The Rus Inherited Rome Because They Created It - Alternative View

The Rus Inherited Rome Because They Created It - Alternative View
The Rus Inherited Rome Because They Created It - Alternative View

Video: The Rus Inherited Rome Because They Created It - Alternative View

Video: The Rus Inherited Rome Because They Created It - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Rome in 20 minutes 2024, October

The fact of the right to inherit Rome by the Russes long before Sophia (Zoe) Palaeologus is extremely important for the fate of Russia. Moreover, all the royal families of Europe descended from impostors from the entourage of the impostor "Charlemagne", who self-proclaimed himself the "Roman Emperor" of the False-Holy False-Roman False Empire (according to Voltaire), when the true Roman Empress Irina.

It is easy to prove that the Et-Ruski-Russes of Rome never lost their connection with their Russo-Aryan Scythian-Saka / Kas-Saka / Cossack clan. And even more, Rome was not only founded by the Rus-Et-Etruscans, but one of the branches of the Rus also ruled it to the end. Let's analyze the Christogram - the most important principle of the millennial Christian Roman Empire.


We are interested in the symbols on both sides of the Chrisma or Chrismon (Chi-Ro). Catholic heretics mistakenly believe that the Alpha and Omega are depicted - the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet. But in this image we clearly see that it is not the letters of the Greek alphabet that are depicted, but the letters of the Russian Initial letters “En” and “Om”, and they are not the first and last letters. But on the other hand, they stand next to each other in the Russian Letter.

It is impossible to declare such a spelling of the left letter Chi Ro an accident, since all important images of Chi Ro of the 4th century (when Christianity was adopted by Constantine) all have Russian letters instead of Greek ones. Although gradually, the Russian letters were replaced by the Greek ones.


Constantine said that he dreamed of the symbol of faith Hi Ro, and in a dream he realized that with him he would conquer the world. Considering that Scythia Rus occupied half of the world, then by the conquest of the world Constantine clearly meant Scythian-Rus. That is why Constantine moved the capital to the traditional zone of influence of the Skivs - to Byzantium in South-West Asia (now Turkey). Constantine considered the Scythian village of Byzantium as a springboard for the conquest of Scythian Rus. That is why only Russia received from Byzantium preferential trade rights, which opened the way for the gold of Byzantium to Russia.

That is why Constantine switched from the Latin alphabet to the Greek, since the Greek writing originated from the Russian Initial letter of the Scythians, and, therefore, was closest to her. And that is why Cyril and Mifodiy shortened the Rusk Initial Cap to make the Rus-Scythian Initial Cap commensurate with the Grecheks script. But bad luck, at the time of the adoption of Christianity by Constantine, he operated with a limited Greek alphabet, in which he had to express the most important Christian dogma in such a way as to make it sooner or later attractive to the Rus-Scythians with their more developed and complex writing and culture.

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By the way, the tale that the Romans were more advanced than the Scythians is a lie. In order to understand this, you just need to visit the Museum of Greco-Roman History in Mainz, Germany (near Frankfurt). Only the Scythian department consists almost entirely of gold. The Scythians were much richer and more developed than the Romans. The degree of development can be judged by the sophistication and technological complexity of Rusko-Scythian jewelry. It is obvious that Constantine was attracted by the legendary Scythian gold.

So, Konstantin put on the symbol of his faith two letters from the Scythian-Russian Letter, instead of the Greek ones. And this is a great secret for Western heretics, obvious only for the Rus-Scythians themselves. Only Rus-Scythians possess a figurative language, when each letter and each syllable carries an additional meaning for the general meaning of the word. Rus-Scythians know the meaning of each letter of their Initial Caps. This, by the way, is the true magic of the word, inaccessible simply to the numerical values of the Middle Age Khazar Cabal, although they also stole it from the Rus-Scythians-Saks.


The letters "En" and "Om" have a very definite meaning, and were the message of the Constant to the Scythians-Rus.

The Russian letter Om denotes the creative radiance of eternity. The Rusko-Aryan letter “Om” in the Vedic hymns expresses the unity of man and the higher principle, that is, deification. If such a unity of man and the higher principle is possible, this means that there is something in man that is as indestructible as eternity itself.

The Russian letter “En” means “the people of the language” (“yezyka”) - the pagans, that is, us, the Scythian-Rus, who are capable of such a union with the higher principle. Our ancestors called themselves “pagans” because they possessed the ability to control energy through the information-wave structures of the language.

Together, these two letters affirm: “The people of the language create, dwelling in shining eternity.” That is why in Russia of the Silver Age (early 20th century) Russian Christian philosophers defended the concept of the God-man as applicable to every person, and not only to Isa Christ.


In contrast to the Russian-Scythian Symbol of Faith, the Greek letter Alpha expresses the beginning, and the letter Omega expresses the end, destruction. No wonder the combination of these two letters "Alpha and Omega" is so popular among Satanists. So the Greek philosopher Plato believed that the world was created and will be destroyed. Plato believed that the world is a rigid hierarchy, and an emanation downward of diminishing absolute good, which is fundamentally not unattainable in our dimension. Symptomatically, Plato was homosexual. Platonism was dualism, and it was Platonism that formed the basis of the heretical sects of Western Christianity, such as Catholicism and Protestantism.

In contrast to Plato, our Russian, Serbian / Macedonian philosopher Aristotle (Serbia = Silver Russia, “Rashka” in the time of the Scythians) believed that the world is uncreate and indestructible, and absolute good (eternal, endless, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent) entirely and exists indivisibly at every point of the divine world. That is, Aristotle understood the holographic principle of Quantum Physics, which states that the universe is entirely in each of its matrix points. Symptomatically, Aristotle denied homosexuality.

Therefore, our ancestors, the Rusko-Aryan Scythians-Saki / Kas-Saki / Cossacks, would never have accepted Greek Christianity. In the Russian language, the first letter “Az” is “God who lives on Earth, creating”, that is, both the end and the beginning of creation. By the “end” of creation, Aristotle understood “purpose” (“telos”), not destruction. This means that the Russian letter is built on the holographic principle, and there is no destructive beginning in it. Each letter is both a beginning and an end, containing the whole meaning of the ABC.

The Russian generic code does not include separation from the higher principle (“the fall”), and the Apocalypse is not expected. Dualism is alien to the Russian spirit, and Satanism is disgusting. This made Constantine and his advisers go for a trick, using the similarity of the Russian letter "Om" with the Greek letter "Omega", and the similarity of the Russian letter "En" with the Greek letter "Alpha". That is, there was a substitution of the Ruso-Aryan cultural code. Hi Ro was a trick of Constantine in order to lure the Scythian Rus into an alien faith based on the principles of enslavement and slavery.

When the trick succeeded, the letter "En", which expresses the unity of God's chosen people, became the "Alpha" of selfishness. And the letter "Om", expressing the shining eternity, became the "Omega" of the Apocalypse. As a result of such a substitution of the Symbol of Faith, the Russian Alphabet was also substituted. In the original ABC, the first letter of the ABC “Az” denoted the creative principle, which we now designate with the letter “I”, the last one in the ABC. That is, there was a complete inversion, that is, a perversion of the meaning of the Azubka. We now end with what our ancestors started with.

The letter "Az" meant will (indestructible self-replicating Falcon-Rarog / Finist Jasn Sokol / Firebird). The will in unity with the shining higher principle was the most important. And therefore the ABC began with the letter "Az". Now "I" as the last letter is equated to the Omega of the Greek Alphabet, and means enslavement.

This means that the Russians must return to the original ABC, and then, restore the Runic letter. Runic writing is the so-called. “Sacred Geometry”, which is completely absent in Hebrew.

The Russian letter "Az" - this is the Eye of Horus / George / Egor - the Eye of Ra (Sun).
