Thoughts Are Material: Evidence For Old Believers - Alternative View

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Thoughts Are Material: Evidence For Old Believers - Alternative View
Thoughts Are Material: Evidence For Old Believers - Alternative View

Video: Thoughts Are Material: Evidence For Old Believers - Alternative View

Video: Thoughts Are Material: Evidence For Old Believers - Alternative View
Video: Staroverii — Old Believers — Cтаровeры (2001) 2024, October


Rumor has it that the Lord created people in his image and likeness, in this case, with the ability to embody thoughts in reality, he soaked it not like a child. The fact is that thoughts are material - evidence of this fact will be considered in the framework of today's fascinating conversation. To complete the whole picture, it would be good to understand how thoughts materialize in general and what pitfalls this process has.

It's funny, but in the 21st century we are still looking for some kind of evidence that thoughts are material, and still not everyone realizes the power of their thinking abilities. All of this is happening in a world where technological progress has skyrocketed. Only now the moral component apparently got lost in the Middle Ages. It is too cruel to remain in the dark, so they drove to enlighten.

Why do people need proof at all

First, you need to look into the essence of the problem and understand why we do not believe in our thoughts. The main problem is that the people for the most part are not able to grasp the connections between the thought process and reality (most likely this is why you are reading this text now). There are four main reasons for this behavior. You need to know the enemy by sight, so a few words about each of them.

Observation atrophy

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This is the only reason all the others follow. The presence of eyes does not yet give the ability to see clearly. It must be admitted that modern man observes too little. This tradition has evolved over the centuries. Over time, a society was formed into which it was customary to fit.

As a result, your worldview is not yours at all. Most of it has been borrowed and adapted to fit the framework set for you. It's convenient, because you don't need to invent anything, you just take what is ready and live with it.


The problem arises because the worldview should be based on observation, and not on the opinions of other people. Before solemnly exclaiming: “Are thoughts material ?! Where are they? People say the opposite!”, It is worth reading a little literature and making sure of everything in practice.

True, we act differently: if something is not accepted in society, it means that something does not work and there is nothing to try - this is all modern observation in one sentence. But it is difficult to become a man, equal to a herd of sheep.

And the final contribution to distancing people from the knowledge they need is made by stereotypes that free cheese is in a mousetrap, and there is a catch in all good things, because most of us believe in bad things easier than good.

Lack of culture of thinking

As a child, your parents probably did not tell you exactly how to think and why it is critical, and what you will tell if you yourself do not really know anything. For unclear reasons, the school curriculum does not include a course on life, in which children would learn that there is an intangible world with its own laws, that they need to visualize, set goals, be mentally literate, and so on. As a result, there is no culture of productive thinking, but there is a bunch of useless junk in our heads that we most likely will not even use once.


Our world is the result of our thinking. It hurts to accept the fact that your not the best life is the result of your not the best thoughts. Therefore, we often try to isolate ourselves from this world, convincing ourselves that little depends on us. After all, it is much easier to blame fate, upbringing, the education system, the state, otherworldly forces, that guy for everything - or what is it fashionable to cover up for your failure now?


If you believe that the law of attraction was invented, then have you ever wondered, why would anyone need to invent it? Instilling this knowledge into people will not bring heaps of money, recognition, power, fame or other dividends to its “creator” (otherwise we would have already known about this person and hated him together).

Okay, okay, let's pretend the law of attraction is invented. So there was some respected person (or perhaps not a person) who told people: "Guys, you are capable of anything, and your thinking will help you make your life the way you want." The author of this remark gave people hope, support and faith in themselves. Is there anything wrong with that ?!

And if we imagine that the law is not just a fiction, but a really working mechanism, then, besides other advantages, we also get a specific recipe for success. Here we should ask ourselves only one question: "What gives rise to my distrust?" There is simply no reason to mistrust the Law of Attraction because we are not losing anything.

Thoughts are material - evidence

So, we figured out the problem, now to the essence of the conversation. Perhaps this will disappoint some, but science does not yet know exactly how thoughts manage to influence the material world so strongly. Scientists have noticed this effect only on an experimental level. But Newton, before discovering the law of universal gravitation, noticed how something mysterious makes an apple fall to the ground. If you look at it, then any physical law was first noticed experimentally and only then was it described in words and formulas.

Placebo effect

Thought is material, proof # 1 is a phenomenon called "Placebo". A person is given a pill, convinced that it will help him, and this ultimately allows him to overcome the disease with the help of a medicine that has no obvious healing effects. No one knows how this is possible, but this mechanism is constantly being confirmed by researchers.


Perkins tractors

Dr. Elisha Perkins is an 18th century American physician who first received a patent for a medical device (“Perkins Tractors”). These were two small metal rods, which, according to Perkins, are made of special alloys and therefore are able to magically relieve pain, inflammation, gout and any disease in general.

To recover, it was enough to stroke sore spots with tractors for 20 minutes a day. Perkins' invention cured about 5,000 people, and the effectiveness of the treatment has been confirmed by other respected professors and doctors.

How can the thing that a successful and recognized doctor advises, for which you gave a lot of money, which has already cured thousands of people and which in the end was used by George Washington himself, can not work ?! - It's very simple.

After Perkins' death, experiments were carried out with fake tractors made of various materials such as wood and bone, which suddenly proved to be as healing as the "real" ones.


This is how the placebo effect was discovered, or rather, this is how the public first learned about it, and doctors used this cunning secret in their practice long before Perkins.

But what then treated people if tractors were an ordinary divorce? The point is that thought is a very terrible weapon. It turned out that it is quite unshakable to believe that a cure will occur, and the very presence of such confidence is capable of producing changes in our body at the cellular level. Is this not a miracle and is it not direct proof that thoughts are material ?!

We once talked about the book "To My Own Placebo", and so, in this book there is an idea about why real drugs are effective. The author believes that drugs affect a person primarily due to the fact that he knows about their effect and expects to feel it.

Henry Beecher's story

You must at least be Jesus to turn water into wine, but Henry didn't think so. During the Second World War, Beecher calmly worked as an anesthesiologist in a military hospital, until one fine moment he discovered that he was able to turn an ordinary physical with the help of the gift of speech. solution in morphine.

It was enough to convincingly tell the wounded soldier that this liquid is a powerful pain reliever, and after a while the soldier stopped feeling pain and successfully underwent surgery, from which people without pain medication usually die due to pain shock.

After the war, Beecher conducted 15 experiments in which about 1000 people took part. Then he published the article "The Almighty Placebo", which reported that placebos have a therapeutic effect in about 36% of cases, or in common parlance: in a third of all cases, people influenced their own health with their thinking.


There is an endless amount of information about various placebo experiments that scientifically confirm the fact that the mind can influence the body, right up to complete recovery from incurable diseases.

Even if placebo is not taken into account, other very interesting patterns have been found. For example, did you know that a person with a meaning in life, on average, lives longer, and happy people are less likely to get sick? All this, of course, re-reads some of the laws of physics and proves once again that not all the laws of this very physics have been discovered and studied yet.

What makes people successful

Experimenting with a placebo is great, but it's understandable that a person can somehow influence himself. But what if we wanted to have, for example, a car or a lot of money, or something that would definitely go beyond a person? To do this, you need to pay attention to people who have a lot of money and cars. Let's take a look at what makes some of us successful.

Richard's Big Eight

Thought is material, proof # 2 is the study of successful people. John-Saint Richard is a journalist who once decided to come up with a universal formula for success and did very real research, on which he spent 10 years of his life. In the course of the research, several thousand successful people were analyzed.


People of various professions and social classes were selected for the analysis. As a result of his research, Richard came up with eight factors that are most often found in the stories of successful people. All of these studies are described in his book "The Big Eight", but here we will focus on the eight fundamental qualities in just a few words.

  1. Passion. Successful people love what they do. Passion, like everything on Earth, begins with thoughts. We think this activity should be cool and interesting. Then we start practicing, and this only increases the number of positive thoughts associated with this activity. But the sparkle in the eyes begins with thoughts and is supported by the same thoughts, because we are pinned not by the actions themselves, but by what we feel at the same time.
  2. Concentration. Successful people know how to focus their thoughts on one thing. Concentration allows you to direct maximum energy to achieve goals, which makes their achievement possible. This factor is completely related to thinking. Successful people are obsessed with ideas and constantly keep them in mind, thereby displacing everything unnecessary from the head.
  3. Creativity. Another factor responsible for the way of thinking. In simple words, creativity is the ability to go beyond the accepted and generate unusual ideas, which in turn is achieved by a way of thinking.
  4. The ability to overcome yourself. Of course, this skill is more related to actions, but any overcoming begins with the thought "you can do it, do it!" or something similar to this thought. A person has never yet begun to act after the thought "I can't do a damn thing." Overcoming oneself becomes possible only thanks to specially developed thinking.
  5. Perseverance. A factor that can be formulated as an inability to give up. Successful people always stubbornly move towards their goals, no matter how much money, time, failures and other things they cost them. Perseverance is nothing more than a mental attitude of a person who was able to convince himself that it is necessary to always go ahead and never stop at anything. You cannot be stubborn if you are not sure of yourself or that you will achieve your goals, and confidence is a product of thoughts.
  6. Hard work. A quality that follows from the three factors described above: persistence, passion and concentration. Everything is simple here: at the heart of hard work are factors that are achieved through thinking, which means that hard work itself is also a consequence of thinking.
  7. Self-improvement. Any development is achieved by action, but it begins with the thought of what could be better, and it would be good to come to this “better”.
  8. Ability to serve people. The need to be useful to other people. In general, this topic is for a completely different conversation, but in a nutshell: no one will help another, if before that a conviction has not appeared in his head that people need your help and you are really able to help them.

It turns out that all eight qualities that ensure people's success are based on thinking. Yes, in addition to thinking, all these people act a lot, but any action is born in thoughts. What other proof do you need that thoughts are material? Unrealistic money states, cool corporations, ingenious inventions and discoveries - all this is the result, first of all, of constructive thinking.

Opinions of successful people

Thoughts are material, proof # 3 is the opinions of authoritative sources. If you do not trust us, then this is what the great gentlemen think about the materiality of thoughts.



Even physicists speak about the power of thought. The very people who explain how nature itself works, also consider thought to be the beginning of everything. Tesla was able to tame lightning, and Einstein explained how, for example, time works, do you think you know more about nature than these guys ?!

Successful gentlemen simply know that thoughts are material, they find evidence of this constantly, analyzing the consequences of their thinking. You can find hundreds of sayings from great people about the power of thinking, but we could not find ANY successful person who would claim otherwise.

At the Top of Mind Team