He rode out on horse and sleigh. It would be logical, given such a painful condition, to go with him in a sleigh. But Yudin gives him a core sample and follows him. By ski! Catching up with him already in the village itself. By the way, immediately after Yudin leaves the village of Valyukyavichus, he leaves and quickly leaves. He was interrogated already through the USSR Prosecutor's Office.

The strangest thing I found in the testimony of the nurse Salter Pelageya Ivanovna. As a former prisoner of a resort area called Ivdellag, she worked in a camp medical center. And she said that Yudin was operated on for phlegmonous appendicitis, in Ivdel, in the conditions of a camp hospital. Among the woodpeckers, Salter is not trusted, however, we are not woodpeckers, thank God. One of the signs of appendicitis, just, is that the patient cannot walk normally, as well as raise his right leg. Every step goes through pain. A burning pain in the abdomen is associated by the patient with pain in the leg. However, a person can walk. Even quickly enough, however, with severe pain. So that Pelageya Salter, it seems to me, spoke the pure truth. This means that Yudin did not leave for Sverdlovsk on February 1, this is already obvious. I just couldn't physically.

It is interesting that Yudin did not hear from Dyatlov that the group would be delayed. Yudin's testimony contains these words: “Question: When you parted with the group of com. Dyatlova, he did not tell you that the deadline for the return was postponed from 12/2/59 to 15/2/59? Answer: No, at the same time there was no talk about the postponing of the deadline for 15 / II-59 g. But the group members said that they were in the mountains. Sverdlovsk will arrive on February 15, and Krivonischenko asked to inform his parents about this. We also answered the questions of the residents of the village of Vizhay that we would return to Vizhay by February 15th. The testimony from my words is recorded correctly.

And then I remembered that I had read the testimony of Lev Gordo, he was such a leader of tourist groups at UPI. He said that: “A member of the tourist section, Blinov, told me that Dyatlov's group would return to Vizhay on about February 14-15, 1959, allegedly Yudin, who was also part of Dyatlov's group, had said this, but returned due to illness on the way. Therefore, the sports club began to take an interest in the reason for the non-return of tourists from the Dyatlov group only after February 15, 1959. In search of Dyatlov's group, people were sent only on February 20, 1959, I also left for Ivdel on February 20, 1959. Immediately on February 16 s / g people were not sent because they found out by phone - Vizhay was contacted only on the night of February 17 . So, Yudin did not officially report on the delay of tourists. He simply said this to tourist Blinov in a private conversation. And, apparently, far from February 1.

It is curious that Yudin is not telling the truth about alcohol. In his words: “I believe that the clothing and equipment of the participants fully met the requirements for participants in winter hikes. The only drawback is that the group had no alcohol, but this is not stipulated by any instructions. There was alcohol in the group, they drank it, and it was not so little. Then why hide this fact?

And it was very strange to read this: “Question: How can you supplement your testimony? Answer: I have no additions. The protocol from my words was written down correctly, I read it. I add that Zolotarev behaved well during the campaign, was disciplined and I can’t report anything bad about him.”

Promotional video:

This is what kind of place? Zolotarev was killed, although his body was not immediately found. But at the time of interrogation, Yudin Zolotarev was clearly suspected of killing the group.

So, what was Yuri Yudin hiding? I think that everything was in the fact that instead of a core, gold was loaded onto the sled to the old coachman. Native, in considerable quantities. They found him on the territory of the abandoned village of the 2nd North. Valyukevichus was aware of the event. And then he divided the find between Yudin and himself. The nuggets could be hidden in the hut, and the inquisitive eyes of the young guy could well see the stash. Then it is clear why Yudin left the group so quickly. As a geologist, he would have distinguished pyrite from a gold nugget. And Valyukyavichus's connections would be quite enough to sell this gold in Ivdel. Or sell it in 41 villages. Well, the attack of appendicitis then greatly ruined everything. Yudin, indeed, fell ill and had to be treated in a hospital. Although, I say right away that this is just my guess. Based on some of the points I wrote about earlier. How it was will never be known.

Another point is also very interesting. In the criminal case, there is such a testimony. Protocol of interrogation of witness V. S. Mayorov The witness testified: “I explain the essence of the questions asked. I was born in 1915 in Ivdel. I live here all the time. I now have three brothers and three sisters. All brothers and sisters are alive. One brother lives in Ivdel and works as a kochgar in the village. Ivdel. His name is Dmitry Gorbunov. The second brother Gorbunov Petr has been serving a sentence in Ivdellag for rape since 1956. The third brother Gorbunov Evgeny Spiridonovich lives in the city of Sverdlovsk and works in a local area (?). The sisters are also all alive. In 1941, our brother Gorbunov Yakov Spiridonovich died in the war. And another brother Georgiy Gorbunov at the age of 19 before the war in the village. Red October at the mill worked as a loader; a sack of flour fell on him and he died. He was buried in g. Ivdel. The Mansi never killed any of my relatives and acquaintances, and there would never have been such a case if I had known. About the fact that the Mansi people have a mountain where they pray, I heard that they go there to pray once a year. Where is she, this mountain is located, I do not know. I don't know anything about the fact that Russians are forbidden to go there. I can't add anything else. This is what side? What brothers? What is it all about? Well, everything is correct. The woman's brother is in Ivdellag for rape. Washes the gold for the owner of the zone, lives in the second North settlement abandoned by geologists. He contacts the local Mansi, who are the masters there in everything. Therefore, this woman and came out. That is, the investigators know everything about the crime. Only in the materials of the criminal case, they do not reflect this. For a good reason. Influence of the camp chief,or even the management of the camps, so strong that no one can resist him.

So it was like this. Again, I repeat that this is my fantasy and nothing more. Yura Yudin takes out a gold nugget (or gold nuggets) from an abandoned village. Which tourists (or he himself) accidentally found in a hut, or somewhere else. They, quite a long time ago, were hidden by illegal prospectors from among local residents or convicts. The coachman helps to realize this gold. Then it turns out that the gold was stolen from the locals. Yudin is in the hospital, he is not in danger. The driver leaves quickly, so he didn't have to answer either.

Brother Mayorova, who was imprisoned for rape, quickly assembles a team of locals and they go to the tourists. Fortunately, the same driver could tell them where they went. This is only for the prosecutors, he did not hear anything. And so he knew everything well.

The group is then tortured, beaten, and eventually killed. It is possible that the tourists did not even understand what kind of gold they were talking about.

The search for the killed group began earlier than it was officially announced. By some oversight, this interrogation of February 6, 1959 got into the case. There, the police chief interrogates the local Mansi about whether they saw a group of tourists at the end of January. And it immediately becomes clear that they are looking for Dyatlovites. So where does this promptness come from?

Apparently the detectives received information that a group of tourists found gold in the taiga. And then the fate of the group became unknown. That's all that has been hidden for so long.

I would like to add that in the taiga everything is mixed with gold, money and furs. It has always been that way. So it is today. Therefore, they will tell you fairy tales for a long time, but no one will say a word about what really happened there. By the way, no one will give you a guarantee that this story will not repeat itself again, but in our days.

As for the Mansi, I will say this: “No prospecting for gold could do without them. If there were illegal miners, they knew them and could actively help them in their search. So the locals had something to hide."

Yudin is not guilty, it seems to me. Even if he found the same nugget, then taking it away from the abandoned village, he did not even suspect that this would cause the death of his comrades. His whole further life passed in regret and suffering from remorse. After Yudin's death, his archive remained, but Mr. Yuri Kuntsevich (supposedly the "lord-keeper" of the secret of the Dyatlov Pass), did something with him and this archive (as I understand it) is no longer in nature. Nobody analyzed Yudin's archive, so there are no copies of it either. That was where the solution was, but (as always) no one noticed it. It's a pity, a pity, though. By the way, Mr. Kuntsevich seemed to say that the Chekists took the archive. But personally, I don't believe in it at all. I don’t believe him at all, I don’t believe one of his words. I don’t like him, although I talked to him a little earlier.

Once again, I will add that this article is purely theoretical. I have no documentary evidence (except for those already published by me). However, if they consider all versions in a row, why not consider this one too? By the way, I do not believe in the ideology and divinity of the lost tourists. These were ordinary people, with all the vices and passions characteristic of ordinary people. Don't make an icon out of them. This has already led to the emergence of a whole sect of aggressive, sometimes deranged "woodpeckers". For even in the Bible it is said that: “Do not create for yourself an idol and every likeness, alike in heaven, alas, and alike on the earth below, and alike in the waters under the earth: do not worship them, nor serve them. Do not make yourself an idol, nor any image of what is in heaven, above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the waters below the earth: do not worship them and do not serve them. "So you don't go crazy with the fact that it is (in fact) very simple, albeit scary. That's all. On this topic of the Dyatlov Pass, for myself, I close. Until I have new documents, I take (on this topic) sabbatical.


I decided to supplement my article. Found in the old forum, that still (honest) without a cunning sly IT specialist from Chelyabinsk making money on advertising online casinos. Y. Kuntsevich's words: "… when I gathered all these (Yudin's) research (being in his apartment after his death) in a pile, a man came, introduced himself from the FSB and took all these documents …" So I was right. Yudin knew well where the gold was. Or she lived, or a deposit. It has not yet been developed industrially, so the new masters of the country really want to take it into their greedy hands. For this, Yudin's archive was sold, sorry, "FSB officers" (according to Kuntsevich) stole them with lime crusts. Interestingly, soon after that, they began to say that the local oligarchs wanted to organize industrial gold mining there. And you all write about balls and rockets …

Yudin in his youth
Yudin in his youth

Yudin in his youth.

Yura Yudin and Zina Kolmogorova say goodbye in the village of 2nd Severny. Look with what envy Zolotarev looks at them
Yura Yudin and Zina Kolmogorova say goodbye in the village of 2nd Severny. Look with what envy Zolotarev looks at them

Yura Yudin and Zina Kolmogorova say goodbye in the village of 2nd Severny. Look with what envy Zolotarev looks at them.

Yudin says goodbye to Dubinina
Yudin says goodbye to Dubinina

Yudin says goodbye to Dubinina.

The same core that Yudin takes to Sverdlovsk. But did he take only one core from the abandoned settlement of geologists?
The same core that Yudin takes to Sverdlovsk. But did he take only one core from the abandoned settlement of geologists?

The same core that Yudin takes to Sverdlovsk. But did he take only one core from the abandoned settlement of geologists?

Author: Valentin Degterev