Vedic Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Vedic Orthodoxy - Alternative View
Vedic Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Video: Vedic Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Video: Vedic Orthodoxy - Alternative View
Video: Vedic native Orthodoxy. UFO-Vimanas and Vedic Orthodoxy. The extraterrestrial Gods created man. 2024, October

All the selfless activities of Sergius of Radonezh were aimed at preserving the spirituality of Russia, as opposed to the ideological Western reform of the subordination of the Russian lands to the slave complex of economic and spiritual dependence. They began to destroy Russian Vedism from traditions. Most of the traditions survived only because there was nothing to replace them. For the Christian religion, enlightenment is a sacrilege, since it devalues the only important thing for it - dogma or external. There is a test of faith by nonsense or the replacement of sacred rituals with a set of ritual actions devoid of understandable meaning: religion becomes higher than faith. If what is accessible to the human concept is not suitable for the sacred, then knowledge is no longer suitable. Thus, the living is replaced by the dead, the versatility of tradition is replaced by dogma and uniqueness, from which we get a way of life, a routine,an image of nonsense, a belief in a miracle that cannot be explained with the help of reason, which is characteristic of the lost civilization of the Atlanteans and the Greek traditions of Byzantium. Routine turned out to be much more viable than spirit. But routine does not resurrect if it has already died. Resurrects the spirit. Thanks to such ascetics as Sergius of Radonezh, the spirit of the great people was preserved in Russian traditions, the "golden chain" of the spiritual heritage of the philosophical understanding of the surrounding world, passed from teacher to student, and leading along the path of evolution to the cosmic heights of human knowledge of life, was preserved. The historical feature of Russian Orthodoxy was its isolation not only from Mohammedanism, but also from Latinism, and as a result, the Russian people did not see almost any difference between the one and the other.which is typical for the lost civilization of the Atlanteans and the Greek traditions of Byzantium. Routine turned out to be much more viable than spirit. But routine does not resurrect if it has already died. Resurrects the spirit. Thanks to such ascetics as Sergius of Radonezh, the spirit of the great people was preserved in Russian traditions, the "golden chain" of the spiritual heritage of the philosophical understanding of the surrounding world, passed from teacher to student, and leading along the path of evolution to the cosmic heights of human knowledge of life, was preserved. The historical feature of Russian Orthodoxy was its isolation not only from Mohammedanism, but also from Latinism, and as a result, the Russian people did not see almost any difference between the one and the other.which is typical for the lost civilization of the Atlanteans and the Greek traditions of Byzantium. Routine turned out to be much more viable than spirit. But routine does not resurrect if it has already died. Resurrects the spirit. Thanks to such ascetics as Sergius of Radonezh, the spirit of the great people was preserved in Russian traditions, the "golden chain" of the spiritual heritage of the philosophical understanding of the surrounding world, passed from teacher to student, and leading along the path of evolution to the cosmic heights of human knowledge of life, was preserved. The historical feature of Russian Orthodoxy was its isolation not only from Mohammedanism, but also from Latinism, and as a result, the Russian people did not see almost any difference between the one and the other. Thanks to such ascetics as Sergius of Radonezh, the spirit of the great people was preserved in Russian traditions, the "golden chain" of the spiritual heritage of the philosophical understanding of the surrounding world, passed from teacher to student, and leading along the path of evolution to the cosmic heights of human knowledge of life, was preserved. The historical feature of Russian Orthodoxy was its isolation not only from Mohammedanism, but also from Latinism, and as a result, the Russian people did not see almost any difference between the one and the other. Thanks to such ascetics as Sergius of Radonezh, the spirit of the great people was preserved in Russian traditions, the "golden chain" of the spiritual heritage of philosophical understanding of the world around, passed from teacher to student, and leading along the path of evolution to the cosmic heights of human knowledge of life, was preserved. The historical feature of Russian Orthodoxy was its isolation not only from Mohammedanism, but also from Latinism, and as a result, the Russian people did not see almost any difference between the one and the other. The historical feature of Russian Orthodoxy was its isolation not only from Mohammedanism, but also from Latinism, and as a result, the Russian people did not see almost any difference between the one and the other. The historical feature of Russian Orthodoxy was its isolation not only from Mohammedanism, but also from Latinism, and as a result, the Russian people did not see almost any difference between the one and the other.

Around the church of St. Sergius, spiritually revived Russia began to unite. Now both Vedic teachings and Christians found a common language. He managed to combine the seemingly incompatible, uniting the two warring religions in Russia, and thereby ending the protracted civil strife and wars, which took away more than half of the population of the then Russia. At its core, the teaching of Sergius is the same deep cosmogonic teaching as the ancient Hyperborean faith of our ancestors. Under him, the believers considered themselves, as before, the grandchildren of God. He managed to show that the true teaching of Christ has nothing to do with orthodox Christianity, where temples and dissidents are being burned. All major Christian holidays in Russia are the legacy of the ascetic activities of the Radonezh abbot,which forced to unite both religions into one harmonious whole and saved Russia in the face of the new Horde invasion. No wonder he is often called "the patron of the Russian land."

Etc. Sergiy was born on 1314-08-10 in the Radonezh inheritance, near the current Sergiev Posad of the Moscow region. Boyar's parents Cyril and Martha at baptism named him Bartholomew. After the burial of his parents and tonsure into monasticism, all his activities from the age of 23 were aimed at the spiritual revival and enlightenment of Russia, the preservation, strengthening and expansion of the boundaries of the spiritual world due to the reconciliation of two ideologies into a single alloy, which allows him to have in his political basis not slave labor, but the free labor of an artisan and the valor of a warrior defending his homeland.

Thus, in Moscow Russia, thanks to the church reform of Sergius, a feudal social order was consolidated, which gave enormous advantages in the economic and political structure of the state in comparison with the slaveholding imposed by the West. Russia in a short time became capable of defending its independence, and Western Orthodox and Eastern sultans began to reckon with it. New monasteries were built throughout Russia, where monks were engaged in agriculture, quackery and martial arts. New ones were built in the cities, no longer similar to the Byzantine ones, but copying the ancient Vedic temples and churches.

The Christianization of Rus under Sergius took place through the outposts of the faith - Orthodox monasteries, at the head of which he put reliable people who maintain the purity of the faith without hypocrisy, hypocrisy and self-serving aspirations. The network of monasteries was united and communicated with each other. The system of monasteries bordered the fortifications of such cities as Moscow, Mozhaisk, Kolomna and was created in the same order as the border lands. Sergius' internal church reforms contributed to the economic and political independence of Orthodox monasteries, which began to play an important role in the political system of North-Eastern Russia.

The basis of his activity was the rewriting of books, the dissemination of ancient knowledge about the faith, the laying of libraries, the preservation of the rituals of the solar cult, despite the Jewish names of the gods. It was important to preserve the “golden chain” of continuity of spiritual self-improvement, the ability to follow the path of the ancestors given by the gods of the Vedas, becoming people of knowledge, and not servants of a cult dependent on power. It was important not to lose the accumulated experience of many centuries of spiritual traditions that allow the soul to evolve to divine heights.

No wonder the raid of Khan Tokhtomysh in 1382 on Moscow, when Prince Dmitry was not in the capital, pursued one single goal - to burn down the prince's library, which was collected by St. Sergius himself. Tokhtomysh carried out a direct order, but this was a small part of a large plan for the destruction of Vedicism in Russia.

At each monastery, through his efforts, the rewriting of ancient books and book depositories was organized, which described ancient services, rituals of initiation, historically significant events "where the Russian land came from." Who are the Rus or Suras, if you read from right to left, the history of their appearance on planet Earth. The split into Rusov-Uranian (Uranus is the spirit, the masculine principle personifying the sky) and Antov (no) - the rulers of the earth who denied the power of heaven or the cosmic principle. Then the paths of evolution diverged, wars began. People began to degrade, primates appeared. The confrontation led to world war or the Flood, with all the ensuing consequences: glaciation, man-made deserts, the collapse of civilization. The planet became depopulated, but evolution resumed, the Spirit did not lose itself in a hard struggle. Sergius preached the ascent to the Spirit,return to the cradle of the Cosmos, the fulfillment of the laws of the Rule and the Universal order. But while people were arguing and fighting, a third force intervened, which managed to seize world domination for a while - the power of Zion, which replaced the spiritual path with acquisitiveness. The Christianization of Russia at that time carried the danger of a unipolar world, which ultimately led most of the peoples to stagnation and spiritual degradation, throwing the world in its development for more than 500 years into the darkness of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, when simple literacy was considered a crime.which ultimately led most of the peoples to stagnation and spiritual degradation, throwing the world in its development for more than 500 years into the darkness of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, when simple literacy was considered a crime.which ultimately led most of the peoples to stagnation and spiritual degradation, throwing the world in its development for more than 500 years into the darkness of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, when simple literacy was considered a crime.

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With Sergius, each hermit monk worked for himself and the good of the community, providing himself with everything he needed, being an independent worker, fully taking responsibility for his life and spiritual development. No one was given privileges, no one had the right to live at someone else's expense or at the expense of the community. The free labor of everyone for the good of all made people equal and naturally weeded out those who were not ready for the difficulties of monastic life and spiritual service. In monasteries and monastic hostels, the use of wine was prohibited. On the other hand, moral qualities were maintained and encouraged: honesty, truthfulness, incorruptibility, courage, love for the homeland, hard work. Thus, the institution of self-discipline and the moral steps of spiritual evolution were preserved.

In his teaching, Sergius always relied on Christ. He broadened the concept of Christ, showed his teaching in many ways and did it very convincingly. He managed to clothe the ancient Vedic worldview in a Christian form. And only the initiates understood that the head of the gods Rod became the "heavenly father", Dazhbog - the son of Rod became the son of God Jesus Christ, and Lada, the goddess of love and harmony, took the form of the Virgin Mary, etc. The Vedic functions of the ancient Aryan (Orian) gods were extrapolated by Sergius of Radonezh to the names of archangels, angels and saints of the Christian pantheon. It is not difficult for a truly Russian person to comprehend, if we remember that all the main words and most important concepts are still based on the root of the genus: people, parents, relatives, city, garden, etc., and we all live with the Rod or in Nature.

Around the church of S. Radonezhsky, spiritually revived Russia began to unite. Now both the Vedic and Christians found a common language, and the Catholic West was viewed as a hotbed of discord and evil, which perverted the true teaching of Christ.

Orthodox priests, together with the surviving Magi, taught people to read and write and philosophy. The Church of S. Radonezhsky very soon crossed the borders of the Moscow principality and began to spread across southern and north-western Russia. The spirituality of the Russian state was formed from the interaction of two major religious trends. For the West, it seems like orthodox Christianity, taking into account local peculiarities, for its people - the cosmogonic Vedic ancient teachings.

All major Christian holidays in Russia are the legacy of the time of the asceticism of St. Sergius. They were not imposed on the people, but, on the contrary, were reserved for them. Albeit in a different form, but their essence remains the same. Sergius of Radonezh, shifting all the ancient Vedic knowledge into Christian terms, created a secret Orthodox mystical doctrine, which all Russian clergy began to teach. So in Russia, a once powerful Orthodox shield was revived against any occult-religious influences from outside, trying to influence the soul of the Russian people.

Over time, there were plans to separate the Russian Orthodox Church from the spiritually decaying Byzantine Church, whose days were already numbered.

Orthodox Christianity of St. Sergius made it possible to preserve traditional self-government, the institution of sorcery and even wedding ceremonies.

The unification of the Russian lands around Moscow was the result of the spiritual unity of people who profess, it would seem, two different religions. He was able to show that the true teaching of Christ has nothing to do with Western Christianity, that Jesus never taught to destroy temples, organize crusades and burn heretics at the stake, and that there is no reason for religious strife within the country.

Sergius translated Russian Christianity from the egregor of destruction to the egregor of creation and by his asceticism saved for many generations the true and high teaching that Jesus brought to Judea.

Sergius, in essence, called for using only what nature itself provided without violence against it. You cannot take an immature or wormy one, like that fruit of good and evil, for which people were not ready. Sergius's Keliot charter made it possible for everyone to work on his own fiefdom, to ennoble the land, to learn to share everything that you have and at the same time to protect your labor and land together. One could retire to the cell. Everyone built the world for themselves, but it was common to everyone. No offense was punished, everyone acted as his conscience dictated to him. He himself voluntarily had to decide for himself to obey the rules of the celliotic community, believing in the divine power of the laws of the Rule, or go another way. In other words, to work for the glory of peace and good, without demanding anything in return. Each monk learned to take responsibility for his life, food, health, destiny,feelings and thoughts.

Etc. Sergius gave the path of silent solitude, that is, the path of a permanent inner meditative state. For him, Christian salvation is asceticism and self-knowledge of the inner nature of man according to the teaching of Christ that "the kingdom of God is within us." The path that was once characteristic of the Magi of ancient Russia. Later, St. Sergius and his followers were called "great silencers." Sergius did not try to emphasize his importance; he walked everywhere. He was able to get seventy kilometers to Moscow in one day.

The battle on the Kulikovo field played an important role in the unity of the Russian people. Moscow prince Dmitry listened in everything to his spiritual mentor, St. Sergius, with whom he wanted to separate the Orthodox Church from the Byzantine Church. To put over it his own Moscow patriarch, close in spirit to the reformers, and thereby unite all Russian lands into a single whole.

In response, the West organized a new Tatar-Mongol invasion led by Khan Mamai, hostile to everything Christian. It was necessary to force Mamai to move his troops to Russia, and above all to Moscow, in order to end the reforms of Prince Dmitry and the educational activities of St. Sergius.

Mamai was convinced that Russia was an easy prey, that Moscow did not have a regular army, except for mercenaries, and that the war would strengthen the influence of the Golden Horde and Islam so much that he, as a khan and commander, would be able to compete with Tamerlane himself. They promised to help with money and weapons and even a military contingent.

Far-reaching plans were directed not only against Moscow, but also against the Novgorod Republic, later with the help of the Livonian knights and the same Mongol-Tatars. It was not for nothing that the western Russian border either advanced to the west or retreated to the east, but in any position it remained fortified. Only the Great Wall of China can be called a historical analogue. We have always been barbarians for them, from the word varra - a wall.

Mamai's army went from the Volga to the Don, sweeping away everything in its path. For the Vedic population of the Cossacks, the adoption of Mohammedanism by the Golden Horde meant a quick death. The inhabitants of the Don region, the descendants of the Scythian-Sarmatians, lived independently under any conquerors. Even Tamerlane could not conquer natural-born warriors. But Mamai swung at their independence.

The Cossacks did not see a big difference between the teachings of Sergius in comparison with the ancient Vedic religion. Moreover, Orthodox Christianity made it possible to preserve the traditional Don self-government and the institution of sorcery, and Vedic rituals. The Cossack circle was a kind of analogue of the veche.


The Russian army was not a regular army, but more of a zemstvo militia, except for the prince's small squad. They were waiting for the promised help from the Russian-Lithuanian principality. But Jagailo was late for some reason or the Catholics did not want to help their Orthodox brothers in faith. He camped not far behind the Muscovites. The numerical superiority was clearly on the side of Mamai. Despite the bravery and courage of the troops of Prince Dmitry, defeat from the Tatars was inevitable if the Orthodox Cossacks had not unexpectedly entered the battle. A ten-thousandth corps of Cossacks, led by the ataman Tmar, appeared on the banks of the Don when the battle was in full swing. The Cossacks, having crossed the Don, immediately rushed to the last reserve of Mamai near his camp, and Bobrok, the prince's commander, at this time sent a reserve regiment to the right wing of the Tatars. Bobrok saw how the fresh forces of Mamai with someone entered the battle and drowning out the roar of the carnage a polyphonic chorus sounded. As-saki or Don Cossacks, attacking Mamai's personal tumen, sang a hymn to Perun. A few minutes later, the entire Russian army picked up the hymn to the ancient Russian god of victory. On September 8, 1380, the anthem of the Russian victory sounded over the Kulikovo field, which was silent for more than two centuries.

The features of the saint were later succinctly listed in one of the letters of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the middle. 17th century: "a marvelous champion of the enemy against the enemy with us and mock the Russian reign". Therefore, it is no coincidence that regular pilgrimage trips to the Trinity Monastery on the feast of the Trinity and on the day of memory of St. Sergius of Radonezh became part of the royal ritual. True, this did not prevent the tsar from implementing the Nikonian reform, which led to a deep schism within the Russian Orthodox Church, the prohibition and destruction of church books left as a legacy by St. Sergius and his associates. These reforms were called "the correction of church books according to the Greek model." The main thing was that church democracy was replaced by a strict vertical of power, at the head of which was the patriarch, but in fact - the king. Western Christian puppeteers took revenge in fullhaving carried out the Holy Inquisition in Russia according to his own model. The split caused irreparable damage to the cause of St. Sergius and all of Russia. Compounded by the Peter's reforms, it turned into an abyss that lay between the people and the government and became the cause of many subsequent riots.

But despite the constant attempts of the militant Latin religion to subjugate Moscow to its rule, Russia remained inaccessible to the goals of the West. There were moments when Latin patriarchs sat in Jerusalem and Constantinople. But they have never made it to Moscow throughout history. Although they managed to drive the Vedic worldview of Russia into a deep underground, impose Western Christianity on Russia and bring civilization to the common denominator of globalization. But it is obvious that the fear of the "pagan" Christianity of St. Sergius is still alive in Rome and in the minds of Western and overseas rulers.

Etc. Sergius was never a secular politician and did not have a significant spiritual dignity. But he was, in fact, the spiritual leader of a resurgent power, to whom not only the people, but also those in power listened to. His merits as a political and spiritual leader cannot be overestimated. If it were not for his wise, far-sighted foreign and domestic policy, Russia would have found itself in the iron grip of the crusades of the German and Baltic knights, steppe dwellers - henchmen of Tamerlane and the Horde, and, finally, could become hostage to the internal strife of the appanage princes. Soon after his death in 1447, Saint Sergius of Radonezh was canonized and canonized, and later was revered as the heavenly patron and intercessor of the Moscow sovereigns. And it was not for nothing that it was in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery that the grand-ducal and royal children were baptized.

The icon "Trinity" by A. Rublyov, created in the Sergius Monastery and unanimously recognized as one of the greatest monuments of Russian culture, was written "in memory and praise" to Sergius. This work of ancient Russian painting, full of peace, silence and rest, harmoniously reveals the main Christian symbols of the trinity of images of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. The icon most fully characterizes the spiritual heritage of St. Sergius, where God the Father is the creator of the material world, and God is the son of the guardian of the diversity of the world shown to people. The central place is occupied by the sacrificial bowl and its sanctification by the Holy Spirit, the embodied image of the spiritual world, which is not subject to the destructive relentlessness of time. Rublev's icon, in a way, became an artistic embodiment of the theological and religious-philosophical views of St. Sergius. Already during the lifetime of the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, the collective image of the united Russia, which the Russian people so longed for in the 13-14 centuries, was considered as embodied in a real person, and which gave rise to an unprecedented scale in history of Orthodox asceticism that occurred in the 14-15 centuries.