Earth - Biological Alien Plantation? Brian Scott's Abduction (1971) - Alternative View

Earth - Biological Alien Plantation? Brian Scott's Abduction (1971) - Alternative View
Earth - Biological Alien Plantation? Brian Scott's Abduction (1971) - Alternative View

Video: Earth - Biological Alien Plantation? Brian Scott's Abduction (1971) - Alternative View

Video: Earth - Biological Alien Plantation? Brian Scott's Abduction (1971) - Alternative View
Video: Lil Dicky - Earth (Official Music Video) 2024, October

“The most amazing abductee I have ever worked with was Brian A. Scott, a design engineer who has experienced six alien abductions over a five-year period. The first time I met Brian was in 1976 and was very impressed with the amount of information he supposedly received from beings in another star system. His events were unlike other cases, as the amount of data provided by Brian was much higher than the norm.

Brian Scott - 1970 photo
Brian Scott - 1970 photo

Brian Scott - 1970 photo.

Brian first saw the strange ball of light on his 16th birthday, October 12, 1959. The glowing orange ball zoomed in about a foot away from him and then soared skyward, leaving young Brian stunned. After this incident, the ball of light returned many times and in one of the cases Brian even tried to knock it out of the house using the long handle of the brush.

A glowing orange balloon in the backyard of Brian Scott's 16th birthday in Garden Grove, California
A glowing orange balloon in the backyard of Brian Scott's 16th birthday in Garden Grove, California

A glowing orange balloon in the backyard of Brian Scott's 16th birthday in Garden Grove, California.

Brian's first contact with alien creatures occurred on the night of March 14, 1971 near Apache Junction, Arizona. Apache Junction is located next to the famous mountains of Superstition. Brian lost two hours of time that night.

Brian drove to Apache Junction around 9pm with his friend Nick Corbin to find a good pistol shooting spot. They turned off the main highway and drove a quarter of a mile down the dirt road.

Then he parked his car to look around. The sound of some animal in the distance caught his attention, but he could not see it. When he looked at the peaks of Superstition, he was surprised to see a luminous oval object hovering above them. He began to realize that what he was seeing was not an ordinary plane or helicopter, as the object was too large and had a "funny glow around."

In the Superstition Mountains region east of Phoenix, Arizona, Brian saw a silvery disc with a purple-green glow below
In the Superstition Mountains region east of Phoenix, Arizona, Brian saw a silvery disc with a purple-green glow below

In the Superstition Mountains region east of Phoenix, Arizona, Brian saw a silvery disc with a purple-green glow below.

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The object began to move towards Brian and at that moment his first thought was to run to the car and leave this place as quickly as possible. Before he could move, the object hovered over his head and now seemed so large that it covered the entire sky.

Then Brian felt himself rising into the air. He stretched out his arms in a fruitless attempt to grab onto something to keep his balance. Panic seized him.

Brian was dragged up by an invisible force and through the doorway, he was in the outer corridor of the aircraft, where he could feel a mixture of warm and cool air. He could see the lights of Phoenix just behind him.

When Brian turned in the doorway, he was surprised to find that his friend Nick Corbin had also been brought aboard the facility. They could only look at each other. Brian saw some bright light emanating from the interior of the ship.

Suddenly the door slid open and Brian saw four silhouettes framed by light from the open inner hatch. Two creatures approached Nick, and the other two approached Brian. After a few seconds, the aliens began to undress them. Nick began to resist. Brian, considering that any resistance was useless, began to cooperate with the aliens and finished taking off his clothes himself. When the creatures dragged them in different directions, Nick passed out.

The creatures were described as 7.5 feet [~ 2.3 m] tall, gray in color, with skin that reminded Brian of an elephant, with large arms and a very bulky body. Their hands had 4 fingers - a group of 3 fingers and a strangely bent thumb. The creatures seemed calm and confident in their actions.

Having passed a little along the corridor, they turned left and Brian saw in front of him another door with some kind of symbol. The stranger to Brian's left reached out and touched the center of the symbol - the door opened.

The symbol on the door inside the alien object
The symbol on the door inside the alien object

The symbol on the door inside the alien object.

Drawings drawn by Brian Scott on October 13, 1975, between sessions 1 and 2 of hypnotic regression
Drawings drawn by Brian Scott on October 13, 1975, between sessions 1 and 2 of hypnotic regression

Drawings drawn by Brian Scott on October 13, 1975, between sessions 1 and 2 of hypnotic regression.

Brian was escorted to an inner room and led to the wall, where the creatures released Brian. At that moment, he thought about running away, but felt that he was pressed against the wall by an invisible force. Brian realized that he could only follow the movements of the creatures with his eyes as they entered the rectangular illuminated console. An intense beam of light was then directed at him from a box attached to a vertical pole. The cable came out of the box and went up the pole. Another creature stood behind the box and controlled the device.

Brian noticed that the entire room was filled with fog, and he could smell what he thought was like dirty socks. Mist or steam seemed to settle on the creatures' skin and be absorbed by it.

The creature controls a certain device
The creature controls a certain device

The creature controls a certain device.

The box was pushed to floor level and then Brian felt warm and cold streams of liquid running up and down his legs. He had the distinct impression that he had wetted himself, and he also experienced strange sensations in his lower abdomen as the light from the box slid over his body. When the light entered the eyes, it caused a sensation of numbness and caused a headache. Then the alien turned off the light and exited through the doorway, and at the same time another creature entered the room. It was taller than the rest, almost nine feet tall!

The stranger approached Brian and put his hand on his head. Brian felt like a thousand thoughts rushed into his mind. He asked the alien who he was and what he wanted. The stranger answered something, but his speech was quick and slurred.

The stranger repeated the answer, this time more slowly and in perfect English, saying, "It won't hurt." And then the pain completely disappeared from Brian's body. He kept asking the alien who he was, where he was from and what he wanted. The creature replied, "I will tell and show you." Then Brian got the sensation of leaving the object, as if its walls had melted. He saw something like a holographic projection of domed cities on the surface of an alien planet. The alien explained that this was his home planet even before the destruction and before the mutated virus that killed his people.

The hulking creatures were not what they seemed, they wore a projected "veil of sorrow" in memory of the lives of those who left before them. The cloak also served as a biological shield against pollution.

After the projected image disappeared, Brian was released and could move freely again. When the alien turned to leave, Brian kept asking who he was. And then the stranger turned to Brian and said, "I am removing the veil of projection." Brian saw him in his true form, a human about seven feet tall with long red hair and keen blue eyes. He said, "I am Voltar" and left the room.

Voltar is the leader of the aliens
Voltar is the leader of the aliens

Voltar is the leader of the aliens.

Brian was escorted back to the first corridor he found himself in when he got on the ship. There he again saw his friend Nick Corbin, there were also his rumpled clothes. With a fluid motion, Brian was lifted into the air and carried back into the desert, where he began to look around for help. He noticed a light on the ground and discovered that it was the lantern he had dropped when he first saw the UFO. When he returned to the car, he could clearly remember what had happened. Then, turning on the radio and noticing that it was already 11:10 pm, and about two hours had passed, he began to forget everything. It took Brian over an hour to get to his home in Glendale. When he returned, he remembered only seeing a strange light in the sky. [2]

On March 21, 1973, Brian revisited the site of the first abduction, where he encountered a short humanoid creature he named "The Carrier."

Humanoid creature * host *
Humanoid creature * host *

Humanoid creature * host *.

He was also kidnapped on October 25, 1973; November 21 and December 22, 1975. In one of these cases, he disappeared for 27 hours. Scott's ex-wife testified that at 3 am Brian went to the bathroom - after fifteen minutes she called him, but did not receive an answer. She worried about Brian because she saw strange orange balls of light fly into the house. She looked for Brian both inside the house and outside, but he was nowhere to be found. His wallet, watch and clothes were left at home. The next day she left the house, and when she returned, she found Brian in a dazed and confused state. After that day, Brian began to fall into trance and make complex drawings or pronounce words in a strange voice, sometimes even in other languages. Brian began to undergo transformation and was no longer the person she knew.

One of the aliens spotted by Brian during his abduction on October 25, 1973
One of the aliens spotted by Brian during his abduction on October 25, 1973

One of the aliens spotted by Brian during his abduction on October 25, 1973.

Brian did not contact investigators about his events until October 1975, when he was hypnotized by Dr. McCall at Anaheim Hospital and recounted the events of the first two abductions in detail. During the sessions, a strange mechanical voice emanated from Brian, which produced a uniform frequency of a thousand cycles per second on an oscilloscope. Such sounds could not be produced by the vocal cords of animals or humans. Researchers from CUFOS, MUFON and APRO came to Brian to document the details of his events. They had their own theories and opinions about what happened to Brian. [2, from the 1996 edition]

Brian went through a post-abduction phase involving trances, automatic writing and drawing, and on December 22, 1976, he received a consciousness transformation experience in the ruins of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia.

After that he was assigned to carry out ten projects and he disappeared somewhere unnoticed to work on them, with a culmination scheduled for December 25, 2011. [2]"

/ Sources:

[1] Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference (CUFOS, 1976), pp. 142-151 [compilation].

[2] William F. Hamilton III, Alien Magic (1989), pp. 18-22.

Also - James E. Frazier, Transformation of a Common Man: The Brian Scott Story (2002).

The kidnapping of Brian Scott is one of the earliest evidence of close Type 4 contacts with reptoids in UFOlogy. It was published in the proceedings of the CUFOS conference in 1976 (!) (See source 1 and citations). This is very important evidence, as it contains a hint at the purpose of the aliens and the essence of what is happening - "The ship" checks the original biological plantation "on Earth."